Tell me your problems and I'll fix'em

Tell me your problems and I'll fix'em

No problem to big or too small I can't fix

Did your Bitch leave you?
Is your bitch cheating?
Does your pussy stank?
Are the homeless still shitting on your garden hose?
Ask me and I'll tell ya

just moved to a new city, sitting on empty apartment stealing wifi from neighbors
i need weed and a gf, please halp

how do i divide by 0? i need help

What is air?

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>Tell me your problems
Sup Forums used to Sup Forums good, now it's all cancer and all these newfag shitbird 12 year old parrots can't do their duty by spaming canceruos faggot indoctrinating propagandists the fuck out

Get your ass up and find your local smoke shop...wait in parking lot until you the that one stoner everyone knows...say blaze it out loud and when he looks approach him and don't be a bitch and tell him you just moved here and haven't smoked in x amount of days...he will feel sorry and hook you up with a connect..don't get ripped of and always carry a gun

how do i deal with my alcoholic and cheating dad

Division by zero is an operation for which you cannot find an answer, so it is disallowed. You can understand why if you think about how division and multiplication are related.
12 divided by 6 is 2 because
6 times 2 is 12

12 divided by 0 is x would mean that
0 times x = 12
But no value would work for x because 0 times any number is 0. So division by zero doesn't work.

gaseous substance a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen

They ain't got very far in the allotted amount of time but it's no surprise the way they do it is better than anything else on here and not to mention the other half of the game is not really good at all the substance that is available

Sup Forums shall always be good even if the old fags die off the spirit of fuckery shall always exist

You have two options one you buy some castor beans and make ricin and slip it in his alcohol drink of choice a little goes a long way...or you can wait till he is drunk enough to where he can't defend himself and you smack him with a bottle of jack don't matter if it cracks then you tape him to a chair and leave him in a closet for 3 days in the dark...after 3 days give him a cup of water and repeat until the devils out

1 . The seeds are readily available through wholesale seed suppliers for about $20 for a
pound of seeds. Castor bean seeds are very tough to crack or peel. Soak them for an
hour in a solution of 2 tablespoons lye in 1 cup water. Then use pliers to crack the shell.
The shell will peel of the bean easily then.

2. Use a 1/2 cup of acetone to every ounce of bean pulp. Blend well. Let sit for several days
with occasional shaking. Pour off the acetone and add an additional 1/2 cup of acetone
and repeat. This will remove almost all the castor oil from the seeds.

3. The patent doesn't mention it, but you can use magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) instead of
sodium sulfate. Epsom salt is easily available in any drug store for just about a dollar a

4. Use a plastic membrane filter if you can get them. The ricin forms a layer that is difficult to
remove from a regular coffee paper filter without scraping off fibers as well.

5. Wear a gas mask and gloves. Try to keep the ricin wet at all times to avoid generating
any dust (DEADLY!). And always shower and change clothes after handling.

thx fag

i need this book
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 7th
help me great user

You would be amazed what a little detoxing in solitary confinement can do to a person....adding a camera so you can monitor him would be best so you can play with his mind with sounds as he is nodding off...

You're asking for miracles this isn't the fucking make a wish foundation but fuck man at least give me a price range for your fucking $200 book your only going to open 3 times before your dad stops paying your tuition because you got caught fucking a trap in the janitors closet

Since you're a cheap fag who fucks traps and can't answer a simple question why don't you just rent the fucking book from amazon for a semester...

Bump for new problems

because i want the pdf
and that shit weight like 20 kilos and
my body is not that strong