Our guy just made it buddy boys
Reviewbrah on CNN
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>Rewviewbrah finally made it
I can die happy now
Should I watch this video without knowing what reviewbrah thinks of it?
he is Sup Forums's zyzz.
Even more of a triumph considering people were trying to spread a meme about him being mentally ill and paranoid since he moved out and started living in his car. Then he ends up on CNN out of nowhere. That's coming out on top, really.
>he moved out and started living in his car.
story behind this?
Bet even trump would retweet this.
>that JoeysWorldTour mention
he thought he was being gang stalked (google it) and so he started living in his van and constantly moving around to avoid the stalkers
He's interviewed in it.
>he thought he was being gang stalked (google it)
That isn't really pulling up anything, just speculation from other people.
if i could be bothered, one of his more recent food reviews he talks about it at the start, i cant remember what he was reviewing but he definitely goes on to discuss the gang stalking and why he thinks its happening to him
>elevator music
absolute patrician-core
Great, now normalfags will flood his channel and he'll start pandering to them. Expect videos that are like
>30 second long intro with rock music/EDM
>flashy logo
>"So today were reviewing this SUPER EPIC NEW PRODUCT from out friends at McDonalds®™"
>barely even touches the product
>"So its a 10/10, you should go and enjoy it. BROFIST!"
But I'm still happy for him for his success.
Jesus you sound like a retard.
>implying reviewbrah would ever change
the man has let nothing affect his channel at all since the beginning, he's too autistic, we're going to continue to see the same reviewbrah going forward
you should honestly just kill yourself
When was the last time he was on Sup Forums
He looks so handsome with proper lighting and other TV tricks.
>Even more of a triumph considering people were trying to spread a meme about him being mentally ill and paranoid
He has made videos about him being gangstalked and commented on his videos about a green van following him
>guy on youtube is featured in a clip on youtube
this is "making it" to millenials and eceleb worshippers
>implying this hasn't happened to a lot of channels that got massively popular
Not gonna go for it
This made me really happy, good for you reviewbrah
They air this on television, you dumb fuck. They're aired during commercial breaks. So where is your CNN segment, user?
He was on Tosh.o a few months ago. That was on TV. I'd say he made it already
>a lotta people asks me, "reviewbrah, don't you think you are flying too close to ve sun?"
>it's a wvalid question nowadays and so well, I like to think of it vike this
>I'm running on empty and I always will be
>I'm not concerned that I will somehow esplode because vere is substantially less fire hazard with minimal liquid fuel on board.
>so I'm going to enjoy my time in the sun as they say.
Name one.
As I recall he talks about a green van he kept seeing, then you actually see a green van appear behind him in the background about half a minute after he says this.
I'm here now
Dude reminds me of pic related
get off my board
>Great, now normalfags will flood his channel and he'll start pandering to them.
you talk in dated lingo like it's years ago and moot still hadn't sold Sup Forums yet.
only it isn't years ago and moot already sold Sup Forums.
hate to break it to you but this whole "normalfag" era is pretty much over now.
>dated lingo
Nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry I don't use the new "hip and cool" meme word "normie" thats popular on rebbit
Obnoxious r*dditor.
fuck off pleddit
le racist product review man meme
>mfw autisism is actually stands as the last bastion against the generalizing aesthetic of consumer capitalism.
His shows aren't the commodity though. he is the commodity. It's the cult of personality taken to its radical conclusion. He's literally a dancing monkey. Good for him.
>triggered teenager riled that Sup Forums is dead and at self-parody point now just when he found it
You speak like a dumb ape.
>you're not on CNN so you can't judge how fucking pathetic I am
yes, yes, I can.
>at self-parody point now
That was 5-6 years ago really.
>getting this triggered over the truth
oh btw moot sold Sup Forums.
It's a shame your judgement is utterly worthless. Nobody is listening, you're not on CNN after all.
lmao wow,
I bet he'll reach THOUSANDS of viewers
no he is misc's baby so fuck right off
serious question: is reviewbrah just an unusual individual or is he mentally ill?
You're mentally ill
He is schizophrenic and has mentioned skipping his meds a few times in videos. Maybe a bit of autism thrown in too for flavor. Apart from that he is just a harmless garden-variety nerd.
its gween!
>good ratings
Sam Hyde's World peace gets like double CNN gets.
I heard he was living out of his car, any update on that?
>he likes tings I don't like, so he must be mentally ill
That sounds too hilarious
this is it, this is our flightplan. it lists smee, maimen, dr. paveleer, botton lee, juan ovu - it's all here, it is what it is
He's back at home now.
CNN is biased against Joey! They tried to make him look like a loud and obnoxious idiot!
His podcasts are so damn comfy, I usually play GTA 5 muted and have it on in the background. Just driving around in Los Santos and listening. Super comfy, also drink hot chocalate at the same time for extra comfiness.
He literally is though.
Stop trying to be offended on behalf of other people. Leave that shit over at Sup Forums and /tumblr/.
I wish i could convince him to come to australia to review some of our food.
Post the video or admit you're just making up stories like the guys in TGWTG and Red Letter Media threads.
And only like ten will actually remember his name, even less than that will actually look him up on youtube.
have to admit the editor at CNN picked some pretty good clips
Stop assuming I'm making up stories, schizo.
It happens constantly here.
Obsessed fan? Paranoid neighborhood watch member?
>autism is glorified now
you need help
He's not sperging out and going ballistic over things. He's just chill doing his own thing. Leave him. He won't be doing anything else.
Nice disinformation.
Are you that leaf faggot who's stalking this kid and spamming Sup Forums?
who is this qt?
Pretty stoked for him t8qh lads, hop he gets some YT moneys and actually saves it up so he secure.
He doesn't monetize his videos.
My daughter just minding her own business. She's quite vulnerable on account of her age, and not in any way affiliated with any law enforcement activities.
lol, doesn't mind Joey my ass. Reviewbrah roasts that fat fuck on a regular basis.
Parodies him here: youtube.com
Do you think he'll ever just make a video for CNN?
what the fuck is wrong with you? end your life you fucking double cuck nigger
I fucking love watching SCM. What happened to him?
>Surveillance Camera Man
Probably got a harassment suit filed against him
shit come to think of it i don't even know his name. i just know him as reviewbrah
He walked into a Scientology branch for the last time.
People found him in public. Started recording him. Went autistic online and stopped making videos, he probably killed himself.
source on this info??
where can i read about this?
This is a picture of him. Blurred face sadly. He copyright strikes the videos of him on YouTube constantly, but just search his name and "revealed" or "found him" or something.
He got arrested for filming some dude in a bathroom stall while he was taking a shit.
so did this guy ever get his fucking ass kicked or what?
If this skeleton was recording me id be scared too
I also know the last Surveillance Camera Man vid he did was with a dude who works with MDE a lot.
He's intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor.
There's nothing comfy about his grandma looking dining room. I'd rather have him in a car with changing background shots like when he ate across that Hooters at night