Hey Sup Forumsros

Hey Sup Forumsros
I need a quick way to make 50 €
>Inb4 go to work faggot
I can't right now

suck dick

I'm not gay

Trade Bitcoin

I have literally 0€ right now

where you from ?


fuck you italian pig

What the fuck did I do to you

kys faggot

do a day of hard labour, ask around local shops.

I can't right now all shops in town are closed due to a local festival

check out craigslist in your city and the other big ones. don't get killed user

Is there any good or service that you could provide to people at or near the festival?

Ok I'll try

Not really

just go rob some drunk people at the festival it's not hard so don't be a faggot

Get a job?

I can't right now

Then no money for you

I hate anons who come on here and expect Sup Forums to have a magic wand. We can't just make 50 euros appear out of nothing. Don't ask us dumb questions if you are just going to reject every suggestion.

I'll probably try to scam them

This is good advice right there. But have you got any skills at least?

crush up some white tablets but leave some small rocks then take a plastic bag tear a piece off and put the powder in it and tie then go sell some "cocaine" to people

I'll probably try something in that fashion like fake weed