¥L¥L thread. There's a bot that keeps spamming these threads hopefully this bypasses it

¥L¥L thread. There's a bot that keeps spamming these threads hopefully this bypasses it.

I'd fuck all of those traps ngl




fuck that bot

I know right, from what i know it has spammed at least 3 threads with random art. Along with an autist posting anime.

fucking creased

Good job user. The bot has been ruining my day. Every shit break I have, I come for a kek. I've had to look at shitty artwork all day. Fuck that guy. Bet hes a nigger.







fuck off





You fuck off. It's not like anyone else was posting.


Lost so early

does anyone have the screencap of the special shoes guy from earlier today

Love it

fuck off, your content is 9gag tier






captcha knot ckek






id post more but the rest is trash tier




Nice dubs, but it still stands that you just can't appreciate the pinnacle of comedy that is meta memes.


Goddamnit how could i lose to that dog

Keked, tho doubt it's true






Depressed people don't brush their teeth.
t. Depressed person with gross teeth


Worst part is that it only targets ¥L¥L threads and not all the other more cancerous threads like the trillionth FB/images you shouldn't share/rate my cock threads.




I was expecting allahu akbar or something







haha, I had a great laugh. what an astounding joke, I get it. open up for the airplane then an airplane falls out of the sky niice


Wtf is this? Lost


this thread has a serious lack of classical art...

Fucking kek


This is best meme in existence.




If you call that existing. SATAN.



Those are some of the alternatives from parallel universes.









Lmao the way you turned his one leg into two

Not fixed











