Hey Sup Forumsros I'm going to be a dad soon (unfortunately) I'm only 18 and I'm not ready for this...

hey Sup Forumsros I'm going to be a dad soon (unfortunately) I'm only 18 and I'm not ready for this, is there any way she could "accidentally" lose the baby? she's already 7months pregnant


Well you could accidentally fuck off and never return?

just push her down a flight of stairs

what a fucking retard lmao

youre screwed. have fun for the next 1-18 years of your life, depending on how long you last before murdering your kid and going to jail.

Now it's too late for an abortion

Morgan?!?! Holy Fuckin shit Wess you asshole.

You're fucked by now nigger. It could come out tomorrow and survive.
Best of luck at your future burger flipping job
Pic related-the rest of your life

wrong person

just get out of town and lose all communication

BTW How did you only notice that your girl is pregnant after 7 months?

Could have asked Sup Forums sooner

do what niggers do and simply walk away

fuck her for not getting an abortion

Was the sex worth it? Welcome to hell, motherfucker.

Wtf ever bro i know that tattoo of hers anywhere

fuck that everyone would think I did it on purpose and hate me

it just sunk in recently how fucked I am

Any reason you censored titties? Pretty sure it's too late now either way. Probably should do the time since you were willing to do the crime though. If you aren't living together it'll probably be easier as a father though, since you still only have to do part time.

Nope, deal with the consequences. Consider the fact that you've thrown away your adolescenthood and adulthood for the price of a condom.

Adoption is an option! Why the fuck would you want to raise a kid at 18. Sell to some barren rich assholes.

like she's the only one that has that tattoo

Its what you get for dating a 23yr old woman at the age of 17 cockbreath.

Well considering you were retarded enough to get her pregnant, you fucked an idiot bitch who wouldn't get an abortion. Fuck you. Fuck her. And I feel deeply sorry for the child you idiots are bringing into this world. Put it up for adoption after she births and ruins the body that YOU impregnated. Move on and live with the guilt you fucking ilk.

we live together and I'm broke at the moment so it's hard to just walk away

Agree need to see those juicy pregnancy tits


Well should i send her a screenshot of this on messanger asshole?

she's 19 you faggot

Join the army and man the fuck up faggot.

you could always accidentally falcon punch her right in the belly.

adoption isn't an option she wants to keep it

how bout you man the fuck up and raise your kid. you knew what could happen if u didnt wear a rubber. so man up or leave, cause shed be better off without you if ur that much of a douche

suicide yourself


I'm not a cuck that's my gf so no titties

Fucking idiot, you should have searched for a solution the first week you asshole, I don't think there is unless she has a miscarriage which I highly doubt, you better be mentalizing how to be a father and make sure your kid doesn't make the same mistake.

Be a man and step up. Don't be a deadbeat.

I had a child when I was 18 l, bought my first house at 21. I'm 25 just had a baby and going to buy my 2nd home in a couple years. Reason I say all that is having a child early isn't a death sentence its actually the opposite, my life started the moment my daughter was born. All my highschool "friends" are either unemployed or working some shitty job still living with parents or other friends never growing up.

Man the fuck up and take some goddamn responsibility for the life you have to support now. Nobody is ever ready, even if they think they are. This is your legacy now.

Also, tits or gtfo

Man up you pussy being a Dad is the easiest shit in the world.

Okay. Alright. I want you to ask yourself and tell everyone, how much do you care. Seriously look deep down. Look at her and her belly, and then yourself. Tell us OP and maybe some of us can give you real answers.


>kills baby because it would be an inconvienience to him
>your gf or whatever clearly wants it since you let it get this far in the first place

This was your fault OP. Be a man and take responsibility


Lol my god what a trashy whore to get those stupid fucking tattoos. Looks really fantastic mixed in with those stretch marks.

lol well ya there is . but then you get to spend a really long time in prison,
oh and guys like you ?..really really have an awful time of it in prison ....
heh say hi to your new bf La Darious or as he is known big bubba D

yes, post results

18 years? Ha! Op is going to be gone in less than 5 years

Is there anything that can be done in the first few months to prevent it?

>asking for a friend

thats YOUR view on life. for others your 20s mean living your life to the fullest before hitting 30 and starting to really think about settling down. Having a kid before youre at least 30 will force you to grow up earlier than you should and most likely fuck your life up permanently cause you wont be ready for it.

tl;dr use a fuckin condom

You can get and abortion from 4 weeks to the end of the first Tri. After that your fooked

Suppose girl was pro life. Anything she can eat/drink? Something not too obvious?

If you are a father then good, I don't know if this is b8 but at least I try to help and being father isn't easy, my dad had me at his 19-20 and he started sweeping floors for money, I'm 22 now and the place he worked hired him as a salesman and I gotta say he is a good father despite all the hardships he had and I didn't realize this until 2 years ago when I finally grow up, being father isn't easy, this guy is going to suffer but if he doesn't give up, in the future, he'll know that all of his hardship and pain were worth it.

You could always kill yourself and spare the child a life of dissatisfaction of having such a cowardly father.

>All my highschool "friends" are either unemployed or working some shitty job still living with parents
cause they weren't forced to grow up and enjoying the simple life, you sound jealous

push the bitch down the stairs

The fuck is up with you niggas trying to slip an abortive maneuver on your girls? I am dead ass serious write up an essay and CONVINCE HER to get one. No one goes to prison or gets hurt. And no, there is nothing she can eat or drink to kill the baby without killing her.

Hey OP if you're reading this, don't give up, and look for a good job right now, if you can't win enough, join he army, trust me, yes it wikk be hard but you'll have money like crazy and all that money is going to feed your wife and kid, doesn't matter if you're skinny they take whoever is willing to enlist, just endure and never give up.

You're not ready? Yet you were ready to impregnated her, you're a fucktard, your mother should have aborted you. One less stain on society

Karo syrup.. Can induce labor.. Then she could have a premi. Might hurt her and baby may live. You choice.

You'll be fine. I had a son at 19. So far I've made it just fine, tight sure, but not terrible. You just have to work that much harder.

Calling divorce in early 30s like my dad when he knocked up my mom when they were 18. Gl she's gonna take your left nut and half of all you make and she's also gonna get dicked down either before or after the divorce by Tyrone.

Forgot to add... Whatever you do, do not marry her, just dont.


Seriously don't

Adoption you stupid bitch

OP here it's just a prank Sup Forumsros I actually can't wait to meet my son

Get into her phone, delete you number and texts. Throw away your current phone, get a new one. Run, preferably to a different country. Should be good. I'm not even joking

Nigger for sure

Underrated post

wrong person m8 but i did forget about that. However they can find ways if you have a premi they investigate what went wrong

Having a kid isn't even that hard for the father, providing he has a job. You still get the same amount of sleep because the mother assumes it's her job, and you still get time to rest and relax because you're the breadwinner and it's your right. Sure, your paycheck is down a little. It's really not that hard.

Quit being a subhuman nigger and man up to your mistake

This is now a hot pregnant bitch thread.

I wish you were legit.

just mess with the brakes of her car.

all that shit is backed up to the cloud and like 4 other places. fucking noob

Orange juice. Lots of orange juice. It'll cause miscarriage.

This is the best way to dodge your responsibilities. So you can do that or you can stop being a little bitch and confront the situation you helped cause.

Are you God?

give it up for adoption to some desperate richfags. earn a nice buck.

Become a dad you fucking cuck. White people aren't having enough babies
abortion should be banned


is it a niglet? don't think there"s much demand for niggerbabies. best case scenario u could give it away for free

fappping to her right now mmmm hot slut

Well, OP, unfortunately you're going to have to man up. You fucked up and it's sucks for you but give it a shot. Trying being a dad. If you really can't handle it, give it up to someone who wants him/her.

why did you wait so fucking long? this thing in her stomach already has a working brain

Anal sex,You are OP after all. If you let a man fuck your ass it will reverse time.

There's always SIDS

In europe u can drop foundlings in anonymous safeplaces.

Holy fuck moar

make a milkshake and put a whole bottle of vitamin c in it
did this twice and worked very efficiently

Haha yep
OP is the leading cause

You can induce a miscarriage with stuff like parsley, vitamin c (without rose hips), pennyroyal tea, black cohosh, etc... That's just what I remember off the top of my head. Perhaps somebody has or will post the two infographics I'm thinking of.

It's not pleasant but I don't think it's very dangerous if done early. I'm no expert but I suspect inducing a miscarriage at 7 months is quite dangerous.

pregnant or before she got pregnant ?

pray the baby is black

pregnant. quickly so i can jizz on her belly

>is there any way she could "accidentally"
spontanious abortion only happens up until 12 weeks.

if you are hoping for a natural miscarriage, a premature birth of lethal proportions is your only hope, you piece of shit.

I mean I always see shit like this on Sup Forums and always have the same answer in my head. Have you tried fucking talking to her? I mean I know its hard but you're 18 and I learned the hard way at that age that you gotta take control of you're life before it spirals and fucks you over. Also everyone on here seems to get the idea that women are just soulless whores and though they may act that way for attention I assure you they are people too and if she cares for you man she'll understand that an 18 dude wants no part in raising a child. Maybe she'll let you leave no strings or maybe she'll give it up but just sit her down and talk it out with her man explain it to her exactly how you feel about it.



Op being a dad is awesome, it's also your purpose for living. Got 2 kids now, trying to coax the wife into 3.