Vegan hate thread

Vegan hate thread.

I want to skull fuck you pansies to death. Every time you try to objectively push your moral superiority onto others, if literally makes me want to drive a dodge challenger through a whole foods.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree, most vegans suck, they can restrict their diet to non-animal food if they want but at the same time I'm allowed to peacefully enjoy my steak without being attacked by the gastronomic equivalent of an obese sjw.


They say the meat tends to be chewy, so you have to chew chew chew and it won't go down.. The vegetables made their jaws weaker..

I wish this could shoot real bullets so I could fucking shoot a liberal arts class. Hopefully most of that faggot class would also be taking a major in womens studies so I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Cucks and faggots get capped

You feel anger because you feel guilt. Let it out.

My vegan lunch today: Vegan Gardein "fish" fillet sandwich with Daya "cheddar" slices, Just Mayo vegan "mayo," and spinach.

God, I feel so healthy and guilt-free. No animals suffered for my lunch today. Hope you enjoyed your rotted-meat, stressed-animal hormones cluttering your veins and causing plaque buildup and eventual cancer.

this gun does not have to shoot
just slap them in the face with it
they will turn to ash, just like vampires in the sun

Plants have lives too! Q

I don't feel guilt because they're animals. Much like tools, they're there to serve a purpose.

If only I could pick out my own cow and sledge hammer it's skull in just to make me happy right about now.

Vegetarians mistakenly elevate the value of animal life over plant life. Research shows that plants respond electrochemically to threats and may feel fear, so vegetarians are also causing harm every time they kill and eat a plant. Every organism on earth dies or is killed, at some point, so others organisms can live. There is nothing wrong with this cycle, it is how nature works.

Sorry, real scientists disagree with your paid shills for the betterment of liberal faggotry.

>through a whole foods.
they sell meat bruh, and i work there, don't do it

This was my delicious vegan Pho I made the other night, with mushroom, sweet corn, rice noodles, green onion and spices in a delicious homemade vegetable stock. Total animals ripped from their mothers and shot in the head with a bolt to make my meal: 0

> expecting vegans to be shocked that you would commit a horrific act of violence

Lol. Have fun with your cancer there, tough guy.

The inclusion of meat in the ancestral diet provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that, when combined with high-calorie low-nutrient carbohydrates such as roots, allowed us to develop our large brains and intelligence. Evidence shows our taste buds evolved to crave meat's savory flavor.

You being in denial doesn't change the subconscious guilt eating away at you.

I just dont like how they talk down to non vegans like they are some how better than others. Most dont even realize theyre doing it as they do it. They are almost worse than really really religious people

I see you never took basic biology -- high school dropout maybe? Plants, unlike animals and fish, have no nervous system, no brain, no limbic system, and are not sentient beings that unlike animals and fish, cannot experience pain, happiness or fun.

>mfw vegan boxer who would rek op

Op pls go with you infantile virgin rage

I have this really fucked up fetish
I want to be fucked by an animal, and when it cums i want it to be slaughtered
Imagine it's panicked thrusts, trying desperately to breed before it dies

No thanks. I need my protein

You monster, you do know plants can feel pain right?

Vegetarian diets are not necessarily better for the environment.
About 90% of US cropland suffers from top soil loss at 13 times the sustainable rate. 92% of US soybeans (a vegetarian staple protein) are planted with genetically modified soy, immune to herbicides. This immunity allows soy farmers to douse their fields with large quantities of weed-killing herbicides which are toxic to other plants and fish. Some scientists worry that increased herbicide use could create "super weeds."

The cycle of life also includes humans dying from diseases and sunstroke but I'm sure you have no issue with giving up on the circle life idea in those cases.

you're not a dude, are you?

I am

You are right, that is how we evolved in the brutal kill-or-be-killed world. And now we have evolved to the point we no longer need to kill others to survive. If you could replace the widespread imprisonment and slaughter of fellow living creatures with a single vitamin supplement, and instead enjoy all the delicious plant food this planet has to offer, why wouldn't you? Why DON'T you?

Vegetarians do not live longer.
This myth stems from the fact that vegetarians tend to be more health conscious overall, eating a more balanced diet, exercising more, and smoking less than the general population. When a peer-reviewed Apr. 11, 2005 study from the German Cancer Research Center compared health conscious meat eaters with vegetarians, there was no difference in overall mortality rates.

So we'll probably die at the same time..

ah dammit, I can't jerk off to your comment then. great fetish though, I can dig it

You caused plenty of animal suffering indirectly through the use of modern farming equipment, even more so meaningless due to the fact the the animals killed by that equipment simply rot. Continue to eat vegan you weak spirited fucking coward.

You only feel "less" than vegans because you feel guilty for your lifestyle choice.

Just pretend a female wants to do it and you're the one holding the knife

You'd have to believe you're wrong at some level.

Animals are purposed and bred to serve humans. Pretty much the end of the story. Just like you chose to be a faggot and eat dick

Modern slaughter techniques minimize the suffering of animals.

US slaughterhouses must conform to the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA) which mandates that livestock be stunned unconscious before slaughter. Many of the largest US meat producers also adhere to the handling standards developed by Dr. Temple Grandin which factor in animal psychology to design transportation devices, stockyards, loading ramps, and restraining systems that minimize stress and calm animals as they are led to slaughter.

So I don't mind.

And 75% of soybeans are used to feed farm animals. Guess how to get rid of that problem?

That is not even close to the point I was making.

>animals killed by harvesting equipment
>implying they don't simply scurry away as that 3mph combine approaches

You've really grasping for arguments, I see.

That's because they are a cult.

Look at this prickly fuck who things everybody shares the same moral objectivity as she does.

>I feel guilt
>therefore other people must feel guilt

Like the world outside is a masterful cookie cutter mold. Next they're going to start telling you metal and rocks have feelings and we should feel guilty because they aren't elevated on the same level as humans and we walk on them and take them from their homes.


Just like Africans were purposed and bred to serve humans?

>Next they're going to start telling you metal and rocks have feelings and we should feel guilty because they aren't elevated on the same level as humans and we walk on them and take them from their homes.
that what will happen with robots in 60 years, 100 max

I'd feel guilt if animals didin't taste so good.


>Implying animals are on the same principal field as Humans

Found the troglodyte faggot.



>minimize stress and calm animals as they are led to slaughter.

"Welcome to Auschwitz. First you will be taken to nice warm showers and deloused. That's right, walk calmly into those rooms over there. A nice meal awaits you afterward, followed by an evening of entertainment."

>humane slaughter

I like meat just fine, but why the fuck do you care what people eat? Who gives a fuck. More meat for me if they want to eat lettuce or whatever. I say good.

I had cabeza tacos for lunch, user. Yummy!

>hurr durr
>implying we arent anti seismic

eh, if i'm holding the knife then i think i'd probably end up killing her too

I laughed wayyy to hard at this shit

>also you

OP is a child raping bastard.

>3 mph
Wow, the vegan has never lived or worked around farms. What a fucking surprise.

People with disabilities aren't on the "same principle field" as you, either. Does that give you the right to do whatever you want to them, because you're smarter or stronger?

I made this out of vegan meat it taste like soil


it's based on oil or what ? "murica are coming to your doors!

>why the fuck do you care that someone kicks his dog and tortures his cat?

Here's a history of the world for you in a simple steps

1.) Niggers ruled the world
2.) Great exodus(1st of 3)
3.) Other races, neanderthals(whites) and Denisovan(chinks) emerge
4.) Niggers spread again, this time creating empires and subjugating other races to pseudo forms of slavery.
5.) Another great exodus, this time modern humans have come around by mixture of denisovans and neanderthals.
6.) Great empires of black culture arise, and modern slavery is born
12347909.)Turn of the century, Rome has fallen, Western Europe is emerging with a new group of people who will turn the world into what it is today(better and less niggery)
12347910.) Niggers get upset the shoe is on the other foot now, and their once massive empires have all but fallen into the dredges of memories of humanity.

So you see, no human is bred to serve humans, because slavery and serving is how we make humans better.

Are you a cuck? You sound like one


Just like you and your drop out looser nigger friends don't deserve a free ride through college in hopes of you becoming a basketball superstar while displacing more applicable candidates who would better society.

The right to eat what we want, including meat, is a fundamental liberty that we must defend.

Animal-rights and health groups are attempting to control personal behavior, and many would like to see meat consumption severely restricted—if not outlawed—through the use of lawsuits, heavy taxation, and government regulations. What people eat should be a protected personal choice.

So yeah, I don't care if you guys eat meat, I'm not the same as this vegan cucks that wants to restrict you of eating what you want.

paid shills? for who? big broccoli?

I wish I could boil a dog alive. I'm going to the philipines to watch this live, then I'll probably get one of those cheese pizza sloots and bash her guts in thinking about how that dog twisted around in writhing pain.

>fucking diamonds

I'm a vegan and I agree with you.

Vegetarian diets can cause the death of animals too.

According to a 2003 study by Steven Davis at Oregon State University, about six animals per acre, or 52-77% of the animals (such as birds, mice, and rabbits) that live in agricultural crop fields, are killed during harvest.

Poor rabbits.

You know thats not what happens, right?

You must be really retarded if you think farming and produce don't make money, and people who lobby don't push for agendas.

Go back to CNN, Cucklestein. Watch your Jerry Seinfeld and tell your husband it's ok his nigger dick is covered in shit and herpes because you have to accept him however he is.

I find it really funny that so many vegans act all "spiritual" and "in touch with nature", when most of them get their produce from some huge chain grocery store. I live on the Oregon coast and when I want a special meal, I go hunting, fishing, crabbing, clamming, or mussel collecting. Then I go to literally any patch of undeveloped land and pick blackberries for dessert. I eat meat that I get by going out into nature and harvesting myself. But, yeah, sure your factory made, soy protein imitation "beef" jerkey that you bought at Walmart totally makes you more "spiritual" and "in touch with mother earth" than me.
>tl;dr kys, vegan faggots

Same could be said for the meat industry. But eat more meat. Eat it daily so I can enjoy witnessing you having heart disease.

Cruelty to animals is not a "personal choice," it's a crime in the civilized world.

Another vegan here this is the best post in thread

Should have shot 3 just because you were bored.

I would personally start by rounding up a bag of kittens and puppies, then fill up the bath tub and slowly start to drown them until you can feel each individual life perish.

That way you can kill 1-2, go make your faggot meal, kill a couple more, rinse - repeat until your bag is down or meal is finished.

Just think about how the other animals in the bag would be freaked out, LIKE OH FUCK HERE COMES THE WATER AGAIN AND THAT FUCKING DEAD CATS EYES JUST KEEP STARING AT ME!


meat eaters are faggots hahaha you insecure little shits need to kill animals to feel powerful. basically the grown up version of that little autistic reject who tortured squirrels and stomped an ant's nest

I'm vegan and I agree with you. Except for the part where you told me to kill myself. Hunting for your own food is fine by me. It's when you buy store bought meat and mention how MANLY you are is when it triggers me like a chimped out nigger.

Mortality rates doesn't change between vegans and meat eaters. Read this:

All depends on how much meat you eat.


>Millions of people on meat based diet
>Obese people die of cancer and plaque build up
>Points to the minority and totes it as anything but cancerous, opinionated garbage.

You're going to have to try a lot harder than that.

Didn't you hear me? I'M VEGAN

Why not combine the best of both worlds. A vegan dish combined with meat.

you're just a pathetic angry man. don't blame the vegans, loser. just get a job.

No you don't. You picked a handful of blackberries once and fantasized the rest.


You... You're a genius!

dude, the connection between cancer and heart disease and meat intake is non-debatable. it's just common knowledge. at this point, explaining it to you would be an intellectual crime.


You definitely posted the right picture to describe exactly how you sound. Other people are autistic because they have subjectively higher rationalizations to separate mentally bonding with something that has no idea it's own existence? lol Get fucking dunked, kiddo.

Don't forget to eat your veggies!!

A little birdie told me you were making fun of the vegans.

Not cool man. NOT COOOOOOLLL!!!

Except for the humans that had to farm those veggies, and process them, and the bacteria and yeast that had to be used to make the flavorings of it. And the factory workers, and the truckers who had to haul your shit to the store. And finally the cashier who had to smell your nasty patchouli wearing ass.

I only eat meat from time to time. When I do, I mostly enjoy a good steak or grilled chicken. It´s my part of maintaining the enviorment

Right, just like all your bullshit science, paid for by the Obama administration.

Oh god, it's almost like money forms opinions!


>Millions of people
>barely any link to make the jump other than poor standards
>but sure, if a minority of people who have issues have some link, everybody who shares that link now also suffers

To be this naive should be a crime against humanity. I hope somebody shoots your children in the neck, or preferably if you haven't bred you spin off a bridge.

No shit. Why do you think I'm vegan? Ethical reasons? Part of it is that, but it's mostly for health reasons.

Assuming we all push our moral stance.

Not a Vegan. But this thread is very retarded. Somebody morally disagrees with you, so you decide to brutally slaughter them? Absolutely pathetic. You're opinions are so retarded that you get homicidal just at the thought of a differing opinion.

You seem like a very sad person. You should get a girlfriend, or a dog. Or maybe just a friend to talk to every ones and a wile.

Because you buy into liberal jew propaganda?

That would be the first start.

>Throws fruits and veggies at OP.

Vegan or vegetarian diets are not sustainable without crucial vitamin and trace element supplementation. Sad truth. Feel great and all about yourself and how sustainable your lifestyle is and how shitty the rest of humanity is.

But take a multivitamin containing folate, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, and take an iron supplement pref ferrous gluconate or sulfate.

Source: PharmDfag.

And those workers were paid. More jobs!