Drawthread: play nice edition

drawthread: play nice edition

Too bad.

Whom this fine piece of smoke???

am here

bold and brash like that one guy requested

taking requests

requesting pin being penetrated by a normal human penis

loli rape

requesting you draw pic related

pin with a bunch of pins on a jacket shes wearing

>by a normal human penis

part of me kinda wants to paint a night sky behind this

would you rather it be a horse dick? like everyone requests?

do it faggot

Ravina ejoying a pizza slice in this way please.

dubs demands

Lets mix it up. Rhinoceros dick

requesting pin getting fucked by her favorite kind of penis (?)

what about five ghost?

I still request that Pin Vs. McGregor.

>rhino dick

penetrated by a normal tentacle

I fucked up some shit in PS so I'm just gonna start over

draw ghost pin lewd

any incarnation of pluto please

actually nvm it's fine

i was all geared up for maid lewds

now im distracted

still here taking requests

Ehg brought you food?


requesting parappa the rappa

I'll fuck u if you don't give me a request
because I'm mean

oh gosh i wish...
i should prolly eat
ghosts are not for fuggin!!!

loli rape

ghost pin lewds then

Ghost Maid Pin Vs. McGregor.

dont do this
why you so obsessed with this

Anyone wanna try and draw my DND charcter?
Race: High Elf
requesting Staff in hand Wizard robe and Wizard book hanging by the side
Preferably long hair and glowing eyes

NORMAL pin lewds?

Aaaay here to do sfw requests maybe

> . > possibly?


oh shit got me

Why should I not be obsessed with this?

he believes

he recieves

Give me a thing to draw.

loli rape

draw Ness and Lucas hanging out

An artist stressing out over whether to use colored pencils or markers.

idk why but i decided to draw pin looking quite devilish, like he/she is plotting something

should i draw lewds?

No. Draw newds.

draw an indian pajeet saying 'open bob'

loli consentual

wrap ur hair around ur neck like scarf

Anyone interested?

Hope this is alright q w q
I can't really do full bodies right now so I hope just a bust is OK haha

Would you mind draw something lewd using these girls?

would you mind necking yourself?


I'm hungry, can someone draw something delicious-looking? Or at least post a picture of something good.

aka hanging yourself you pathetic autist

tried different brush


the one from mordecai and rigby?

here you go you fuckman

I think I'm gonna go off and play vidya, will lurk a lil longer to see if any intresting req comes up

Bon appetit

> (You)

Please, that will make me very happy :)

woah, nice man

ask somewhere else fag :)))))

Here's something delicious

Someone draw a soda can that's saying "S-senpai!!" While the tab is being opened and fuzzy soda is streaming out

Obvious choice is watercolors.

Bonus points for adding a blush

it'll make me even happier if I don't do it

Why you are treat me in this wayso horrible?

because all you ask for is shitty loli requests of edgy characters, it doesnt help you think you will go to "heaven', your pretty much an abusefag because you always ask for this shit just like others even though every artfag has shown no interest in doing it, if you really want your shit drawn take it to Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /trash/ where you belong you fucking degenerate, besides this is Sup Forums we're talking about, you shouldnt expect to be treated so nicely on a board thats full of degenerates, so dont complain if someone doesnt treat you right, its the internet afterall

i am the one

Good taste. Earthbound is an emotional masterpiece.

>he one from mordecai and rigby?
nope, like, just come up with 5 ghost designs o:

Whoa. If you're still here I'd love your take on hatsune miku.

Why are drawfags so rude?

im not a drawfag, its just the drawfags think your request is a shit one and dont want to waste their times drawing it just to make some manchild christian happy, think of something else they would actually draw instead of your shit idea

Because as far as the art goes, the drawfags are as gods, and we can only pray for the best. And then we get all pissy when the drawfags dont like our ideas.

I'm not the one making the request. I just don't see what's "degenerate" or so upsetting about it besides that he keeps requesting it. I've seen far worse, more annoying repeat requests. The characters look cute anyway, no idea what they're from.

Anons are shit, you heard it here.

i would like to see a girl sitting/standing in an empty tunnel lonely vibe yes?

They are just following a meme about hating: "You must hate X thing because we say"


>finding the girls cute
your just as bad as him or your the same person

Draw me a demon fighting Death please.

The loli GOD! Hey Rin how's it going?

Draw something you think is cute then, faget, and we'll compare notes.

Draw a shot of her ass

i already said im not a drawfag, actually read the post before you reply nigger


i just got fucking spoiled in Sup Forums and i want to kill myself.
how's everyone doing tonight

Requesting you coming back from the dead.

Open mspaint then or something since I'm not the one who originally made the request.

Please draw miku for me. Please.

Yo, could someone here draw me a stick.

spoiled with what?