Is it illegal to draw loli or shota porn?

Is it illegal to draw loli or shota porn?

Depends on the country I think
try asking on all the fallen.

Depends on where you live

Which country's laws control your life?
Also, in the event it is illegal where you live, there are still ways you can draw and publish your work without fear of legal consequences.

Refer to the laws of your cuckountry

USA, but i've heard if you simply don't say the characters age you wont get buttfucked by the law.

No just say you were drawing adult porn but you're shit at drawing and made the characters look like children

the federal law that makes drawing, sharing, or possessing loli illegal was marked unconstitutional, but each individual state has its own laws. California specifically excludes and says it's legal in their legal definition of child porn and "obscene pornography" if i remember right. You are going to get a shitload of conflicting information and answers from anons. But what you should know is that there are almost zero reported instances of people getting arrested or imprisoned due to loli. Almost all (if not all of them) of these instances, the person was charged with child pornography, and they simply used the loli on their hard drive to add additional years. Loli isn't really prosecuted in our country. Yet.

Do you currently draw loli/shota?

If you do draw It. send a pic?

I'm currently a art student at the pratt institute, and my teacher says he will sue me for "drawing minors having sex together" and took my shit and said that if he caught me again he would call the police and have me put in prison.

step 1: do not go to art school.
step 2: post that stuff on the internet, not in your school papers you turn in to your professors.

also, if thats in NY i think NY is one of the mean states as far as the law goes for loli. don't stop drawing it, just stop drawing it in class lol.

I also just turned 20 last month, and when he forced me to say how long i've been drawing these things I told him for almost 7 years. He said he would also have a class action felony filed against me for viewing pornography as a minor. Anyone got any info about what i can do concerning that?

Well, let me explain.

My parents are forcing me into art school, because i'm a talent-less shill at everything else.
I bring my art with me everywhere I go because my repulsive roommate has copied my art multiple times.

So, I put it all in my bag, keeping all my lewds in a special folder, and my teacher pulled it out of my backpack when doing my "progress evaluation" after class because i'm "his prized student".

I tried to stop him but he had already opened it up and my spaghetti went all over the place.

Then he got pissed and starts cursing me out, talking about how disappointed he is in me.

christ, user. also your art teacher doesn't believe in freedom of expression. think about that for a little bit.

i don't really have any answers for you. "prized students" are probably a dime a dozen for hack professors at a garbo school like that, or else he wouldn't threaten to have you raided by cops. loli is a dying art, especially in our current age of censorship and liberal oppression and needs people to keep it alive. so don't give up on it completely, but do what you need to do to be safe until you exit your shit for school.

you can't do anything about those kinds of teachers
you can try and kill him though
thats a possible road you can take

imo shota is dying more than loli

anyone have shota?

To be honest i've always taken the prized student as he wants to fuck my mom, so he is probably lying.

sorry, i'm a single minded person and only think about the lolis and forget/don'tcare about the shotas. shota has always been more dead, and has always had less content than loli i think. but yeah, both are struggling to stay alive.

In L. Ron Hubbard's words, "as long as there arn't any raccoons or S.P.s around....." :(

show us your drawings, user. i don't care how shitty it is, i've seen some shit.

I've seen worse m9

Pretty sure Shadman god arrested in Sweden for drawing loli.

Slamber fag confirmed

nah, just a normalfag

i think so. but he also draws lewds of real life children. shadman is kind of gross in general. i don't like his art. but those videos he did of "how to draw" were top good, and i think i like his sense of humor.

of course not.

Nice """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""art"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

For real though, stop calling it """""art""""", you're not doing it for artistic expression. It's pornography. Just because you draw/paint it doesn't make it art.

If your teacher saw you draw a cherub he wouldn't flip out at you like that, nor would he at the Rape of Persephone.

what do the quotation marks represent

Funny you mention it because one picture was of a cherub getting fucked in the ass by a girl with a strap on.

Can you show us a pic of this loli? also

10/10 would subscribe on patreon

Just read it as if I put a normal amount of quotation marks. People spam the marks when they want to emphasise their scrutinising of that thing.

Exactly. It's porn. Anyone I seriously can't fucking believe that you carried that shit around with you. What did you expect? Do you literally never leave your bag anywhere no matter what to avoid this sort of thing?

he already said he has a godawful snoop of a roommate who goes through his art and copy/pastes. it was safer in his bag than in his room. only apparently not!

Here ya go

That fills me with shame
People are actually so stupid they can't differentiate between a drawing and evidence of a child being exploited and that only implies it's spreading

the accuracy of this is quite dubious i think. but i never researched a lot about what each individual state does. i only know that cali is accurate, and i think but can't remember for sure that NY should be red and not blue.

pretty soon they'll just call it hate speech and pursue the matter further

