Why do two characters driven entirely by logic have huge fake tits (and lips in T'pol's case)
Why do two characters driven entirely by logic have huge fake tits (and lips in T'pol's case)
Logic states that huge tits are awesome.
do you people just make the same fucking thread over and over?
>mfw seeing what T'Pol's actress looks like now
Is that zero suit Samus?
Welcome to Sup Forums!
>looks like...
don't forget about ryan's vaginoplasty too.
>mfw seeing what Seven's actress looks like now
Jeri's aren't fake, they're just carefully supported (and even a bit padded) by the suit. Kind of a marvel of shapewear, those suits she wore.
And I've always felt either Berman or Braga had a fetish for cold women in tight outfits.
I don't think Jeri Ryan's are fake.
>mfw seeing what Jordie's actor looks like now
I wonder what the thought process is of someone who spams the same thread multiple times. Did you do this the first time and believe "Yes this is such a brilliant topic of discussion that I will not cease until it is seen by everyone who logs onto Sup Forums"? Or is it that it was so mentally taxing for you to come up with a thread idea in the first place that you have to keep using the same one over and over again in a desperate need to block out the deafening silence of your lonely waking moments with anonymous responses?
Trekfags, I never watched the series, but I remember watching one episode on television like 13 or so years ago.
The ship was stuck in some sort of groundhog day, the day kept repeating and they kept getting destroyed by an enemy ship.
In the end they finally managed to send a message trough time or something and escape their destruction.
I fucking loved that episode, can anyone direct me to it? I'd love to watch it again. Ever since I catched that I have a thing for time travel stuff in films/series.
Nice try, you're that same faggot who keeps posting "Just watched Groundhog Day for the first time, are there any other moves with similar themes about repeating time?" aren't you?
also the episode is called Cause and Effect, I love that one too
Sounds like Cause and Effect, which was, let's see, TNG season 5 episode 18. Good episode.
Thank you. :)
>the Groundhog Day meme
>gets reposted every day
>day after day
>the same thing
>no one ever gets the irony
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Seven was mostly all the padded cat suit.
Has to be Braga, he's the one who cast her and it's an open secret that he was fucking her during her time on the show
Despite how much work she has had done, if you look at other photos besides the hawaii one, she still looks good for 41. That photo is something to do with dieting in this workout craze she has been on. Because women with normal body fat do not have their veins popping out everywhere, that seems like a body builder trick for cleaning weight out of the body because it only happens with a low fat content.
its just a really bad shot, this is a photo from the same set, she just has like no body fat.
that's approaching some Tara Reid scariness
why don't all characters have huge tits and lips? Because then we wouldn't appreciate them. Still, wouldn't it be worth it to see how big a % is needed before we're used to it? I think so.
it's not polite to post until you've lurked awhile, newfriend