Unpopular opinion thread

What's yours, Sup Forums?

Video Games are not art.

Film, Music, and Video Games are not art.

TFA sucked and is worse than the prequels.

Architecture, Sculpting, Woodcraft, Film, Music & Video games are not art.

Fury Road was boring

Star Wars is a boring series of movies made for children.

Everything Martin Scorcese made after Casino is trash.

The Lobster is the best movie of 2016 (US release date was in January).

The Godfather was only a slightly above average movie and was nowhere near as good as the book which is top 5 "day at the beach" style paperbacks.

The Harder they Come is one of the top 50 foreign films ever made.

I love Mr. Robot, I liked this last episode and I'm really hyped about what's going to happen in the next one and in the future seasons.

Also I cried like a bitch during the tapes scene in Interstellar, and I think that if your eyes didn't get wet in the slightest while watching it, you're either dead inside or lying through your teeth.

Come at me.

You should play Planescape: Torment then, mate.

I am tired of capeshit.

>there are people that believe this

in my opinion 2+2=7

>Superhero films aren't good
>The Blair Witch Project sucked; The Last Broadcast did it first
>As Good as It Gets was a 6/10 film at best
>Life is worth living

Jurassic park is a shit movie, revolutionary effects aside, what else does it have to offer

The Neon Demon was bad. The visuals and sound were great but everything else sucked.
Se7en is overrated and the characters are retarded
Midnight in Paris is a terrible film

The following are actual fucking garbage and not "underrated":

In the Mouth of Madness
Event Horizon
Resident Evil

That's true... from a certain point of view.

Cтap Bapc нe кинo

I agree with these.

>The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the second-best Spider-Man film.
>Rocky was unwatchable and I had to turn it off.
>Rob Reiner is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.
>1978's Superman is still the best superhero film we've ever had.
>Inception is Nolan's best movie.

Oldboy wasn't that great. It was different for faggots who only watched summer blockbusters but it was disappointing to re-watch it after so many years.

Blair Witch Project is another horror film where stupid people do stupid shit and thankfully die a painful death.

The Avengers films were abysmal.

Inland Empire sucks and his best film was Lost Highway.

Arrested Development is unfunny and only relies on references to running jokes.

Psycho is okay and Birds is a terrible movie
new TMNT was pretty good

The batman trilogy by nolan is complete and utter trash with not a single positive quality

>Inception is Nolan's best movie.

that's not really an unpopular opinion, even capeshitters say that

I like movies

"Steve Jobs" was a masterpiece.

All modern television shows are trash, in spite of people acting like it is the golden age of tv.

We said unpopular

>The knick

you fucking pleb

>>The Blair Witch Project sucked

Not my words but: Blair Witch Project gets every single thing right. It comes down to whether you see those things as a strength or a weakness.

i actually dont really like the movie but 100% agree with this


Batman Returns is the best Batman movie and top 5 capeshit, it's deeper and more mature than the "gritty" Nolan movies while still being goofy and campy

>"Steve Jobs" was a masterpiece of just how polished and glossy a bullshit story can be produced.


Heath ledgers joker wasn't very good

90% of French New Wave is terrible

Everything i dont like is made for children

Andrei Tarkovsky are fucking stupid, unoriginal, slow and incredibly shit.

He was never original at all, he stole all his cinematography from the japanese, he was a fucking weeaboo!

Pic related is quite possibly the most overrated film series in the history of cinema

Askenazhi Jews are genetically superior in their intellectual capacities and that's why they are overrepresented not only in spheres of power but also in the hardest majors like Physics or Mathematics.

I also think all the antisemitism comes from anti-intellectualism and that the book of Genesis is a tale about Jews being punished for offending G-d by being thrown with the dumb goyims

I think movies are pretty enjoyable.

every single superhero movie ever made is complete shit

reddit is better for film discussion than Sup Forums

>he watches movies for enjoyment

Sup Forums was never meant for simple discussion. Obviously you just don't seem to grasp the concept.

thats actually just the truth

Fantastic Four (2015) wasn't actually as bad as people made it out to be, and it was only assblasted because of critics expecting some Marvel quip fest and the hamfisted diversity.

Then go there

Memento desu

Lord of the rings is nothing but overly sentimental garbage, most overrated movies of all time

I didn't like all the shit with Ned Ryerson. Bit of a pointless element.

1994-2009 was the golden age of the modern day blockbuster

nolan has never made a good movie

Batman v Superman is not only great but also the best film of 2016

The Matrix sequels are excellent movies and have some of the best action scenes ever filmed.


the board needs more Glau

2 girls 1 cup

Neon Demon is more than meets the eye.


Lol no it wasn't you tard, did you even finish the movie? It explains to us the very important idea that Lenny can learn through conditioning, as well as potentially being Lenny's own conditioning and imagination covering up the true nature of his relationship to his wife and therefore his only reason to keep living. You're dumb. Inception was good though it can be #2

I would hope so, Sup Forums is mostly for shitposting

Anomalisa was fucking terrible

The Big Lebowski is overrated

I like Rick and morty.

Breaking bad is a top 10 show of all time

And that's the reason Sup Forums is so autistic about reddit in general, if you took the whole "upvotes" thing out of it Sup Forums would still be assblasted about reddit because it isn't a shithole of meme cancer.

I like thing X which is related to, but not the same as, thing Y you enjoy.


Sup Forums is probably the worst board on Sup Forums, second only to Sup Forums

It also used to be among the best , about 2-3 years ago.

t. lilywrist prostate-squirter

Okay, calm down chief.

Perhaps you can explain it to me, then. Was Leonard Sammy or not? Ted said he was, but the wives died in different ways.
Sammy and Leonard also got their amnesia in different ways. The big reveal of "no, you ARE Sammy" didn't make sense to me because those loose ends weren't tied up. It just seemed like a pointless twist thrown in at the end that wasn't thought through very well and made little sense, being an unnecessary revelation.

Can you shed some light on where I've gone wrong?


>Sup Forums is probably the worst board on Sup Forums, second only to Sup Forums
Not an unpopular opinion but see pic related

>It also used to be among the best , about 2-3 years ago.
An unpopular opinion (you're wrong)

>Come at me.

No, I don't really care.

R/truefilm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>r/movies and Sup Forums


The one's you responded to were fine, but the shit you added on is just tasteless.

>The worst boards=the ones that trigger my touchy numale sensibilities

Okay then

no, the ones that are full of edgy faggots shitposting and rampaging autists memeing themselves to death.

Fantastic Mr Fox is Wes Anderson's best film.

Kramer is by far the worst part of Seinfeld and the show would be better off without him.

He is is very annoying and completely unfunny.

It's like the laziest and cheapest way to write comedy. I honestly don't understand why he is a beloved character, he is no better than Bazinga Man.

Oh, sorry, you mean the ones that trigger your tiny-dick inferiority complex because they require actual content to get noticed instead of le catchy titles and "rly maeks u think"-tier """"discussion""""

>everything Scorsese made acter Casino is trash

What is Bringing Out the Dead

Well Im triggered

see, no you're immediately going with your idiotic indoctrinated beliefs. All of this "trigger" stuff is fucking bollocks, Sup Forums is a shithole of cancer and aids. Saying so says nothing about the size of my dick, although you trying to use that as an argument does say something about the size of your brain.

shut up faggot.

Kill yourself TFA > Episode VI

Yes, because your own use of buzzwords and truncated arguments is so enlightening

Your a pleb.

Reddit is either IMDb plebs of super pretentious Jodo fans.

>what else does it have to offer
Likeable characters, a solid story, a memorable score, infinitely quotable, well directed, well acted.

Film, music, and video are not art. The others are.

CGI effects always will look unreal and unappealing compared to even the worst practical effects.

when in Rome...

t. triggered like a bouncing betty

The first Evil Dead is great and the only good thing about Evil Dead 2 is that it leads into Army of Darkness. Evil Dead 2 is awful. It was unnecessary and just piled on Three Stooges nonsense to the first. Bruce Campbell is a hack as well. Outside of those movies he stinks.

>Inception is Nolan's best

Not unpopular at all, it's the sexond highets rated on IMDb.

...Lube yourself up with olive oil and wrestle nude with your boy-slave? Seems right up your alley, welcome home

And this is why we can't have nice things.

I don't know if it's unpopular but it's definitly a patrician's opinion

both of these are wrong
you have shit taste user

This is actually true and anyone who isn't a fucking retard would agree.

There's nothing gay about wrestling nude. It's the anal sex that makes it gay.

I guess you haven't seen any horror film made between 1970 and 1989 then