Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

At what age did you leave you parents home? And why?

I am currently 21 years old, soon to be 22 and still live with my parents. I have a shitty job slightly above minimum wage and close to $20k saved up in my bank account, aswell as a car. I'm kind of starting to think about leaving this place, but dont know if it is a good idea.

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GTFO Your parents want their life back. Quit being a leach and be a man. Grow up already and start your own life.

im 26, nearly 27, still live with mom
>20k saved up from a minimum wage job

you mean to tell me that you aren't still living with your parents?...the audacity of normies these days!

24 - because i worked shit jobs even after college for IT - as soon as I got a half decent job I moved out

Go to university or trade school first m8

Start here:

I was 40. I was single and had 2 kids to raise. I needed help. Youngest kid got a job and graduated nut my mother wouldn't make them leave. So I left. Glad I did. Owning a home is far better than just living in one.

>27 still living with my parents and my sister
>Middleware developer in Cocalombia
>My dad was fired and has been feeling depressed
>I'm paying for everything right now

I'll stay with them until i can buy a house and give them the rent so they won't have to worry for money again

Wish me luck anons

left at 21. had knocked some girl up and wanted to figure shit out before telling them. here i am now at 30, kid is 8, full custody and child support go to me. no college, making 80K doing IT. shits not bad.

I still haven't left my house yet and I'm almost a 27 year old virgin.

Finishrf highschool, went to college across state, graduated, got my own place and became an adult. Jesus, people...

He doesn't spend all his money on dragon dildos you massive faggot.

I feel that it's okay to live with your parents if you're commuting to school but if you have 0 college living and are past 24 at a minimum wage job I guarantee you, your parents regret ever having you

18 the next morning after I finished high school.

somewhat off topic but has anyone ever noticed that muslims/indians sometimes never move out of their parents house even when they are married? there is also no stigma in their culture for living with your parents after college.

honestly it makes sense. in american culture you are perceived as a mooch or leech if you live with your parents. but what if you are providing and have a good job?? this way you can all live in one house and save money.. but you can still buy other properties together as real estate investments and rent them out.

honestly the muslims and indians have it right.

except dating your family.. but idk i guess most of Sup Forums wants to fuck their family anyway

same here bro, day after I graduated I got my own studio

not all parents are like that. im 22 and my mom cried when i was gonna move out and my stepdad never had kids and loves having me around. im a leach but a aware and accepted leach.

re-Living at home
work a good 15/hr job but give most to keep the family afloat.
little extra selling drugs
Hard to leave when you're needed.

18, graduated high school, mother moved to another state to get out of some personal problems in current marriage, i got my own place since i didnt feel like traveling 1000 miles at the time. plus i had a pretty good job only moved back once since then and currently at 23 have my own place again

Of course she cries when you try to leave. Youre still her child. That doesnt mean she doesnt want you gone. As for your step dad... Well you can imagine why he wants you around.

Well said. Your mom won't tell you to gtfo directly.

well my moms a bit emotionally unstable at times and needs me around and im good at breaking up the tension between my mom and stepdad so thats why. we've become friends but i assume you meant something pervy. it may seem weird from the outside but it works.

My dad got shot when I was 8.
Left my mom's home when I was 23.
Started working with IT at 18 and at 23 I was already starting my own IT company.
Now I am 28 and things are going great.
I live in Brazil.

26 here, left when i was 17. parents were cunts, spent whole teenage years in foster home. got a somewhat decent job and i left. few first months/years difficult but relieving as fuck.

I was 14. I actually didnt leave home, step father wanted to move again and I was sick of it. Had already been to about 28 new towns and schools. Told them I was staying put. They bought me a caravan, I dropped out of hs and started working. Moved back in with them for 6 months when I was 20, just because they happened to come back to town.

me too.

You were 14 and living in a caravan all by yourself?

15 years old....took the midnight train and never looked back

Yeah man I was. Probably sounds like bs but this was a small outback Australian town. Everyone knew everyone, I was in a caravan park and all the oldies looked out for me.
Was good coz I learnt responsibility and became self reliant real quick. I was still a stupid dumb fuck who got wasted, blasted my music and pissed them all off from time to time.

im 31. i left when i was..24 i think, i moved out with a girl i was dating. we broke up a couple years later then i lived with a couple different friends. an alcoholic (so was i but this guy was totally dependant) at one point then an addict bangin needles in his arm. so i got my own apartment by myself close to my work. met another girl whos super cool. got a nice place with her a couple years later. been there since

Keep telling yourself that. All patents hate to see their kids go but want to have them leave.

Hope you're at least paying rent or something.

Gypsy scum.

Hope your whole family burns in an inferno of taco bell shits

yeah i use to have this 70's show forman's basement thing goin on all through jr. high/highschool even a few years after. once i moved out that thing looked mint. huge smart tv, nice futniture. surround sound. its actually nice down there

Can't deny it. That was us.

Got so fucking sick of moving. Just wanted to stay in the one town for at least a year. The annoying thing is when I hit my 20s the cunts dropped anchor in the one town and have been there ever since, for the last 6 years. Would've been nice if they did that ten years earlier.

I think by 26 you should be kicked out. Givves planty of time to get your life going but you also dont end up depending on ur parents too long

This reply was for this dude:

Moved out 4 months after I graduated higschool at 19, got a couple of buddies to rent a 3 bedroom house with

left for college at 18, then stayed away for grad school till I was late 20s, went back for a couple of years after that because my work was remote and my mother had health problems that needed extra help, left again after that, age 29.

I know a few people back in my home town who are still living w/ parents in 40s. Have proper jobs, live independent lives, pay rent and bills.

"be a man and leave" stuff is mostly BS tied to a window of time when housing was dirt cheap and setting up on your own was easy. Family life is more complicated than fucking 50s sitcoms.

If you're somewhere that sucks, you should think about getting somewhere that doesn't suck before you're hit an age when you start having oldfag opinions on garden furniture and hate yourself for it. If that means college or training, do it. If it just means packing your shit, driving somewhere and stopping where you feel good, do it.

14. My dad died and my mom couldn't afford to feed us with what my dad had saved, so I went to work in an aluminum plant bc all the farms were shutting down and there wasn't any work.

I just graduated college this year, at 41.

I don't have advice for anybody, but you sound like you're doing pretty well, OP.

>wash dishes
>$240 month
>supervisor part time
>$880 month
>get cheap apartment $350 month
>go to community college
>bachelors degree
>tech support
>$37,000 year
>promote to network admin
>$55,000 year
>cybersecurity analyst
>$73,000 year
>Build my house house for $176,000
At age 16, my parents were divorced and forced me out at 18 to either get full time job or go to college. So glad I took a community college because 4-5 year plans were just too overpriced and too long of a wait.

Don't be ridiculous. Stay and work and save your $ as long as you fucking can user, because once that's over, you'll never have another chance again to put away that kind of money that easily. Progress grinds to a halt quick and doesn't resume for fucking decades for most people.

Keep in mind, when your parents went through college, they could pay for it with a summer job bc the gov was still largely socializing college education from the post-war effort. They could buy a house cheap as shit, and start a family and put money away with relatively awesome job security and a pension to look forward to.

ALL of that is over. Now those people need to make real money, and they're making it off you lol. But seriously, that's the idea.

USA is becoming more and more like Itay every day user. Live at home till you're 30 if you can, being a family man, not a douchey American fuck, and put away your money. Then get married. Basically the traditional Italian family life. Also many northern native murrican tribes. Same idea. Keeps you from becoming a cunt.

You've done well with the cards you were dealt. I'm sure your dad would be proud of your achievements.

His mommy and daddy buy him everything his fat ass needs thats how


Dad made me leave even though I was still in HS
Moved onto property of friend's parents into old "cabin"; no heat/AC or running water
Already had a job
Got a car the minute I turned 16
Graduated on time, went to college, paid my way through that

Moved out at 22. Girlfriend and I both made $10/gr8. Shit got tough sometimes but we still say it was the best time of our lives cause we were free. Got better jobs over time. 3 years later. Stayed at my mom's place for 9 months to save up a down payment. Just got my new house 6 months ago. Shit is going good. Questions?

53 and still here. Of course my parents died and left me the house, but I stayed and took care of my mom until she died.