You wake up in 2100, whats the first thing you search in google?

You wake up in 2100, whats the first thing you search in google?

>Sup Forums

how many petaflops is the latest galaxy S

"What year is it?"

List of US presidents


there is no google hopefully


>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Yep... the Nazis still haven't won

world map

"Hey why is the Middle East missing from every map"

'' hot girls pooping ''

Girls rimming dogs videos

>inb4 "serious post kys user"
"Groundbreaking discoveries over the past century"

"How to use computers in 2100".

"Why am I still using google"

What is President Xavier Trump III doing today


List of best 80s horror movies

Robot hookers

But you can watch 80s horror movies now

He means 2080's obviously

What the fuck happened it was 2017 why is it suddenly 2100?

Is it a leap year?

"why did i wake up in 2100?"

>anime tiddy



Domino's Pizza

A girlfriend



This translates to
"Who won the third world war"

sex robot

>implying google will exist 83 years from now

Lot of porn to catch up on


India has won the third world war and has abolished all indoor plumbing worldwide and declared the USA a designated shitting country

Do they think it be like it is but it don't?

Big titty hoes

Is bread a conspiracy theory from bread companies to sell more bread

>implying google will exist 83 years from now
You know it will...

are traps still gay

No they went extinct cant breed

>Sup Forums
>best porn ever

Big anime tiddies

this is a good one, im surprised no one else has said this

CP laws and new ages of consent.

How many fat logs of shit hailed from Andy Sixx's asshole and if they were properly sucked

Probably look up relatives, find out I have a nephew who's a wealthy old man and mooch off him while working for his small delivery company.
Then sex robots.

Zero, fuck off. You will never get andys fucking digusting fucking smelly log down your throat and in your nostrills. fuck off.

I'm going to rub it all over my face like its moisturizer and never wash it off. His stink will become of me and turn me into a happy swamp critter


are traps gay


Lewd images

Look up my bank to see if it still exists, then hopefully live off some interest

Buzzfeed top 10 messages feminists have for white men

to gain any interest you'll actually need money in ur account.

Search engines

There will be something better than Google

BTC value
It's almost $5,000 now. Not investing when it was $300 is one of many driving forces behind my suicidal tendacies.
I wanna fuckin die.