How the fuck can my mom always tell I've been drinking just by looking at my eyes??

how the fuck can my mom always tell I've been drinking just by looking at my eyes??

honestly wtf what gives it away

serious replies o n l y
image is unrelated to this post

because you're a fucking loser

as a recovering alcoholic, i can always spot alcoholics who are actively drinking by looking at their eyes. It's kind of like gaydar, but for alcoholics. is your mom an alcoholic? maybe that's how she can tell.

Because she always assumes the worst and will accuse you of it with no proof until she's right, then hold it over you forever.

no but my dad was
I just want to know what characteristic gives it away?

I almost feel bad because I knew she could tell but I played it off as allergies and she believed me...but her instinct was correct despite my lies

she's never once accused me of being drunk or high without being right

Heavy alcohol consumption makes your face bloated and puffy, leaves a smell from unprocessed alcohol and usually gives you bloodshot eyes.

sometimes my face gets a bit flushed, but she's told me before she can tell by my eyes immediately..and honestly she's never been wrong

oh and no my eyes aren't red or bloodshot at all although that does happen to me, but usually only if I'm absolutely wasted

pls help me


You're eye lids are probably half shut. I don't know the science behind it, but you're eye lids shift down when you drink.

>Alcoholic who has to mask it for work

because you're a drunk and you look pissed

they're nottt though for real
they look very wide awake and alert, if anything they're glassy

I used to drink at work too and I never got called out on it (until I puked there and got so drunk I don't remember it and got fired)

You got moobs
For some ppl its the pupils for others it's the yellowing of the whites of the eyes

pls help me god

shut up fag girls love my chad-tier chest
literally kys

the whites of your eyes get yellow if you have fucking jaundice you piece of dirty brown water trash

this. she's guessing and your face gives it away.


If your dad was, then she has years of experience being able to tell when he was drunk when they were younger. She can tell because you're her son. It's not hard, retard.

fuck you
I just want to know what she's seeing
no one can be right so often just by guessing...there is something in my eyes that gives it away

What ever ya wana be trap. Why post your tits if u like women? It coulda been on your breath too

>when I look at myself in the mirror when I'm drunk I'm convinced that I don't look drunk
>my eyes are the only POSSIBLE give-away to my mom, who used to deal with my dad when he was an alcoholic
>guys teach me how to squint better or what brand of eye drops people buy to keep your moms from noticing your drunk

You're either a troll or a very dumb and young kid.

she's too honest, she tells me when she can smell it
if she noticed this shit without telling me the things she noticed I'd honestly think she's a fucking wizard

also girls are disgusting I was just kidding
all I want to do is lick some sexy abs and suck a nice dicc

I'm 56 years old

Shut up.


It's probably a combination of things then. Just make sure you smell good and maybe have a little bit of caffeine when you think you'll get in trouble. Also wash your face, the sweat and oil kinda give it away too.



you ever talk to a person and can just tell by their speech they're drunk? you ever talk to someone you raised from birth? when you're sober its really easy to tell if a stranger has been drinking from their speech, odor and eyes. when you know someone well, it's obvious as fuck

nah destroying your testosterone eliminates (almost) all oily skin

she says it's the eyes tho m8
also sometimes smell, but wtf changes with my eyes when they look so pearly white in the mirror

oh and I took legal stimulants today, I'm not slurring my speech at all and have so much energy I could fight every one of you worthless faggots 1v1 me


hang around someone that you've know awhile, you sober, them drunk. it's easy. im detecting b8 if you don't know this by now and you're 50 something, or maybe autism

what is even going on with the left one

who do I call to cut it off?

I'm young for my age
also I don't turn 56 for another 45 days

are you a buy a girl or a boy trying to be agirl

y o u
t e l l
m e

Oh thats cool i didnt know that. Damn then maybe just put in some eye drops and see what happens.

Haha I'd beat your scrawny ass stright again, speaking of ass post a pic


you're not wrong n i b b a

use this only for good (no fapping allowed)


Lol fapping is good. Bare ass good lookin

takea dick pic

its not much :/


you probably have a chubby butt id pound it

tbh I'm quite good at sucking dick

I really enjoy doing it and I like pushing it into my throat, I've learned to overcome my gag reflex

how can she tell Sup Forums pls

Wanna fly over to Boulder and live in my basement ? Ill keep you drunk and sore

She can tell because of the glossiness in your eyes alcohol inflames membranes in your eyes due to dehydration.

She obviously doesn't know this but Im sure shes learned to identify a "drunk look" by now

Eyes get glossy and maybe your eyelids droop slightly.

I'm open to it
I also fucking love weed


I drink so much water though

It's not bad
If you squeeze your left thumb then that helps to get rid of gag reflex

Spread ass pls

It doesn't matter you'd have to get drunk re-hydrate and wait hours for the look to fade

idk not to sound like a slut but I think it's kinda hot when I gag

my eyes start watering and the tears make my mascara start running...I'm not sure but I think I have issues stemming from childhood abuse
but that's a topic for another thread

oh fuck meant for also posted the wrong image (drugs arent overrated) but it's the same idea

idk why the fuck guys always ask for that
it's literally just an asshole
it looks like an asshole, nothing special

tell me my hair looks cute here and I'll consider it (honestly I still probably won't do it though)

That's ok, it was worth a shot and yeah Id enjoy running my fingers through your hair or pulling it from behind.

This. She is bluffing, but the way you respond will give you away.

Yeah it is hot when the sucker gags. Haha true
You slut
Yeah for real

she doesn't though
I do gay and stupid shit all the time but she's never been wrong when she questions if I'm intoxicated

I think it'd be hot to get slapped and choked
the only guys I've been with got really weird when I said I'd really really like it if they choked me a little and slapped me across the face, and maybe even spit on my face

like I wanna kinda be abused
but afterword you'd have to cuddle with me and say I'm pretty and be really sweet to me or else I'd kill myself

I do it to my dogs. It works.

Maybe its time to move out of your parents' house.

I've heard it feels good when you gag on a cock
I really do like using my throat
I feel like it's almost an art, going between mouth and throat...I didn't use to be able to deep throat (cuz gag reflex) but once my guy shoved my head down on his dick and it was like a sink or swim moment
and it swam, and it's been cool ever since

I owe him a lot

shut up fag I'm not 56 yet

lawd help me before I commit some irresponsible acts again

How old are you please dont say 56 something within 5 years of your age if you dont want to say it exactly

user...its quite impolite to ask a woman how old she is you know

you'll have to use your best judgement with the data provided to you

o o p s w r o n g p i c t u r e