Would you? Be honest

Would you? Be honest.

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Kys yourself.


Dubs logged.

Urethra clogged?

Throat clogged my friend


How the fuck did you faggots basically create your own language by mainly using the words log and logged?

Piss off streamfag

grow up, streamfag. if you say one little fucking thing wrong about my baby andrew sixx i will tear you to threads. i swear, if you make one rude comment toward my savior who gives me fuel, i will fucking rape your ass and throw your used up body into a dumpster. i will then proceed to eat everything your bowels contain. (of course i will lick the shit off my dick)


What did you just say about Andy you little bitch? I'll have you know that Andy's logs are the steamiest of the cream and I have been involved at several of his secret logfests and have taken over 300 confirmed logs. Andy is trained in gorilla logfare and the top slidder in the entire world. You are nothing but another throat waiting to be clogged. Andy will clog your throat with such precision the likes of which you have never seen before so would you? You think you can get away with denying Andy's logs? Grow up, logless shill. As we speak I am contacting my secret agency of loggers across America and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare your throat for the log shill. The log that wipes out the pathetic thing you call your mouth. At this very moment Andy is back logging his next biggest creation so prepare your throat. I have full access to Andy and his entire arsenal of logs and you seriously need to grow the fuck up. Andy can be anywhere, anytime and can log things in over 700 ways, and that's just with his bare colon. Not only am I extensively trained in slidding but I have access to the entire Andy Six log network which I will use it to wipe your logless shill ass out of the face of the whole dream so mature much? If only you could know what creamy retribution your little clever "comment" was about to bring down in your throat, maybe you would of opened wide. But you couldn't, you didn't and now your paying the fucking price, you goddam shill. Andy will shit fury all over you and you will revel in the steam. You're fucking logged, kiddo.

Hey guys, newlog here. How old do I have to be to logpost?



Well you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums, but mentally you should at least be grown up.

Grow up. You are as bad as Paul the Paedo.

? discord/ 77wrrsa

I don't know what that is


Logging in

No accessories needed for a hot slidding.



U r doing it wrong.

>toilet paper
>implying any of andys delicious sweetcream needs to be wiped away

You're doing it wrong too

The paper is mearly there as a post meal serviette.



My first time sliding one of those plump little logs down my throat and clogging my body while its log-abiding stink filled my mouth was completely intoxicating.

Also the seat is not a seat, it is his


Give me a break. Anyone would be mashing on that log button in an instant. Even if there were more than one logbutton anyone would use their entire arm to press down a row of them before they even thought of the measly million

Of course


Anyone seen Andyslogsbynature tonight?

I quit raiding his threads cuz he actually has been including andys the roll dubs lately. I usually post until I get dubs then leave him alone

That's quite a haunting Andy image.

Kek yesssthank you loganon!

Them Sixx logs thou

Ahh the dubs. Instant clogging.

This is what you've done with your life? I've never come across such a disgusting individual like you, you are another unfunny log faggot. Scum like you could've been a famous doctor or lawyer or someone who would've made the world a better place, instead we get the degenerate pile of shit who devoted his entire life to posting about sucking a log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole. I bet you sit your fatass down snickering as you post another log meme, you fucking loser, get a life and get laid. I am not kidding, would your mother be proud of you posting about sucking a log of shit from someone's asshole? I bet she cries at night about the fuckup she raised, who obsesses over eating shit like a fucking pig. Move out of your mother's basement, get a job, and go suck a guy's dick if you're lucky.


Can someone please explain this meme to me?

grow up





Get a log of this guy!

Mature, much?


You suck dicks, go suck a log

Yeah you deadbeat motherfucker, I have a wife and kids and I pay a fucking bill for you to lay on your fatass and make these stupid memes.

Why don't you get a job you fucking degenerate piece of shit? I bet you would pick a janitor job so you can take a turd out of a toilet and eat it like the putrid scum you are.

Someone's got some growing up to do.

Did the turd come out of Andy?

Logs are a dish best served warm, steamy and creamy.

Shut the fuck up

Grow up

age a little

Someone forgot to have their log for breakfast.

... dude, how much time do you spend on these poop eating memes?

This can't be healthy.

mature more

Kid, you need to let things slide.

Also wondering this

Can he suck a log out of my hairy ass first?

Grow a little.

Andy doesn't eat logs.

Well he does if I'm gonna do it


I don't think so

No, only his turds have the mystical properties that can cure all ills.

I don't like Nikii Stix




Would I what?

Gulp a hulking hot log of Andy Sixx's shit down your throat



Are you implying something?

Hey so I just was wondering... I know Andy's log is creamy and dreamy, is it also steam-supreme?


of fucking course i would


Nice failed Le troll attempt bro.

Would you?

What's the easiest way to get one of those holes in your neck with the little plastic valve thing? I want one so I can plug directly into Andy sixxs asshole but I'm unfortunately a healthy person and my faggot doctor said he won't refer me to a surgeon

Another user has said he was temporarily blinded by the steam.

the steamiest

It's the dreamiest, creamiest and steamiest

>Be me in highschool
>Scenefag back then
>Vans Warped Tour
>Summer 2011
>I staked out in the porta-jon toilet closest to the stages for 36 hours
>Hundreds of hot beer shits, piss, vomit, cigarette butts, bloody tampons and ass sweat rained down on me day and night
>Still I waited
>Second night falls
>Up to my chest in the cess pit of waste
>Delerious, I drift in and out of consciousness towards the end of another BvB set
>The music stops for a while
>Hear the jingling of scene kid accessories
>Am I hallucinating?
>"Great set, bros, I'll be back - I've got to take a massive shit."
>It's Andy Sixx
>His footsteps get closer, as does the jingling of his Hot Topic chains and belts
>The door opens
>It's time
>I tilt back my head and open my mouth as wide as I can
>Andy grunts
>He rips a massive fart that blows my hair back
>I see the log crowning
>The steam nearly blinds me
>It dangles for a moment before slidding silently down my throat
>It is warm in my chest, like a sip of brandy
>By the time it's all over he's pushed three more hulking logs into my gullet

Are those snickers bars? Also, what's wrong with those fingers?

Troll? I'm just trying to have a little clarity here, but all of you faggots can't be straight about what you're asking?

All you do is post some weird little albino queer chowing down on melted snickers bars.

If you're asking if I would fuck said queer, I don't know? Does it have a penis or a vagina?



Ok thanks for clearing that up! So it's creamy, dreamy, AND steamy

HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! Where did you find a Snickers bar the size of my illegitimate son?!

You need to be at least mature to post in this thread son.


But would you?