S/fur bread

s/fur bread

Other urls found in this thread:









So is that your new crush?


my heart is pounding

Nooooo... Noo... Ok, yes.

she doesn't look very fluffy






Gotcha, I wasn't sure if she was the same model or not




she's a woman

Time for a workout, huh?

Let's get this thread stronk!



So how's it going tonight everyone?


Wow, racist.
(I thought the same thing)

Pretty good. You?


sweaty palms and feet

Damn... He's sculpted!

My night is going well, thanks for asking

I'm aware

I blame her glasses

I don't care, Draka.


Why are your palms and feet sweaty?


Wow, great timing. I forgot about this but Youtube just suggested it again.


Holy shit, 15 minutes?

are you ok?

hello Dash ^^


Heya, mistress :3

Phil Collins is next

every grunt

pumping adrenaline for no reason.

yup. im trying to sleep so naturally my body decided it's a good time to be really really awake



Did you drink caffeine earlier?

I just found out about that guy not long ago. I don't get how he can make such random mashups actually sound good.


I was surprised how well it worked too. He's good, real good

Any creampie pics?

much much earlier. around noon. caffeine lasts about 6 hours for me

>tfw you're no longer attracted to humans

Look at Mr. Humblebrag over here.

Can I do this to you?

I know what you mean I get that way sometimes to v_v

I would love it ;)




more like this

requesting sharks

Daily reminder that because of you'll never get to experience pic related.


That's hot as fuck.

Go fuck yourself, Draka.

you went too deep my friend. come back to us

say what

during the day i take advantage of it by playing CSGO


Nice fucking feet




im hot and cold at the same time. and im not even on drugs.

>implying I wouldn't piss on dash if he was a really good boy.

Bitch please.



closet gays


That's really hot.

Once again, I'm openly bi.

Wtf is wrong with its face?

more like BI-fur I'd like to fuck them both

I will walk into a court while erect, screaming "Yes! I am guilty motherfuckers, I am death"

fuck this weird stupid gay cancer furry bs

curses, foiled again



me too fam

it's the only way to fly

>pegging is gay
>I'm a grill
>closet gays
>I want to eat pussy
>but I also love dick
my mind is full of fuck!

>I am death
Sounds like me.

Bi master race.


everyone that exists is bisexual






>I post outdated memes to try and stay relevant

Hi everyone!
Don't be surprised if I don't post for a few months. My IP range at college is banned for some reason.



good, you should kys now
