Vitamin D Deficiency

Is it a non European thing?
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Maybe if their people haven't lived in places with low visibility for a few generations at least. I live in Chicago. We had the lowest "visible" Winter on record a year ago. If anything, the white people were even more sleepy than the nigs, but everyone was sleepy.

So niggers are like reptiles in an Attenborough documentary? Interesting.

Tbh Aussies have the opposite problem with high skin cancer rates. Could be implying something.



the tradeoff is this:

Whiter skin which absorbs more Vitamin D from the sun BUT is more easily burnt

Darker skin which absorbs less Vitamin D from the sun BUT is less easily burnt

So when you move a group of these people into a european area.... You get issues.

Tfw being mediterranean is the master race:

>No D vitamine defiency
>We get tanned.

>Literally retarded compared to Anglos
>Brown Lips
Yeah, good going.

Bullshit. If they lived in another time period they'd suffer vitamin D deficiency, but studies have shown people get more than enough vitamin D in their modern diet now anyway.

It was a mistake for humans not to be photosynthetic if you ask me.