Tfw You know youve hit rock bottom when you unironically play 'mad world' in your head

>tfw You know youve hit rock bottom when you unironically play 'mad world' in your head
>tfw you know youve hit rock bottom whencyou can feel the drill still having the fuel to dig you lower
>tfw you know youve hit rock bottom when you have the self-awareness to know this depression is for petty teen angst reasons at the age of 21, and not (primarly) about the death of a recent friend ,albeit it began the spiral
>tfw you know youve hit rock botto you forsake internet subculture bullshit for nearly a year to have a normal social life only to crawl to Sup Forums of all places to ask to cheer you up because youre too fucking beta to tell people you can trust your gay problems

So yeah, cheer my pathetic ass up Sup Forums pls

Other urls found in this thread:

This is life. You either be something worth remembering like your ancestors, have happiness in your array of achievement and success. Or you drown in your self pity and inability to face reality head on, and let go.

Just remember, if we the good guys won World War II then this kind of life wouldn't exist. Even for the lowest of beta losers.

I know where you are and right now you're a depression junkie.Good things will sound fake to you and you'll scoff at them. You want to hear negative shit so you know there's people feeling like you at this very moment. Time heals all wounds user.
heres some stuff to listen to, user
Thank me later

post spooderman memes, cure the cancer on /b
it's fun as they're funny pictures
and you're curing /b of spam, propaganda, and faggotry

nah, time always eventually causes death

You're a nigger

Don't help user. Let him get through it himself. It builds character, if he wants to kill himself then let him.

i love this site

I feel ya OP,
Call some relatives or something. It's always nice to talk to someone your close to (even if it's not about your problems). I hope everything gets better user.

but then it causes rebirth

Youre genuinely delusional on so many fucking levels if youre being legit

Or into some high school level philosophy

Stuck between perpetual pain, and the fear of inexistence after suicide. Life is purgatory.


>It don't matter, none of this matters

Or you could watch something to cheer you up, videos, TV, maybe something you watched as a kid(for that sweet nostalgia). Anything really, if that doesn't work there's always counselling. Again I hope everything gets better user, we have all been there. You're not alone OP

> Anonymous 09/01/17(Fri)23:25:43 No.743932423 ▶
> (OP)
hey buddy

>normie nihilism

>can't spell niahlism