The last digit to the post will be the number of cards I flip over...

The last digit to the post will be the number of cards I flip over. The final card is your divination and I will interpret it for you.






Gimme that good shit.


please OP

OP plz respond

where are you at op?


I haven't paid attention to the thread so it'll take a while for me to get through all the divination.

You got Knight of Swords

You have the potential to be a great warrior. You charge forward in life and are headstrong and refuse to be intimated. You like to dominate. You fight in the name of a romantic ideal. You're similar to Sir Galahad of King Arthur's Round Table. You're ambitious but prone to stir controversy.

You got Swords VI

The theme is "journey". Are you trying to run away from something? This card could mean passage from a recent hardship or sorrow, or future change for the better. It's a good time to get away. Have you considered traveling anywhere? Now is a good time. The horizon is open to you.

Alright, I'm satisfied.Thanks.

You also got Knight of Swords. Please refer to

Fuck, the girl I love just broke my heart

Please do mine!



You got Cups VI

The theme is nostalgia. There is a sense of revisiting home, of going back to your roots. There is something from your childhood that still influences you today, but it's a positive influence. The meaning of Cups VI is of the past unifying with the present into one. Do you have any problems right now? Perhaps you should look back to your childhood for a solution.

do me next

I'll take a rollerino, take your time OP.

Fuck it. Why not.

You got Wands III

The theme is business and entrepreneurship. Success comes from hard worker. Whatever is it that you've been working hard on, will come to fruition and you will be justly rewarded. This card indicates aid, support or reinforcement to assist your current goal. However, you still have ONE last task to need to fulfill before you are righteously rewarded. You CANNOT fulfill that last requirement alone. Start seeking help to finish your goal.

You got Swords III

The theme is strife, turmoil, loss and sorrow. You have been experiencing emotional turmoil. There have been deep misunderstandings and as a result, a storm is coming. The emotional turmoil is pain and heartbreak, and rather than expressing sadness you express anger. The gray indicates strife but the red indicate passion, with the swords indicating your ailments.

Understand that the reason why your heart is broken is BECAUSE you have a heart. There is a lesson to be learned. The present is back, but the future contains growth and fruition.

You have my attention and my curious it's.

This is a 0 so I will flip no cards. You have no divination.

I assume you guys have already rolled.

You got Cups VI, please refer to

You got Sword V

The theme is about unfair advantages and spitefulness. There are 2 ways to interpret. Either you've been taking advantage of other people, or other people have been taking advantage of you.

You feel that you were born with certain disadvantages, making other people more privileged. Or, if you're the one taking advantage of other people, it's because you're compensating for your feelings of inferiority. This card is not about entitlement, but about resentment. You think you will be happy with X, Y or Z, but then what?

The card indicates that you may have won a victory, but at what cost? There is a storm coming. Friends turn to enemies. You've become an outcast.


is the thread still going? divine my future OP

You got Wands VIII

The theme is about goals. The card indicates progress. You are fast approaching your goals. This card is about action, the time now is for clarity in thought and resoluteness in action. New ideas are promising. New information is coming to shall be a deciding factor, and it is up to you to make sure to take it in.

thanks op

You got Swords X

The theme is sudden misfortune and defeat. This is a low point in your life. People are retaliating against you out of jealousy, aggression, envy or hatred. You are being assailed on all sides! However, there is hope. Looking at pic related, there is a bright horizon, so some good will come of this.

The card indicates that you are a remarkable person of greatness. This is because in pic related, the man is making a hand sign of benediction, a hand signal associate with Jesus Christ. You were the nail who stuck out from the rest, and got nailed down hard. You have the potential to make a big impact, and this is why you were struck down. You have power, and are to be feared.


You got Cups IX

The theme is wishes. This card indicates that you have a materialistic wish. You will get your wish and everything will work out well for you. There is a warning about being too superficial thought.


You got King of Swords

The theme is strictness. You are very logical and analytical, and sometimes you can be too cautious. You uphold a rigid code of conduct and expects everyone else to do the same. You are a man of calculate action. Things are calm now, but there will be big changes in your life in the future.

Sure, why not. Rolling

Thanks OP, appreciate the entertainment. Have a good one

is this witchcraft. it is all coming together now

Finally, a major arcana!

You got The Chariot.

The theme is conquest and triumph. You have full control over your emotions. The card indicates that you've moved in the right direction. You have great control over your willpower. According to pic related, there are two sphinxes, which indicate your ability to use both rigid discipline as well as audacity to obtain victory. Whatever you're doing right now, push forward with it confidently, you've made the right choice.


Can I has a Death Card?

Lets get some of that sweet roll

You got Strength.

The theme is virtue and strength. The triumph of love over hate. The card is about domination over fear. This card shall serve as a reminder to you that you cannot use brute force to exercise will over others. Instead you should use gentle, subtle influence. You enemies can be conquered through kindness and compassion. The meek shall inherit the Earth.


You got Death.

It's not what you think. The theme here isn't destruction but transformation or metamorphosis. The card indicates the end of one phase of your life and the start of a new one. This card is about change. However change is difficult. Things need to die in order for something new to be born. Yes, calamity will enter your life, but you need to endure them in order to arrive to greatness. Note in pic related that the sun is rising in the background. The sun is often used as a symbol for a "magnum opus", or great work. You will suffer with pain for now, but in the future you will produce something great.

thanks op


thanks op

damn u I asked for death card....

You got Pentacles VIII

The theme is apprenticeship. You are a perfectionist which it comes to your work, and you show that with diligence you will become very skilled. You are on the right track. The only downside, is that as you may note in the card, the craftsman has made many pentacles, but no one is there admiring them. This is because the work he is putting has yet to be recognized.



Wiccan here , give me a reading


Lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!

You got Wands IV

The theme is harvest and peace. The card suggests that there is happiness in your community. The work that you have put in has come to fruition. You have a good work-life balance. You have inner happiness.


Tell me this is still going? Tell me my shit future or something.

We need to make special meme magic tarrot of OUR OWN

>Rolll!!! pick me a card plox

You got The Lovers

Contrary to what you may think, the theme is not love but of a moral choice. The card is about the balance between the passions of love and lust. There is paradise - in the beginning. You are currently enjoying something good, but it's unstable. If you are not cautious, things are going to get chaotic.

In pic related, there are two figures. The man, indicative of rationality and logic, and the woman indicative of emotion and passion. Thus, the decision is between the mind and the heart. This card reminds you that you need to make the right moral choices in the upcoming future.



may you please do mine ?


Rollerino, predict my upcoming year with a turn of your cards, gypsy man.

> gypsy man.
its Romanian.

You got The Moon.

The theme is about the inner self. The Moon represents the shadow of your consciousness, repressed weakness. This repression is starting to surface. This card is about constant change, duality. Your tame side, and your wild side are in competition with each other.

Look in pic relate and check out that purple lobster. He's pretty dope right? That's you! The Lobster is a scavenger that just recently emerged from the pool of unconscious knowledge. But he's not there to explore the world, but to have a conversation with it.

There is also a sense of a need to be protected, as the lobster is exposed. There are unforeseen dangers in your future, it is now the time to maximize your use of intuition, as there are forces acting upon you that are beyond your knowledge just as the Moon manipulates ocean tides from above.

Who cares you faggot.

pls see what i get

Do mine please

The Romanians that traveled and did tarot card shit are called gypsies in France. If you are OP, you are culturally and ethnically a gypsy in my eyes. Not even in a negative light, that's just how you would be classified.


You got The Devil

The theme is about human nature prevailing over spirituality. There are things that are preventing personal growth. This card is about bondage to the material and preference for instant gratification. This card indicates hopelessness and pessimism.

The card also indicates that you are a person who view the world with extreme negativity, distrust and faithfulness.

The only hope in this card is that if you look closely at pic related, you can see the two sinful couples closely, they are chained to the Devil, however, these chains are loosely bound to them. They could easily remove the chains if they want to.

You have personal addictions that you need to overcome in order to have a brighter future.

tell me about myself, op. what lies in my cards?


You got Knight of Pentacles

You are a methodical and rational man. You're trustworthy but not imaginative. Also you have a dull, materialistic outlook. People look to you when they need money. In times of peace, people will complain about you as being conservative, too cautious and dull. However in tougher times, people will rely on your resourcefulness.

do mine

You got Swords III, please refer to

>You've become an outcast
So wtf do I do?
Girls dont want me
I barely have friends
Im a manlet who looks 12
Im 21 btw

Roll for Divinity

You got The Empress

The theme is creativity. This card is about fruition and victory. You have a gift of interpersonal skill to yield success and harmony. You have a certain feminine power, of striking beauty.


You got Cups VI, please refer to

OP, are you still here?
Can you do me?


You got Wands VI

The theme is victory. Good news in coming to you. A project that you've been working on shall come to fruition. Your labor shall pay off. The only word of caution is that this victory, only indicates that there are plenty more steps to take, more work to be done.

0 so no cards are flipped, you have no divination.

You got Cups IV

The theme is about introspection. You want more, or something different from what you already have. You are dissatisfied. Why? You need to find out. It's time to meditate.


This is true but id does not HALP!

anyhow, back to romanians,
in ancient Romania, 3000BC ago, little children heard stories of strange people who lived like animalz, they called em gypslish...
they inhabided an island and becomed english
so dont you jew me about your gypsiesnessh

Roll for great disaster

You got Ace of Cups

The theme is prosperity.

There is a breakthrough coming in your future. You will have fortune in love, joy, beauty or health. You may also have help from the divine.

You got The Chariot. Please refer to

You gotta mix the up man, some are supposed to be reversed in the deck to show true meaning

Person just got a fresh deck and is looking shit up as they go. No real fortunes tonight boys

You got Page of Swords

The theme is a mix of ambition and judgement. You have potential to be a great fighter, but often you judge too quickly. You are well liked as an ally, but prone to stir controversy.