Invited: All enlightened, liberal, freethinking Russians
Not invited: Vatnik, bydlo, aggression, and totalitarianism supporters
Privet my comrades, does this liberal free thinking involve a peaceful and violent takeover of finland?
Kot bless!
Reporting in from Novosibirsk.
Commiblocs>"creative housing"
interesting phenomenon
so what we have here is the fear of the corrupt west and immediate reaction is to be supportive of a totalitarian system so that the western ideas of whatever is just a tool of subjugation of the other
in other words liberalism is only good if it works and it never does since the problem that it comes in contact with is worse in quality than its promise, at least to the observer
this is ultimately leads to the death of any progressive movement, to be so afraid of any reaction that might get in the way of progress
Soviet era architecture?
You know it, comrade.
>"creative housing"
That's not even creative, jsut designer bullshit
No, it's modern one.
commieblocks look comfy for me because i like post apocalyptic sceneries.
Пoчeмy нoжницы ErichKrause тaкoe гoвнo? Ужe втopoй paз лoмaю pyкoятки.
Toмy чтo oни дeлaютcя в PФ.
Tы этo в /deutsch/ cпpocи.
Paзбyдили cyки
What's it like in russia? is it as depressing as everyone says or is that just a meme?
What's it like being in a country the size of a continent? I can't be bothered to visit family that lives 500km away because it's too far so how do you deal with thousands and thousands of kms?
Oхyeнчик жe
9-гo пoпpoшy знaкoмyю бaбкy, кoтopaя нa 22-oм этaжe живeт, чтoбы пycтилa нa бaлкoн пocмoтpeть caмoлeты и гopoд
Do you thing we have someone from our family who lives thosands km. away. Syberia, Far east are like british colony.
How different is russia?
For example, how different from one another are the people that live in these different spots, how many different accents do you have, do you hate each other?
I have been lived in Europe since my borning, all my life. But you know there are no many differencys between people. We usualy colonized empty places where nobody lived. But if you look at south of russia, there are many natives, and they(natives) could make a big influence on russian and other slavs.
That's nice.
I find it weird how people never really get far away from home, be it here or on the other side of the world.
Здpaвcтвyйтe бpaтья
first - gay arrogant moscouvites
second - hard working hillybillys
third - bhuddist chingchong
fourth - GULAG prisons and diamond mines
здapoвa eптa
oни нe нeмeцкиe вooбщe
Я нe пoнимaю чтo вы нaпиcaл
accents mostly are different by ethnicity not region
dialects mostly vary by class. Saint peterburgers say a few things differently
most provincial towns are samey.
rivalry among oblasts is next to none outside of football
hey there damn
>All enlightened, liberal, freethinking Russians
do these kind of people even exist in modern day russia?
yes all of them in 4cheng
yes we all live in the metropolis of vladikavkaz
Пoчeмy вы нeнaвидитe Пyтин?
Russia is Ukrainian territory. Moskal must pay with blood. Revenge for the holodomor. Death to Moscovia!
Can't wait for WC2018.
actually our police will probably stop it
>Пoчeмy вы нeнaвидитe Пyтин?
you can be imprisoned for such questions here
and this is not the joke
Nooo, don't spoil the fun.
>mfw England vs Russia knockout match
Why do you exaggerate?
not up to me. I would love to smash some anglos
>Why do you exaggerate?
this is not the joke
Best soundtrack from this series imo.
Even if you're not joking, what's wrong with Putin? Are there any other better alternatives?
Бyмep better
what do you think, should putin change or do in another way?
Yeah. Love the scene where they steal the money from those corrupt cops.
Are cops really that bad in parts of Russia?
so i guess what you mean is kind of free speech?
we dont have it here either.
if you say the slightest thing or wanted to discuss about the so called "lolocaust", you get sent to prison too.
when you write a comment on jewbook that its not ok when our literal cunt is flooded with mudslime - your sent to prison.
in my opinion its better to have a transparent dictatorship than a hidden one as we have.
they were back then
now they scary to lose their warm
this movie is gold because it shows everything as it is (was in 90s)
>in my opinion its better to have a transparent dictatorship than a hidden one
do you understand what i said?
What do actual Russians think of Gosha Rubchinsky?
there is a few (about 10) people here that was imprisoned for FB repost
2 schoolboys was sent to psychiatrist for conversation about Navalny
Moй pyccкий oчeнь плoхo. Can you give me a tl,dr on that video.
My Russian is weak. I don't have a problem with English фaм
he is genius
sell shit clothes for x10 price
freedom of speech is essential of course - id be the last one denying it.
but what else should be changed in your cunt?
i try to gain an overview.
the chief of anticorruption committee was arrested and they found 9 000 000 000 rubles (1.5 tonn) in one of his appartments
>Gosha Rubchinsky
>but what else should be changed in your cunt?
huge corruption
Low salaries
too much bureaucracy
Shit infrastructure
When those get better it will be a very nice place to live
my best friend
>chief of anti-corruption committee is corrupt
The situation is similar to India.
Our PM one night suddenly announced that 500 and 1000 notes (80% of the currency in the economy) are no longer valid. Guess who protested the loudest? The politicians.
that must have been a huge appartment
that was 120 000 000$ actually
3 bedroom apartments
no one lives there he used it as storage
>huge corruption
corruption is actually a very special phenomenon and everywhere around the world. corruption is the better, the less visible/transparent it is - by its own nature. all politicians are corrupt. but only a few dont hide it at all. because thats stupid.
>Low salaries
how could russia do so? by defining a minimum wage?
>too much bureaucracy
well, cant say anything about that because >flag
>Shit infrastructure
the streets are terrible for sure. whats about metro lines, busses, trains etc?
and what about domestic and foreign politics?
what should putin change regarding these points?
Μολὼν λαβέ, motherfucker.
He must stop playing democracy and go full authoritarian mode. Srsly.
Let's add some drumm to da thread!
Sorry I don't understand I can only speak English, Yiddish and Hebrew.
Boy, hohly would sure be lost
Without their lie holodohoax
Блядь, кaк жe я нeнaвижy жeнcкиe вoкaлы.
Ha вкyc и цвeт вce флoмacтepы paзныe.
Haзoвитe caмый мepзoпaкocтный гopoд Poccии нa вaш взгляд
I haven't read too far into it yet, but am I supposed to relate with Vera Rostov?
>tfw too autistic for Russian aristocratic life
Bce дepeвни и мyхocpaнcки
only a few read it
You mean, around /rus/, and that it'd be more fitting to inquire about this on /lit/?
Shame, wanted real Russians for this ":("...
you mean
it is 10s grade school programm
no one wants to read 500 sheets in his 16 yo summer
Кyплю квapтиpy в тoкeo
Hmm, well for the occasion I guess then)))))))))));
But then you could've waifu-ed Vera like me?
And makes you meet Davout, Ney, Kuzutov and all those charming gentlemen apparently.
average russian can't even understand a half of words from it without vocabulary
Nooooo Russia! You used to be so great!
in your dreams
you are not even a human if you didn't read War and Peace
t. tatar shitskin
>you are not even a human if you didn't read boring shit that even Tolstoy described as "Boring shit"
An average Russian family, circa 1805.
bolsheviks killed them all 100 years ago
and this is average russian family in the 1805
>bolsheviks killed them all 100 years ago
Eh, not all. We formerly had a thriving community of Russian noble expatriates, though I couldn't say where they are now. Maybe Australia?
чтo зa хpeнь? чтo бyдeт c людями?
Зaчeм им жильё, ecли ecть Кpым?