Find a flaw

find a flaw
Protip: you can't

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No boobs

Looks like a boy with long hair and a pussy.

>no tits

giant tittied whore

No cock.

The pic is crisp and hi-def, so there's the first flaw. Where are the tits? That's flaw #2. Red eye? #3. That dead-pan expression is #4. I'm sure that's not the best nude you've got of her, and if it is then you're failing to represent her as the beautiful fuck-twat she probably is.

That was supposed to say ISN'T crisp and hi-def

Her happy trail


No dick

Small pussy lips

shopped face

She wears ugly glasses

Do you have a pic where she smiles?


Clearer yet smaller, still no smile, she's got better angles and you're being stingy. Show her off or troll harder. So far the two pics shown are underwhelming, I'd rate her at 4/10 until proven otherwise.

Does this bitch have down syndrome??

Dubs of truth, she's a downs clown

Face. No tits, slightly overweight. She's fine though.

i need to see her ass from the side then from the back...

her whole torso is really odd, man.
like a Mac n Me type body..

Flaw 1: She is a whore
Flaw 2: She looks poor


kekd at flaw 2

any of her standing up ?


Her nippleslook like milk duds

She needs someone to pose her because whoever is doing it sucks. 3, 6, 10 and 11 please.

Her face Op

See? You can't find it

Her poochy face? Lack of tits? You can thank me later user.

actually its a lot more crisp and high def than the majority of photos from "pics you shouldnt share" threads
but its a very mediocre pic tbh

Flat chested beast with the muscle tone of a marshmallow and bad skin.

Agreed. I just think that if you're going to throw up a "rate" or "find a flaw" thread it should be populated by good pictures, not what we're getting so far.
Any bitch can just sit there and look like "meh, this bores me". If you want a true rating show the bitch off. Make her pose and smile once or twice at least.

3 words for you

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Trolling the Friday night reddit fags huh

is a man