Who existential dread here? I'll be replying to anyone here...

Who existential dread here? I'll be replying to anyone here, just a safe space to talk about the inevitability of death and futility of life.

At least we have the internet.

All a distraction, right?

Right :)

It's scary though, friend. All we know is existing and experiencing.

You haven't figured out it's a joke yet?

Who's laughing?

You should be! They say laughter is the best medicine!

Haha yeah! Thanks, it's a good life. Just sad it has to end for all of us. You guys are good.

>shitpost in trap tred
>this faggot starts talking about deppression
y do u do dis

I know it's sad, but take comfort that you get to go back to the place before you were born!

Sorry man, but this place is the best counselor sometimes. Feel free to post what you like to be happy!

But, what was before birth? :(

Idk, will figure it out eventually. Not really in a rush.

I fear it more for my loved ones. I'm worthless, so I'd gladly give myself up to prevent anyone worthwhile from suffering if it worked that way. Tell someone you love them today, guys.

Try to contribute to society...

I do. It's just been a rad eye opening lately.


Don't focus on it too much.

Thanks man. You were cool to talk to tonight, anything new?


Other topics?

It's a cycle, as are most things.

>experience existential crisis
>wow everything sux
>wow there's literally no point in anything
>fuck it I'm going to indulge in every mortal pleasure before my inevitable end
>wow this life is kinda worth living
>rinse and repeat

Everyone has something that drives them. Even if it's just the will to see the next sunrise. Find something worth living for, OP.

Thank you :) nothing new, same old same old.

Thank you, user. Very good advice. Will put theory into practice, just have to really ponder and search what my motivation could be.

Nice to see the smile there! Glad things are going well for you.