How do you compete against THIS?

how do you compete against THIS?

Other urls found in this thread:

With my job, and outside of prison

A job

You really need to quit it with the bait threads

i look at other threads
and come in here to call you a white nigger
cause we know youre white




Well, I'm not a nigger, so that's a start.



Like so

with this

Never being in this position!


You don't. You get on your fucking knees and suck it because that's a fine cock.



Dubs of truth

Trips of truth

Aaand you ruined it.

By pulling out my big fat cock and not being mad. Oh, I got a job working as a system admin, got a car and never been arrested. I'm married to a sexy white woman and another big titty white woman had my kid, I'm Latin. I also dated a lot of Jewish girls, but ended up with a girl who English. I live in California too and have dealt with a lot of racism, wanna know my secret?....I don't make bait threads you fucking cuck