You faggots will fight about anything. Cuck cuck cuck!

You faggots will fight about anything. Cuck cuck cuck!

my guess would be the lions. i'm uneducated tho so ... i could be wrong


Bread does not exist in the wild. Lions have no evolutionary reason to be equipped to defeat it.

OP here. Switching the topic to this post you turbo autists, get cracking.

win what?

i think the majority of the population would believe the nasa scientists. i'm uneducated tho

This guy is a millionaire who went to Duke. He's right, obviously it is flat. Just look at it. It's flat. We can all see that it's flat.


all 1 trillion lions would kill each other for the bread. many days pass and the remaining ones die from starvation from trying to kill an endless amount of them to get the garlic

i think the dog is pretty cool. he's also real.
What is plub even?

Noone would watch a 20 minute video so the nasa scientists would win by doing anything

Lions exterminate each other over who is the one that gets to eat the bread. Last lions strike simultaneous fatal blows.

If the garlic bread has cheese on it they will win and only if they're from Pizza hut and only if they are 4 pieces.

Plub would kick that nigger dog's ass


what IS plub
i'm with you

My nogger

you've managed to convince me. even tho the dog is cool. i dont know what plub is. so i will go with plub

posting the classic for all you newfags to enjoy

i'm uneducated tho so ... i could be wrong

>i'm uneducated tho

There is no need to keep telling everyone about your educational needs. Bernie lost fair and Hillary. Deal with it.

To eat a slice of garlic bread, you must first eat 1 half of a slice (Oh yeah, I'm going there), then a quarter, then an eighth, ect., which never[0] gets to all of the slice being eaten, and since you can't have multiple lions eat the same piece of bread (Well, you CAN, but good fucking luck), this process will happen 3 times simultaneity, but since 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16 only gets to one at infinity[1], the lions can't eat the garlic bread.

Garlic bread wins

[0] - Yes, we're ignoring calculus, fuck you.
[1] - I'm not qualified to explain why "at infinity" is stupid


What is plub?

Get this on google trends.

Those were soldiers, not Marines (Their costumes give it away)
The soldiers might have had a chance - but now we'll never know.

Garlic is awesome. Whenever I cook something that calls for garlic, I usually triple whatever the recipe says. Garlic wins every time.

> appeal to authority fallacy

Fuck you you Zeno wanna be muthafucka

I know my comment was complete bullshit, it was a joke.
If you want to kill me, we can arrange that.

you should an hero on cam. you sound like one of those edgy faggots that cuts on social media already

Three cloves of lions bread would win. Hands down, or up.

I'm depressed, not retarded, I don't cut.
And I don't have the balls to kill myself because of course I'm a fucking pussy.

Garlic bread. The lions would quickly overuse their resources and starve to death. The garlic bread would just get a little stale.