It was my turn, Bill tell them it's my turn!
>1021 registered voters
This is why these polls are retarded
Although, at least Fox puts their sample size on the screen.
>3% error margin
>3% error margin
whatever helps u sleep at night
it says so right on the pic you blind nigger
So really it's 48-39 for Trump
if they poll 1,021 voters and there are easily over 100 million voters in US, how can they say 3%?
Thanks for the (you) ahmed
Stats. The margin of error has a certain confidence level, usually 95%. Also stats is black wizard math, crazy shit goes into their formulas
This. polls are usually always right even with a small sample size.
When she doesn't win, it's going to be 4 years of her on morning news shows with the deepest butt-hurt commentary on everything Trump does. Also Trump dismissing and ridiculing her on twitter 10 times a day.
If this election doesn't kill her, she'll be in too poor a health to do anything for the rest of her life.
>polls are usually right
Kek. Faggot goy you should question how many poll results you've never been shown. Sometimes the results aren't what "is needed". But when it is, it's put on TV for stupid goyim such as yourselves can say "I like that person too, he winning :^)".
She's never poured a beer
that worked really well with kasich
God I hope so. This could be her last chance to become president. I'd love to see her hopes and dreams snuffed out in front of her.
She couldn't beat an unknown, jack-legged negro in a democratic primary, she's going to have a hard time making gains 1 vs. 1 on an Alpha male like Trump.
The margin of error from a random sample of 1021, out of a population of 140,000,000 (roughly the number of registered voters in the USA), is 3.07%.
Which means the result of 42/45 is a statistical tie.
But that's assuming a truly random sample, which it is reasonable to assume this isn't. Voter polls are typically conducted over the phone, which means that they skew conservative (often can't call cell phones, and old people disproportionately A) have land lines B) answer the phone and agree to surveys during the work-day).
>Why yes, underclass goyim, I have poured one of these "beer" beverages before here let me show you
Are you saying Fox News isn't a good source and they're shilling for Trump? I'm not sure what you're trying to say other than "I'm a Bernout and butt mad about this poll"
Reminds me of this hilariously awkward picture. Guy on the left was the other mayor candidate for London. Married to a Rothschild
It's almost like our jewish elite have nothing in common with the working class whites
>guy on the left
>typical reaction when a Turk gets his way
I mean at least he's not trying to hide anything and actually proves as a metaphor of modern day politics
Most old people are clinton supporters
New poll also has trump 1 point behind clintion in new Hampshire. Not that it is a huge state or anything
Lol, this is gold.
goddamn I would do anything to have a crack at her granddaughter's feet
Incorrect. 65+ are Trump's largest demo among likely voters.
I'm confused. So they they're leaving France because a right winged group is gaining momentum to live in Israel a country dominated by right winged politics? Obviously I'm not getting something.
Same reason they don't let multiculturalism into Israel. Its okay when they do it.
No, they're saying France can't have right-wing politics and then leaving when the lefties fuck things up.
poll where Hillary is ahead
>haha drumpf btfo!
poll where Trump is ahead
>polls aren't accurate
>sample size is too small
>lol within margin of error
>it skews right
You're confused because you have been failed by the American education system. Government is not about whether you identify as a conservative or a liberal. Stop playing identity politics, you mindless robot. There are genuinely important issues when it comes to governing a nation and no, whether you call yourself a paleo-libertarian-leaning-right-wing-pre-classical-conservative-batman-worshipping-evangelical-forthrightist-average-guyish... or whatever faggy labels you pick for yourself? Not relevant to governing.
>that picture
And here Bill thought he had to go elsewhere to get a bunch of head
>Someone said something I disagreed with, one time!
>I should attribute it to different people, who I believe have different opinions from mine
>because that's how winning arguments works
It's her niece, she is the granddaughter of Jean-Marie le Pen who is Marine's father.
Outlier poll:
Aggregated results:
>Polls don't mean anything
Still didn't answer the guy's point dude