
Sharona was the better assistant
prove me wrong
pro tip: you'll agree with me

the ending was terrible

they tried to wrap the last season up as fast as possible

what was monk's fucking problem?

after realizing how bad my own OCD has gotten, I need to watch this show more fully.


The ultimate fuck you, but it also is poetic because Monk gets over his OCD in the end so it wouldn't bother him

Yeah man I used to have ocd pretty bad as a kid. I would have to count ceiling tiles or shutters on a house and blink several tines in repid succession until it felt right and couldn't decude which doorways to best egress a room it was pretty bad

>Lebanese people are now Jewish
uh huh

If i ever left a public building i would have a panic attack, i would want to shut every door and turn off every light.
My pre-school actually let me because it would take less time


this is hilarious

>that pic

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that pic

This must be the comfiest show ever made.

The dead wife stuff genuinely makes me tear up whenever it gets brought up in the show. Shaloub absolutely sells it.

I never saw the ending though. If it resolves that dead wife stuff I doubt I could handle the emotions.

couldn't he have kept the fucking dog?
it's the last season you can change up the status quo a bit

It does but it's not satisfying
Monk wasn't even close the whole series. It was just some judge who Trudy had info on and so he killed her to stop it from getting out. had no conspiracy or Dale the Whale stuff around it. rather disappointing really

Watch the ending, it's great

Then watch the Family Guy skit where Craig T. Nelson appears

i am le kooky reddit detective that has trouble speakling to le people!

Such an overused trope.

I will add the last scene is actually nice and satisfying because you see Monk get his badge back and no longer needs a wipe for everything or his assistant

name one other show that does it.

phew. I guess I don't have it so bad. Though it amped up when a roommate thought he had bedbugs and there was a while fiasco with that. Fuck me. I just started scratching my head after typing that.

Thinking back, I guess I did do some counting shit on like tiles and lines as a kid, but it wasn't too compulsive.

I actually wasn't too germaphobic until taking more microbio classes. Yet I don't think I am excessive even if my doctor commenting about having purell dorkily hooked on my belt loop. And even then it is more just for allergies when I blow my nose and before eating.

I had another roomate before who was even more neat freak and OCD than I am. Shoulda moved out with him instead of staying with the messier one. Forget if he ever watched Monk.

She looks like an ayyy lmao being all shaven, shiny, skinny and in that awkward pose.


so a show that out came after Monk. even though it's not the same at all. great.

>backtracking this hard because you got btfo

>That smug grin

what the fuck is wrong with her reflection?!

I do find myself organizing shit in stores that other customers have messed up. Usually I am looking for something, but sometimes I just feel the need to organize shit.

Also I think I have come to realize this may all be triggered by my dad being so disorganized. I think it may have triggered OCD in my mom too. She loved watching Monk, but never realized how bad she had it herself. I would make comments about how she needs to stop being Monk. Guess I missed how bad I had gotten too.



Sharona was better but the stupid bitch playing her left the show for who knows what reason, almost ruining it.

Nice reddit reaction image.

Saw an episode on a plane. It felt really weird. Like, it wasn't an old show, but it didn't feel modern.

you still haven't provided proof of an "overused trope" that hasn't been used before.

Two of the three detectives on Law and Order: Criminal Intent

Both Sherlock and Elementary

Jonathon Creek

how do they have trouble speaking to other people. like, at all. Sherlock doesn't have OCD and has no trouble communicating. In fact he's arrogant and bullish. likewise Jonathan Creek.

Posts like these remind me why this board is dead

That's trouble speaking with other people.

It's not the exact same trouble, but they're all socially maladjusted detectives who need a partner (female, in most of those cases) to help them connect with witnesses and solve cases.

autism: the post

>a generic detective-partner dynamic is an overused trope.

well, duh, she was a nurse in the story.

Autism. Literally.

I'm not the idiot who was arguing that it is, I'm just saying Monk isn't remotely unique in its character pairing.

Sherlock was introduced as an aspie who's shit at social situations from the very start when he deduces Watson's life from his watch and just calmly says that Watson's brother threw his life away and drank himself to death. That's a trouble with communicating with people. Every adaptation that's cribbing from the stories have kept that, to varying degrees and in different directions.

That's the real boring part, really. It's just yet another Sherlock Holmes adaptation given the procedural spin.

That's how I would describe USA channel shows in general

The show was comfy, though some of the case felt like asspulls
I remember the one where they went to Mexico and Monk noticed the ME using American slang and that was a good twist
Alternatively the one where they killed some lady for a parking spot to rob a bank was clever, but dumb

I prefer Natalie honestly

but I started watching the show when she was his assistant so that's probably a factor.

She's okay

That's actually bait
Pay more attention