Why is star trek such a gigantic snoozefest? it's a literal video sleeping pill. why is this tripe engaging to people...

why is star trek such a gigantic snoozefest? it's a literal video sleeping pill. why is this tripe engaging to people? its nothing but YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP, nonsensical bullshit theories, totally communist economy, it's the worst thing ever. why do people watch and defend this total shit? serious question.

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yak yak yak, get a job

I fucking love star trek man

Because you're a dumbass and don't understand the complexities of ideas being talked about. You base all the 'knowledge' you have on feelings rather than logic and fact, I'm going to bet you're a Trump voter.

you're too dumb for it

wait a few years
eventually you will realize that there are people that like things that you don't like and that them liking the things you don't like doesn't matter

what is your job? show us your mansion.

how fat are you?

NASA need to get their ideas from somewhere

Yeah, we'd much rather be entertained by all the brilliant shows you've produced, OP.
Oh, that's right.......

>base all the 'knowledge' you have on feelings

This. Trumptards go with their feelings rather than objective facts and logic. This is a general way of thinking on the right; right = feelings, left = facts/logic.


Problem with feelings is that they are subjective, with no real basis in dealing with real issues

When you say star trek what do you mean? There were several movies and series that are completely different. Some series are really good like the next generation. Then you have something like deep space 9 which was good up until the last 2 seasons then it totally sucked.

this guy gets it

no, in fact it's the opposite. all of the top rated episodes, according to you fat fuck losers, either have something to do with geordi's hair clip eye beam thing malfunctioning, some kind of magical lazy writing space time continnum bullshit, or, the "Q" chatacters. just boring, unbearably BORING shit this is. did people actually watch this trash? was there nothing better on tv to watch that you'd get into THIS shit????? it's fucking godawfully boring.

>god tier spaceship that can kill everything
>we're here for peace reasons
>literally kills everyone because of superior firepower
>we're the good guys

fucking what? fuck you. i think this trash is why millenials are all legally retarded. they grew up on this absolute shit. IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.

It's a fun show about space with mysteries or battles or weird hilariously corny shit going on. It's just a T.V. show and if you don't enjoy it that's fine buckaroo.

If you want more action DS9 or Voyager might be a good bet, if you want corny bad movie night style stuff try early TNG or the entirety of TOS and if you're a diagnosed retard watch ENT.

fatty. go die.

I always preferred Deep Space Nine for this reason. There's a couple of brilliant Next Gen eps, original is good for retro weirdness. Finally Wrath of Khan movie is awesome, so STFU

Ds9 is terrible, and for terrible people.

What the actual F are you talking about?

>god tier spaceship that can kill everything
Not really. Ent D died in generations remember, because they got outfoxed - if it was godlike, it wouldn't have died.

>we're here for peace reasons
That's the general idea, yeah. Peace first, but if they're attacked, it's goodnight time.
>literally kills everyone because of superior firepower
Again, Generations - didn't happen.

>we're the good guys
Generally speaking yeah. I'll admit trek characters can be self righteous at times, but they generally mean well.

> If you want more action DS9

Most of the series was on a space station and dealt with the politics of the same planet.

Trek predicted ipads, cellphones, the only known basis for faster than light travel.


the "complexities" of a world where there's literally no money? because everything that's needed (food, clothing, shelter) comes from Replicator? no competition? literal communist everything? what is 'the federation' is a violent, militant, armed, communist installation. do you not see that? because that is what it is. it is the daydream personification of communism and those people exerting their force against other species and people, the fucking sci fi show. are you autistic or retarded???

wowwwwwwwww... that's sooooo deep maaaaaaayannnn...

fuck you, you low life dreg. go smoke some more meth.

Yeah. And the whole DS9 series tells the story of the dominion war begining to end.

It was ok in the first few seasons. Then the writers smoked a pound of meth and made the worst shit I have ever seen.

hi fat boy! that guy 'gets it'? but do you get it? where's your ferarri's and shit?

But the only real action comes from the end of the series.

Bitch you outta your fucking mind?! The episode where the adult bitches are all lolis was worth making the whole fuckin series!


You are really hung up on this communism thing.

Capitalism in the 24th century is symbolized by the ferangi. And they're basically space jews.

Deep space nine is amazing and even tho the writers were triping balls at te end it was still a enjoyable ride. Sisko is the goat of captains.


confirmed: dumbass.

>DSnigger9 or Voya incompetent militant cunt lesbian captain- ger are better options.

Top. Fucking. Kek. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

Mmhhh...no. We found it unwatchable, and really wanted to try, but, not that hard.

Social/boring character "driven" stale popcorn for the masses.
It's ok, you still have Supernatural or Jag....or whatever..

*plays fifty hours of Unteralterbach uninterrupted*

space, the final frontier.. but this is DS9, we don't explore shit. at all. ever. we sit in a stationery position and get fucked over by spacejews, errr Ferengi. and that's the show. that's literally the entire show.

no thx, fag.

Your grammar proves muh point, p'taq!

Star trek = science fiction
Doctor who = science fantasy
Star wars = space opera.

i agree op it needs more tits and explosions

Or a solid plot... Something more like Entourage.

Kek so true, fuck that show.

sisko is a traitor to starfleet, he id shit no officer of any deceny would ever do, he has no honor, fuck him and his baseball, he's a goddamn war criminal against the federation, he deleted and covered up proof of his crimes over and over either by his own hand or through intimidation and other fucked up methods, he was despicable. i hate janeway but he was the WORST 'starfleet captain' there ever has been.

Watch... The Wrath Of Kahn, all of Enterprise, all of Generations (+ the 4 Generations movies) then watch all of Voyager. While youre at it, watch Stargate SG1, Lexx and Farscape

thats the thing. they use tv to break people in to new tech so as not to freak out or upset people. oldschool star trek 1st series communicators? the first flip phones. TNG level PADDS? first ipads and touch screens. think back to the last few sci fi moveies over the years. what was different?

was it holographic bullshit all over the place? yes, yes it was. they're getting you used to, and to be ready for, the perpetual upgrade into that - which you will glady pay for, because 'zomg it's just like some movie i saw 10 years ago and it's so cool!'.

fucking simpletons.

Actually skip everything and go straight to Lexx

>literally no money
>everything that's needed comes from Replicator
>no competition
>literal communist everything

You sound butthurt. If everythings provided for you to live, and enjoy, the only thing left is to push yourself to make yourself better. The issue with survival is that it is a base instinct, and comes before self-improvement and learning, etc.. See attached pic. By eliminating the need to 'survive', you can focus on making yourself better and smarter, which ultimately benefits everyone - and the human ego is still there, so competition is still rife. You're just a dumbarse who can't understand that. Kys.

You seem to know every critique of the series with every character and evert significant act and personality trait of the characters.

Leads me to believe you are in fact a fan in disguise.

Fan bait.

confirmed: liberal shitstain non-contributing zero worthless dateless wonder fatass

did i miss anything fat boy?

Star Wars isn't an opera. Operas are musical stories. Star Wars is for nerds who can't understand Star Trek.

Say something bad about vulcans and andorians.

Imagine if we had those shiny energy to matter replicators in home that could make just about anything we wanted. Imagine having a holodeck to play glorious video games and shit on. Imagine having literally millions of hot totally real feeling holodeck women programed to be aching to fuck you dry. What star trek has above most other franchises is quality of life. As much as I'd love to have a personal Lucrehulk battleship I'd love it even more if it had these facilities and features out of trek added in. Keep your fucking teleporters though, fucking prestige ass bullshit right there.

>ywn glass the middle east while having an glorious orgy on your personal holodeck as your droid army streams out of your industrial size replicator ready to conquer the solar system and beyond

Let me guess, you're a Star Wars fan right?

Is the term space drama any better?

huh. are you accusing me of samefagging.. or? star trek is boring. i don't care. other people voicing their own opinions doens't make it samefags, it makes it obvious that everyone sees that shit for what it is, a terrible shitty show. but hey. i don't care what you watch. the probalem is, it's the same as watching talk shows telling you what to think or how to feel. you're stupid and a pussy.

Can you guys stahp it and go watch a show you both need to see, Lexx. The most fucked up, rediculous and over the top sci fi show ever. Did you want to see a syringe full of Tim Currie's cum being injected into the main Character while he is tied down? You know who Tim Currie is right or is everyone on here a child?

star wars is a bunch of faggots with bathrobes and light-up lightsticks. it's probably even worse than star trek because


get fucked, you're such losers, all of you.

i don't know what that means.

How come you know so many plot points?

And whats your take on the borg?

Not fat at all.

The creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, described it as space opera. Tell me more about how you know better.

Watch The Bachelor instead. Will blow your mind man.

oh hi hulu/netflix/whatever shit fucking provider spamfag you are.

go away. no one pays for your shit and no one is going to. take that back to your masters and tell them Sup Forums doesn't pay for subscription services. got it? good. now fuck off. spammer faggot.

No that isn't the show. You left out the part where the dumbass bejorans belived that aliens are gods and how we need to "respect their beliefs". You also left out the part where the writers said that it was wrong to have a changeling genocide even though they were responsible for genocides, subjugation of any race they came across and also bred two slave races.

has better effects and action tbh

They paid for game of thrones. They'll pay for this.

Just because he made a movie doesn't mean he gets to change the definition of words.

Definition of opera
: a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment and orchestral overtures (see 1overture 2) and interludes (see interlude 3); specifically : grand opera Beethoven composed only one opera.

Every captain except archer has fucked up the prime directive royally.

Ok then sorry please forgive me. Dont tell my wife, she'll fuck my dick hole with a toothbrush again if she finds out i talked about Lexx

So is what makes The Who's Tommy an opera and not west side story?

Wheres the line between musical and opera?

You're the kind of person people wince at when you speak in public, aren't you?


The prime directive is kind of stupid. It should be a suggestion more than a rule.


Jesus fucking God what the unholy titfucking nightmare is this. Fucking shit ds9 this is why no one invites you to Thanksgiving dinner you shit in the stuffing again

Man. Changelings are almost as bad as white people.

Opera [Opera = work]. Opera is a drama to be sung with instrumental accompaniment usually with scenery and in costume. It may include recitative or spoken dialogue, but the essence of opera is that the music is integral and is not incidental as in a 'musical' or play with music.

To slightly alter what Western ballerina said: musical theater is a story with songs thrown in, where as an opera is a song with a story thrown in.


stop liking what I don't like!!!


Because you are either a kid, a moron or you are uneducated. Just go to rodeos, arcades, NASCAR and monster truck pulls and you'll be happy.

No, because I know how to talk to people. The reason people are so shitty on the internet is because people actually speak what is on their minds instead of being polite.

Oh. They contain the sqme things but its about their relative amounts.

Its like how water with ice in it is completely different from ice with water in it.


Can anyone explain why Enterprise is constantly shit on? I've watched it and it's not that bad.

>Because you're a dumbass and don't understand the complexities of ideas being talked about. You base all the 'knowledge' you have on feelings rather than logic and fact, I'm going to bet you're a Hillary voter.

fixed that for ya

idk man, one side has an entire movement based on feelings and enforcing those feelings

great map tbqhwu famalam

fucking liberal projection again, the left are the the go screw facts and laws and constitutions because "mah feelings"

The intro song was wretched. But otherwise quite good. Watchin what role humans played in the federation's history was quite good.

And andorians rock.

Hey OP. Why don't you go watch Transformers. Seems to be more on your level. Leave Star Trek for the people that apriciate good scifi.


>the left are the the go screw facts
Go learn some English, faggot.

>fucking liberal projection again, the left are.. blah blah blah
Your wording in this proved him right. So, when you meet Trump, will there be tongue or are you just going to let him cum inside you without the foreplay?

The mirror darkly intro was pretty fucking cool though

There is blame on many sides. Many sides.

The best thing about star trek is that vision of society without money and competition you dumb fuck. The second best thing is Picard himself.

What do you think of this? Works much better for me.

TOS > Next Generation.

Try watching the original sometime before judging the franchise as a whole. The production value is much lower and the world isn't as fleshed out as in Next Generation, but the stories and characters are better. Also Picard is a cuck, literally worst captain.