What's your opinion of Ben Shapiro?

What's your opinion of Ben Shapiro?

Pic related.

i like his videos

smart guy. uses clear reason to argue a conservative platform.

He's great. He seems to be one of the only ones out that actually has a brain

>Ben Shaprio supports this.

Smart guy who makes some good points but can also being willfully ignorant and dumb on topics that aren't the right wings strong points (publicly funding of health, services and separating military from private industry).

Worth hearing out unlike Cenk Uygur.

Don't agree with him on everything (The Daily Wire is apparently against net neutrality because muh federal government control) but I get his reasons for a lot of other things.

Complete cuck...tried defending that big titted slut Michelle Fields hoping she'd blow him, but she ended up cucking him.

the most jewy jew ever

He kind of looks like AJ from the sopranos.

He's alright. Has great debate skills and uses reasoning and logic in most cases. He can be obtuse on issues deliberately though.

lol he's pretty top notch, my only con to him is that he almost mimics John Mccain with the very anti-Iranian / anti-Syrian sentiment

I mean, the guy is a pro Israel Jew. Not that I'm saying that's such a bad thing, it just influences his conscience when writing/talking about the major conflict going on in Iraq and Syria

He once the to argue Hitler was left wing.

He's a confirmed retard.

he's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything

Hitler was a socialist, his race based politics are the only thing that flings him slight right of center

Nazi = national socialist


Hitler was in favor of a massive government and redistribution politics - just like communists.

I like him. He's a great debater. I may not agree 100% all the time but we need people like him.

Also, I don't have anything to say anyone that cries about 'controlled opposition' and 'da joooooozsh'

Fucking retarded wanna-be wehrboos are destroying the right like SJWs did with the left

Is a cuck

He's a retarded neo-con.

>slight right of center

This thread is great to spot the Trump tards.

Nigger i voted for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

If you took his Aryan / German identity politics out of the equation he'd just be your typical tyrannical socialist dictator, but he was a racist

That's pretty much the only thing he had moving him anywhere to the 'Right' side of the spectrum

Yea, Hitler was a leftie. But that's not the reason why people hate him. Nobody hates Hitler because he supported universal healthcare and a large welfare state. It's because he started WW2, invaded half of europe, allied with fascist, and genocided jews and minorities.


Some jew

Sup Forums likes him so it's probably safe to assume that I don't. But I guess I'll be fair about this and admit I have never actually paid attention to him.

He has some interesting opinions. Too bad he is a turbo-jew though, his views on religion is absolutely retarded and he doesn't see the irony in criticising circumsision in islam when his own religion is a bunch of foreskin sucking vampires.

yea all that goes without saying

I was just clarifying for user because I didn't mention my thought process for saying Hitler was slightly right of center.

He's got a lot of +1's to the left side but a huge +10 to the right because of the peculiar identity politics the Nazis practiced

If he ran for president I'd probably vote for him.

>universal healthcare
It's a bit of a stretch to call it universal health care and a large welfare state, as the NSDAP's 25 point program only states "expansion of old state welfare" (but only for true Germans [as in not "degenerates") and their healthcare program was basically "how do we get mothers to have more aryan kids" and doing gymnastics in school.

I am unaware of any attempts to actually expand the welfare program.

Sup Forums doesn't like him at all, he's a jew

Well he makes some good points

I have literally no opinion on ben shapiro.

He's really fucking sharp and I've never seen him get second best in a debate. He has personal opinions one might disagree with, but when he pulls out his guns, he shoots statistics and facts.

i like most things about him except that he actually believes in Judaism

He's another shining example of America's retarded political climate.

There exists two kinds of jews
Jews looking to bleed the world dry
And jews that think long term, but here's the kicker:
It's still just in the long term, there is no capitalistic solution that lives in harmony with nature.
We're all heading one way, no matter how long conservative pretend Jews want to drag it out.

I think he works for ufc

oh and that everyone, he or nay, owes them or him something despite the contrary

this is the core of feminism

i think hes
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4/10 wouldn't bang

He seems to be a great debater, but the entire thing falls over for me when he judges people and crumbles their opinions on be basis they've got no evidence and he seems to be an evidence driven mam and yet he is religious. I can't really get passed that! Massively flawed.

great picture

>to the right because of the peculiar identity politics the Nazis practiced
this has nothing to do with right of spectrum

Southern Democrats were the ones who created the KKK and Jim Crow Laws.
A northern Democrat created Planned Parenthood as a black eugenics program.
LBJ said "These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again." as well as supposedly said "I'll have these niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years."
The left has a long, long history of using minorities one way or another, it hasn't changed today, only the methods by which they do it and how they appear to the public to "defend" them. Democrats haven't changed, only their public face has, they are still racists at heart.

He's crazy smart and logical, and would be a kick ass president. I'm surprised to see how little alt-right people are here calling him a cuck Jew or something shitty

Sup Forums fucking hates him, just because he's sort of anti-Trump and pro Israel. He's also an Orthodox Jew and doesnt like Nazis, which Sup Forums disagrees with apparently

He's a good member of the tribe.

>listen up go-... gang... identity politics is bad!

>Sup Forums likes him
Lol no.

Irrational religious nut that wants to use gov't to force his morals on other people.

So standard leftist except religion included, like a Catholic

He's married, idiot.