I'm at the bottom. I'm so sad, what do I do?

I'm at the bottom. I'm so sad, what do I do?


>join together with the other guys that cumdumpsters don't want
>kill the top three
>enslave the cumdumpsters

A womans marketplace value drops by about -3 if their single with a child or in their 40s 50s. Your only shot fam.

be glad you aren't sharing diseases with those "above" you.

Kill Chads to get to the top.

Or dodge the rodge and just kill sluts because you're not getting the sex you're entitled to

It's so fucking simple.

this doesn't scratch the surface. op has tons of options.

Fuck, just go to Asia.

Of course they won't love you if your so damn ugly, but they will still do it for a small amount of cash.

Source, I'm a pretty good looking guy living in the Philippines.

And I've seen some damn ugly guys with young and old girls walking around.

I don’t want filthy hapa children


What even is this?

Same here.
But they are still cute and fun to fuck.
And you can easily fuck girls who most people here would say is 10/10. I don't really believe in 10/10, so I would say that they're 9/10, and they fucking approach you. Pretty fun times.

The number 1 female looks available.

you're dumb

No, I just dont waste my time on her 24/7 like you do

no you're just dumb...

No, You just spend all your free time on Sup Forums. Loser.

no you're just dumb

>No, You just spend all your free time on Sup Forums. Loser.
>no you're just dumb
No, You just spend all your free time on Sup Forums. Loser.

you're talking about yourself