So yeah whats up poorfags? ;) you allright ? hehe

So yeah whats up poorfags? ;) you allright ? hehe

I'm on a luxury cruise ;) yeah i got a suite ;)

i only VIP travel hehe ;)

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Haha Good for you Buddy. I don't travel at all just saving up for a new computer.

get a new job

Doesn't look very VIP, budget cruise?
Also it must be boring considering you're posting here and trying to act like you're accomplished.

jelly confirmed ;)
its a 2 day luxury cruise between germany and norway ;)

2 best suite i got ;)

Looks like a shitole

2 day cruise? this wouldn't even be expensive nigger

24 cans of Coke for a 2 day cruise KEK

i like coke fucker

whatever sinks your ship, oh pee
i'm chilling on my bed looking at models is all

going on this luxury car ferry in 2 weeks
whos jelly ? ;)

i can book a 3 dayy cruise from Miami to the Bahamas in a luxury suite for half a weeks pay. You're impressing nobody

ITT: wageslaves who have never left their room

Holy shit, i did that. Are you going from kiel to oslo?

Huh Imagine being so self conscious that you have to tease poor fags to feel important.

This thread again?

>Implying a cruise on a pleb liner is expensive

>travels with north face base camp
>thinks he is rich

No I'm not, I've been on cruises that had better looking rooms than that, my point was more about op turning up here looking for jealousy.

Looks nice. But nobody is going to be impressed by two days. I'm not even a rich fag but my holiday to Bali next year is coming in at 6 grand (pounds)

Honestly think I'd be bored as fuck on a cruise

Coke cans? what are you, 12?


what that looks awesome OP, what else is on this cruise ship?

If you don't have a balcony then you are living in shit-tier.