Tribute continued

tribute continued

blast her OP

give her yr load






shower her bro

Post the best tits















make the cum come out OP


cum on her cleavage






give it to her. she loves feeling it drip off her face



op needs some help

Any body with a sexy view ?



not really but would be so hot if you coated her


wait got one

Better. Love that white girl next door look



runnnig out, posted best already. dump your cum on alissa m8




hottest in thread




Just a friendly reminder

>Pics you're not supposed to share
>wwyd (what would you do?)
>umad white boi
>cum/cock tribute

All these threads are made by people pushing a psyop in an attempt to normalize cuckoldry. Do not fall for their schemes, do not support their threads. They're from a group called Project Normalize.

These are shills who also post fake girlfriends, wives, exes, people they fucked. They're actually screenshots of camwhore sessions, and are taken via iPhone or Apple computer devices based on the filenames.

These people also work for porn sites. Remember to call them out, sage the threads, and hit them in the wallet.

No bitcoins for you, faggot.

