Can anyone hook us up with bud at surfers?

Can anyone hook us up with bud at surfers?

You are looking for illicit drugs?

Just bud

Could I interest you in meth or oxys?

Nah bra thanks but

U need heroin right

Fuck I dunno do I?

you never showed up in varsity lakes cunt

Bro we were sitting in lowood CT for ages we saw no red commodore were you hoaxing us?

And you didn't reply

I've got some medicinal bud I've had since 2014

thread died I didn't see anything cunt I'm in Miami now dropping off a Q to a mate

But I'm located in Woodridge

Wanna drop off some bud at vibe hotel were after a 50 but we'll give you extra

I'll be at pac fair car park for a couple hours selling some 25s if you wanna pick up

Yeah bro sounds good should I just grab your number before thread dies.

ill add you on snapchat

Snappy is colbymatee

wtf Colby howard is that you

KYS fucking narc

Colby Howard? Send me a snap bro

What's ur snap bro hurry before thread dies we're fangin for bud

Fresh medicinal bud AAAA

Come get me Feds


Bud please vibe hotel been hunting since 6

Snap me bro colbymatee