So i stood up to my principles and said i don't like niggers to my gf now she all mad was i right to do so ?

So i stood up to my principles and said i don't like niggers to my gf now she all mad was i right to do so ?

Take some grammar lessons.

My girlfriend Is half black and she knows I hate niggers. Define what a nigger is. I hate the gangstas that want to riot and shoot people and break Into house. I don't hate black people though. Everyone hates "niggers". If you hate all black people then yeah you're the bad guy but just niggers then she is the racist.

You can dislike whatever you want. It is a free country.

What if your gf told you that she hates your family, especially your mother, but for whatever reason, she loves you and thinks you're different from them?

Would you still be with her?

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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How do you even compare the too

She's mad about it? Dump her.


You get to hate and avoid whatever you want.

She gets to do the same.

Niggers are chimps. Poverty and a lack of dad makes them chimps. Regular black men exist too. I hate chimps

Thanks Sup Forums i knew you would understand

Each scenario is subjugated by the hate. Knowing that she fully hates your family, but still wants to be with you, will most likely bother you. That scenario is relatable to that fact that you, hating a specific race of people that you're gf has no ill will towards, will most likely bother her the same way.


Damn, I'm slipping...

That is a complete false equivalency. If she hates his family, but still wanted to be with him, that would perhaps bother him because they are his family and flesh and blood who he grew up loving. Being upset because he doesn't like a group of people she feels ok with is just unjustifiable. She has no connection with them other than that they are fellow human beings, but then so is he, so why side with a bunch of strangers over the one she supposedly cares for?

OP, here are some of the other photos from Hugo that photographer you posted...

Those guys are baller as fuck. They like eat/smoke these hallucinogens and opium and go fucking tame hyneas.

>was i right to do so ?

Yes, run her over with a car if she doesn't stfu about it


Don't ask me, ask OP's gf. But, I'm pretty sure that's how she feels.

>Being upset because he doesn't like a group of people she feels ok with is just unjustifiable.

nope, perfectly justifiable. I don't hang out with bigots and racists. Well, I've got a few in my family I can't really avoid but I sure as shit wouldn't date someone who hated a whole race of people.


>black people
>human beings
Good one

Because its morally right to side with strangers in this instance.

>So i stood up to my principles and said i don't like niggers to my gf now she all mad was i right to do so ?

yes you did the write thing. go find some girl what don't get all mad at you becuz u hate niggers. what the problem?

White people have an Rh factor because they are more closely related to rhesus monkies rhan chimps.

Sorry to break it to you but white people arent human. You are neanderthals.

>he may choose the people he likes
>she may not

great stuff, faggot.

nice reduction - I didn't see that until you pointed it out.

If that's how you see it, OP's gf will eventually drift away, leading her to have even more empathy towards black people.

Why were you dating a nigger lover in the first place!

I didn't know..had i known i wouldn't have bothered

Yeah, also gang banging mexicunts too, but unfortunately, it comes out as hating "all" of them.

You're a faggot if you think anyone but your girlfriend's opinion matters in this situation. Some things are better kept to yourself, dummy.
The problem is you spend too much time online and you get your opinions from there. And then when it doesn't work out for you in the real world, you come back online to get affirmation from your "bros" that you're not in the wrong. You see the circle? Do you see the fucking problem, you dumb ass?

let her fuck a black guy to make her happy and show her you're not a bigot.