Anybody else accidentally impregnate their little sister?

Anybody else accidentally impregnate their little sister?

No she got a sex change and became a man



You mean the sister or the fetus?

Would still biologically be a girl i do believe

As in 12 y/o little sister, i have yet to fuck a fetus. The fuck do you think im from? Kentucky?

Well i understand if its on purpose

I think your Dad did OP

That's who your "mom" is...

No because im not american

just once

No, but the thought of it used to scare the hell out of me when we fooled around.

Sucks to be you


it was my older sister

>Anybody else accidentally impregnate their little sister?

No, I'm not a muslim

Why? Theres do many options nowadays im not worrying about it to much

Nah it goes like.
>Anybody else rape your 7 year old daughter?
>muslim life

Thats fine then, her fault not yours

Hahaha get it? Ya get it? Hes suggesting im inbred, what a dumb nigger. If you believe in christainity we're all extremely inbred

to right, I was only 14 and didn't know that's how you made babies

Meh, it's been years since we fooled around, but we were pretty young at the time. There wouldn't have been any good discrete options for us.

Your school failed you

What? Did you not know about plan S back then?

plan S?

Yeah man, dont you know about plan staircase? The key is make it look like an accident went you shove her down the stairs

they didn't teach sex ed here until year 10 back in 1983

Yeah that aughta do it

I'm not the one who posted the gay flag of Mississippi (aka the incest banner)

Yea hear that slight whistling sound? Yeah, thats the joke going way over your head


...Roll tide