My GF looks like Abella Danger

My GF looks like Abella Danger

You're right, she does look like a nobody.

Fair enough haha

She also has that empty expression that Abella does when she's being fucked. I would post some links if I can just figure out how

fat gfycat com/ CapitalBouncyHippopotamus

What a relevant URL

imgur com Sup Forums EzDt1

trips get more details fuck it I'm drunk

does she swallow your cock like this?


I wish she did SOMETHING. She's the village bicycle and I'm a double amputee

she's a lousy fuck?

From what I've heard, she's OK. Don't have much of my own data though

you haven't fucked your GF?

I've fucked her a few times but stopped recently after finding out she's the village bike. Doesn't feel good, like used goods.

send her my way then

Like don't get me wrong it's nice to fuck someone who looks exactly like a pornstar but then again she couldn't be more like ADanger (save for that huge ass) if she tried - I can barely count the guys she's been with on my hands

Only if you're in London - I cbf to do international shipping

Are your webm converted from videos or do you just have a list of webms?

I don't understand what you're asking

All the webms that you're posting - are they from mp4s or do you just have webms as is

I have the full clip in mp4

Oh fuck I'm my own triple

Fuck it - whoever rolls a trip gets details

fucking cringelord betamax

Ah, Abella Danger. The only Jew that lets itself get fucked by whites.

Man, i wish i could tell your GF that you only like her because she vaguely looks like a random pornstar on the internet

I liked her before I found out about Abella Danger, then she started fucking random guys, so now I'm just not that into her any more.