Enter public bathroom see this

Enter public bathroom see this
wat do

kick it in the nuts

Vomit a little in my mouth, then leave. I don't need to pee that badly.

Scream loudly.

lock door behind me, then proceed to fuck

turn a 360• and walk away

The only right answer.

leave apple store

Her balls and penis seem pretty feminine, I'd give it a try.


I'm in too!

i fucking hate girly traps who dress in like basic slutty clothing and have long hair

What are you, gay?

Especially when you fap and cum to them. That's the fucking worst.

Give her a nice prostrate orgasm. This is my sex fantasy.

That is exactly the hottest thing. Especially if they actually manage to look like young and innocent. Which is why those little hormone teen tits are often hotter than huge silicones.

But in the end, you are still a faggot.

Huge tits are gross. Vaginas too.

Fake tits ruined more traps than an actual sex change.

>balls and penis
Pick one

Someone failed sex ed.

her balls and penis at the same time

I second that.

Take a piss.
I give a fuck about other people as long as the do not interfere with my life. Only if this guy pisses on the floor, I would get angry and force to clean his mess up.

Lube up and proceed to fill her with baby batter

> turn around 360°
That's a full circle so you just did a spin
> that's the only right answer
He's an idiot too

But you can't use her there. You must use his. He's a man.

Not sure if newfag or just bait


Not new day
Why is Sup Forums calling everything bait

you are the newfag here

Why not piss in his ass?

>be me
>go on Sup Forums for greentext stories
>see trap faggot porn spam
>jerk off violently

Not really



Eat her ass

Checked. This.

>turn 360 degrees
>unzip dick
>softly press glans to anus
>pee in his butt while double-grabbing them cheeks
>give the balls a complementary fondle on the way out
>don't wash hands

Run up, kick them (flat foot to the ass) and turn and sprint as hard as i can

Turn 360 degrees and walk out

Spot the newfag


Gross not washing hands after using trap.


Keep doing what I was going to do in the first place, get my credit card out and start making some lines and snort then go out

Not really

But her penis and balls are feminine.

This is the best answer I will read all day.

Eat dat ass


I stick to cops, truckers, and blue collar workers for public toilet sex

turn around 1080, and continue

This is the only kind of guy I want to encounter in a public toilet

Fuck her right in the pussy.

eat that ass, breed it, piss inside, leave

I don't
That's another pic of OP

you.. i like you

fucking fewnag

Exactly. If you are a trap, aim for those teeny hormone tits instead of silicone boobs.

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!

Walk to the Toilet Stall

When everything is bait, then nothing is.
Welcome to the bait culture, friend

No, his balls and penis are masculine, because he's a guy.

Call the cops if I saw any kids within 100 feet of it.

Newfriend. You must be really really new to not get that meme. Please lurk more before commenting. Signed, oldfag.

It's double bait moron

put at least 2 urinals between myself and the mentally disturbed guy.

tweet about how i hate san fran when i get back to the bar

Make her eat a bowl of eggs.

suck her dick


you don't have to tell me what happened

so fucking committed.
fight the good fight mein neger

Worship cock, balls and ass with all the sweetness I'm capable of

Get on the floor and put my face in between her and the urinal.