Will you watch the upcoming hollywood Evangelion adaptation?

Will you watch the upcoming hollywood Evangelion adaptation?

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>watching life action

fuck niggers

I look forward to this being another flop.
Not just because suddenly Harambe's cousin is going to be in the film, but because the faggots that watch anime don't watch movie remakes of anime.
And people who don't watch anime don't care to watch movie adaptions of something they don't care about.

Another flop like Netflix death note with a nigger as L because that's proves they aren't racist



The worst part is that L being black wasn't the worst part of the movie. Light being a thirsty bitch boy instead of a cool and suave chessmaster is what ruined it.

dubs of truth

It's fake news retards

How to make money :

Make an adaptation (copy what already worked)
include diversity (what is trending/can cause shitstorm = free ad)

Who cares about the quality of the product, as long as people are willing to go see it anyways, basically today's art is based on lazyness


no, it's based on capitalism

I was talking about the death note movie you fucking inbred stop being a cuck liberal

Oh boy another chance to spread her gross boob pics all over internetdom and watch as a million hate starved wolves devour her bones and all this time. I bet we can get at least one suicide attempt out of her. Maybe even some rapey rapey with a white boi get her career destroyed (which would be like going to the worst dumpster in town, picking out the dirtiest, rankest, vermin infested bag, bringing it to your part of town to stink up the neighborhood, you know what I already lost the thought something about recycling or whatever let's just get her I'm playing on no sleep and an empty stomach

If ppl are going to make an adaptation of something, I'll rather take a real adaptation in a new setting like the new death note rather than a "trying to be close to original but fucking it up".
Not saying the netflix death note will be good, but atleast I appreciate the whole setting change rather than a few tweaks.

It's already out I thought. Heard it was good.

I don't buy comics or watch shows with black leads.

>life action
What are you a retard?
>LIVE action

WTF seriously? Why?

what an idiot
did he think it would be different

>Half-Japanese/Half-German redhead
>Cast a nigger


She's actually 50% American, 25% Japanese, 25% German

Nailed it. Will be waiting to laugh at this idiocy when it all goes to shit.

Well I seriously thought this was true. Fuck that was scary.

Let me guess, Rei will be Seth Rogen and Shinji will be Kristen Wiig

This is fake. If anything they would cast Asian people not that unfunny gorilla.

They won't make Shinji a woman. Shinji's weak and helpless.

I'm glad this is a fake, but fuck, it's too plausible to be sure without googling first

Shinji will be demiracial omnisexual leprechaun that shoots puppies from his asshole

>Sinji you baka ass mu'fucker, you gots to thank in Germans like me.
>fine we be Japanese up in this entry plug n' shit
Angle Approaching Unit 02
>Oh! Hellllll Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww
Unit 02 has deployed it's progressive knife! Asuka what are you doing!
>I'mma shank this angel bitch, like we do in da hud. Ya'll mu'fuckin Angel biatch ass niggas be gettin on mah las' NERV.....

Fuck no!

wait, you mean those women and minorities who keep clamoring for diversity don't actually make up a relevant chunk of the market for literally anything they complain about? this is shocking news.

No it isnt. Its so obviously fake. If the author was happy about Leslie being chosen, he would have picked out a nicer pic of her.
OP is a wannabe troll, but is a fucking amateur.

You fucking bastard I laughed way too hard at this and shat in my bed fuck you

Kevin Hart as Misato

Nope, he's still the lead. Can't have the weird shit in the spotlight.

Gendo will be #the_patriarchy

>25% German
We wuz fuhrers

they already made an american adaptation of evangelion with black people. it was called pacific rim, and it was actually pretty good.

breddy good
I might actually watch this

nicer pic of her?

>a nicer pic of her
That is a nice pic of her


I have no problem with black people in movies and loved Pacific Rim, what I really don't like is when characters races are swapped because muh PC, it just makes no sense.

A tsundere with a nigger accent.
Great. As if the overused archetype wasn't shitty enough

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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Come on, L was decent. Ryuk was great. Everything else wasn't.

Nicer pic, relatively speaking is what i meant.
Only an amatuer troll would post a pic of her pulling a face.
OP is a child, and thus ignorant to the subtle art of trolling.
If you really want to troll, you have to make it look like its completed made by an SJW.

wait what?

>old fat black women
>14 year old german red haird girl

I´d be a better Shinji than she is a Asuka.

name me 1 just 1 good hollywood adaptation of an anime

To be fair, their regular movies suck too.

probably wasnt going to watch it before but now im definately not


That boy just ain't right, I tell you what

Is this real

beyond the race eand ethnicity issue
The only time an american has ever taken japanese media, and used it, was the speed racer film by the wachowskis
everything else, every godzilla film, the ghost in the shell remake,and the godforsaken insult that was dragon ball: evolution, shit, shit after shit, never good, dont even know why they think its a good idea, fuck hollywood

I dont know, a loud mouth, rude, obnoxious nigger seems to have the same personality as Askua.

Can someone please explain to me how this untalented hoodrat nigger even got to be famous?

She's like that gross fat bitch in the dollar with her massive floppy titties and no bra that pulls the money out of her sweaty tank top while her 4 kids are running around being totally disrespectful

Gross fat bitch in the dollar store**

I don't know. the new godzilla was pretty good and true to source while having an America sized budget.

But it might not count since it was a joint venture.

>Can someone please explain to me how this untalented hoodrat nigger even got to be famous?
Shes black, all she had to do is cry "racism" every time she fucked up or made a shitty movie and racist niggers would push her harder.

NGE wouldn't even work as live action, at least if it was true to the original.

Yes but


Had me going for a second.
But even this would be a objectively shitty thing no matter who you are.

So the same guy that fucked up Death Note is going to fuck yo evangelion?

We don't even have to wait to know it'll be shit if he legit casts that talentless boon

well looks like it's time to milk the shit outta this franchise and destroy its fanbase overnight

you mean the 2014 one?
the one where we see more human story than godzilla?
in that film we have godzilla as a secondary story arc and the primary one is of that fag soldier going back to his family, yes the imagery in that film, beautiful, theres no discussion there and thats one of its points, but still, its an american view of a japanese story, and the fact that america cant interpret godzilla the same way japan does its because godzilla represents a part of japanese history, and in america, its just commercial garbage
did you watch shin godzilla?
it was directed by hideaki ano (and this guy was a perfect choice, mainly by his understanding of size, monsters, and the combination of film and music to create a perfect cinematic moment), yes, most of the fil its the goverment figuring out what to do, but, thats 100 times better than a soldier, because the point of view of the government is one where we can actually see something happen, where they try to find a solution, whereas a soldier, only receives orders.
And the creation, evolution and development of the monster is masterfully executed, in 2 hours we see godzilla morphing into different stages of a cataclysmic monster, and the fact that they didnt care about explaining its origin was a great choice, mainly because, if you cant explain a monster, you fear it even more, godzilla just shows up and starts wreaking havoc because he felt like it, he isnt the result of a nuclear experiment that came to fight evil monsters and save mankind, he is the king of monsters


Jesus Christ

it seems pointless since evangelion 3.0+1.0 is coming out soon

To be fair I didn't like it at first. But he emulates L's mannerisms well and his posture and facial expressions the only thing he couldn't portray is the bags under the eyes because he's black lol.

You just can't make this shit any worse, so there's nothing to discuss here.

It make sense to the left and the Jews.


***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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You're not even trying anymore.

She leaked her nude photos to get famous.


How did this gorilla escape it's cage


Comics have been on the decline before that shit.
I stopped buying them when I got my playstation.

That 21 movie with Kevin Spacey about college kids counting cards? Based on the real story of a bunch of asian kids, in the live action spawn film they turned black characters into white ones so it didnt looked too much as an "Urban" film.

Changing ethnicities happens quite often, but somehow is no problem when its whitewashing only when a dear white character is turned into something else

Stand up comedian. That's how.


Shut up bout my mom!


>That African American lady

This is the one time I feel they did this to make the story realistic. Likeep for live action. Using the traditional l would've made it seem like anime which was what it wasn't trying to be