Democrat party will lose again in 2020 elections to Trump.This people are truly a disgrace and a shame

Democrat party will lose again in 2020 elections to Trump.This people are truly a disgrace and a shame.
Liberals = retards

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B-b-but my PC trans non-CIS privilege!!!

WTF I hate Stephen King now.

No argument here. Just watch out for the horseshoe effect

>implying trump will make it to 2020 if dems win in 2018
Babby's first political discussion



>Liberals = retards

More news at 10

Every kingdom divided against itself cannot stand


>These anti-Trump vermin still this asshurt 9 months on

Absolutely love it :^)


You are delusional as is most of the US right now. Infact the Nazis are excited because you are legitimizing them, they think they are making a comeback it's sad. There is no collisional between the Russian government and Donald trump, Nazis are not Christian conservatives. Fuck George Soros

D.T. Barnum




>There is no collisional between the Russian government and Donald trump

Only CNN viewers ever thought there was to be fair.


so fucking what, right now the more dangerous in america has been the right wing white supremacist who have been encouraging violence and its more less gonan come, hell so far neo natzis and the ilks have been found with manufactured anthrax and bombs weighing over a half a ton. they are the unseen white threat


>Implying the democrans and republicrats are different in any substantial way.

After a nigger, anything is possible

No, people have short memories, so what will happen is that the Democrats will probably win, and if Trump has left a bad enough taste they will win for the next 8 years, and then another Republican will get elected after everyone has forgotten and thinks that the Democrats are the problem. Politicians are the problem, a corrupted system is the problem, broken promises is the problem, these people can NEVER be trusted to keep their word, and the fact that people make favourites out of them is fucking insane.

You are delusional as is most of the US right now. In fact the Nazis are excited because you are legitimizing them, they think they are making a comeback it's sad. There is collision between the Russian government and Donald trump, Nazis are not Christian conservatives. Fuck George Soros.

The masses are being used and abused this is very bad what is happening it's like common sense has gone out the window even the media is telling the big lie, George Soros is pure evil... the frontman.


kek, saved

[Citation Needed]

Obama was talking about coal jobs in that quote.

>thinks those jobs made were trumps doing, lol
also How did it go for the month of August?

It was reported on cnn

OMG, he just has to say "a billion jobs added!" and you fucking dipshits will believe it, won't you?

Where the fuck are these invisible jobs he created? Where's any god damned evidence of their existence?

Pull that out of your ass, faggot. Trump is a pathological liar.

Agreed, although the last democrat president's performance will most likely see to that.


>believing CNN
Come on, what happened to "mainstream media is run by jews and is liberals" bullshit?

Poor coked out motherfucker looks like Voldemort

I'm just going to leave this here

Don't worry, there's no evidence so no citation.

Trump supporters are so god damned retarded he'd be believed if he said the sky was green.

Even if it was just CNN which it wasn't it has been a large number of media outlets, look at the effect it has had on the masses.



Ugh. Don't remind of that inept mong, practically ruined this great country.


Couldn't be further from the truth of who l am


hehe, they hate this. exposing snowflakes hypocrisy makes their blood boil.

God is punishing those sinners with his just wrath, People in houston deserves what is happenin.

We can only pray that they one day see the light of light during their stay in Hell

It's the antifa using violence in America.

lol sure internet tough guy, isn't it time for you to sleep? Don't stay up past bedtime, if you want that good boy sticker!

Fucking underages

that's actually kind of a good point, never really considered it but left wingers act like they're all fags or love fags. then when someone in the republican party gets outed as a fag they act like it's a huge scandal as if they never liked any fags to begin with

She got more votes than Trump, idiot.

found the cocksucker




>I'm a Christian, my ethics and morals are better than yours.
>I hope you die from disagreeing with me though, because that's how good and just of a Christian I am.
It's almost like you never read the story of the good samaritan.

What are you talking about
>shaking my head

Learn proper grammar, Tyrone. Your pidgin black language makes you look fucking stupid

>doesn't know what the electoral college is

Libturd "education" everybody lol


this user drives a truck

What has this administration done to "create" jobs?
The only thing a president can affect is to encourage the economic atmosphere for industry to create jobs.
Trump's Business Advisory group just bailed on him, because they don't need him and their bad rep getting worse...

I want you to google "The Southern Strategy"

No they don't and l know you are not one of gods people because one would never say such a thing. Don't slander l know what you are.

>She got more votes than Trump

Nobody really knows who won the popular vote due to irregularities, voting fraud, and a whole bunch of missing and possibly hacked results.

Trump won the election by a strong 77 vote margin though, we do know that.

Never saw a face covered that wasn't the peaceful tolerant left.


Maybe we'd know if America's voting systems weren't outdated by twenty years.

I smell butthurt (:

>implying dems will win in 2018
Even normalfags hate you niggers now but keep your bullshit tatics up because that's working out so well for you


There won't be an election in 2020, Trump will find a way to declare martial law right before it and be America's first dictator.

At least those anons can afford vehicles you welfare food stamp, bus riding nigger.

All neo-nazi promote killing minorities.
Not all muslims promote killing infidels.

You refuse to understand basic logic, which is why everyone looks down on you.

I want you to read Rules For Radicals.

Not where it counts.

Winning the wrong race is still losing.

This guys gets it.

They keep doubling down on the shit that got trump elected!! LOL


These past few months have already made him the best President of my 30 years of life. I'm at the point where if he was named dictator for life I would weep tears of joy.

That is exactly what you are doing tho....

Beat it, Rooskie troll.

exhibit A asshole:

>this people are

I am afraid the disgrace and shame are yours, you illiterate cocksucker

Lel same fag but this time with a cuck cage


Its the hypocrisy in their beliefs, not the actual action of being gay or unfaithful. Don't sell yourself as a beacon of values and then turn around and be just what you preached against.

>proud cuck
That line is never going to make sense.

This is the funniest thing, these liberal cocksuckers don't even know why they lost the election

he's right you know

>t. shareblue shill

The tolerant left wouldn't lie, so you must be correct.

not as funny as knowing that Trump outright lied to his followers on pretty much every policy in order to win the election

it's a funny old world isn't it

Nobody said anything about nazis you dolt

Katrina hits louisiana for all it's depravity. Texas was next for it's incest! Next is San Francisco for alk theirs fag! This country will soon be purged of all its sinners

The funny part is they actually believe they will win civil war 2.0
>pissed off gun owners that have been shooting since the age of 6
>beta numales swinging bongs and dildos

Actually, the left understands completely, It's the neo conservatives that rule the DNC that don't understand.

Hillary was a shit candidate who tried to run as Republican Lite. We would have won with Bernie and will win with a Bernie like candidate in 2020.

>things CNN viewers believe


good morning anons. anyone else enjoying a delicious breakfast?