Will anyone here agree that my dick is average size looking? Ex is saying I'm "small"

Will anyone here agree that my dick is average size looking? Ex is saying I'm "small"

You're kinda small but don't worry about it

Only cunts would care

Pretty average for a Chinaman

It looks like you are a female holding a novelty mini penis toy up against your vagina


Am small as shit too, can confirm

Agreed, OP. Don't worry about your size. I'm sure you make a great bottom and will love taking a real man's cock up your ass.

You small but not to worry just make sure you know how to use it

b happy that looks comfortable

dont hurt yourself

Well my ex has pegged me a couple of times lol

You're small but that cock is pretty fucking cute.

OP, there's a nice quote on GTA V when Trevor talks about his dick:

"Ain't nothing special, but it gets the job done!"

How big of a dildo?

Is that erect?

is small but still looks apetite and i could suck it.
female here.

I'd say average I guess, bigger than me though

compare dicks on rabb.it?


Gonna be honest with you, OP. She's right, you're fucked mate. Be thankful you aren't as small as me.
Do you think I should not bother losing my virginity?


I think your dick might actually fit inside my dick. Wanna try?

Id suck your cock so much lol

Dont females *cough* on Sup Forums have dicks too?

Well, good news, at least with a slut im fucking, I've got a pretty big cock apparently, so she has a hard time letting me fuck her in the ass, but she really enjoys smaller guys for anal. You got that much at least lol

You're small dude. I got an 8.5 and compared to you... You're half me.

Fucking kekd

Show open mouth

I'm curious as to how this would work lol

yah female right there's no females on 4chinks we kno that

Ever see kids in the sandbox?

A comparison would be humorous

Your erect penis is as large as my flaccid

Small, though above micro-penis. You're obviously 3.5-4inches hard. The average size of a white man is 5.5 in legit tests.

My advice would be try to lose weight as you look flabby and/or skinnyfat, then get sme self-respect and stop talking to women who treat you like a doormat.

No, but it would be cool if I had a dick

Nope, I haven't

Looks like a prepubescent baby penis

Thanks, I'm rather skinny though. I have a very small belly at best when sitting or hunching forward. Gym never hurt anyone

I'll give ya a dick

It's big enough to fill a pram, so don't worry..

Urethral stretching with a vibrator, its possible

Thanks for the confidence haha

That's a nice looking cock you have there. Not gay, thought I'd share

You don't even have an erection in the pic. mine is that big soft maybe smaller but it grow to over 7 inches

Having one is awesome I will admit. 7" uncut here. Downside with that is you get the infamous cheese if its not cleaned out regularly.

If it makes you feel better, I can't even cum when i fuck a girl, have to do it with my hand. I would rather have a smaller dick and be able to.

Mines not very big soft. It more than doubles in size when I'm hard

I'm hard though

Umm I do have an erection

I doubt it. then why are you holding your dick up with your hand? if it was hard it would stay up on its own. Looks like it will fall down if you let go so it isn't erect.

foreskin problem i presume ? if so,i have the same problem i think

ehh feminine penises are better anyways

This is my soft dick buddy. Yes I wear panties from time to time.

Hey fellow fire-pubes. My bush is bigger though.

what are the measurements? Camera Angles and body size could make it look smaller than it is

it's literally the same size thanks for proving my point idiot

Not sure honestly, it's around 4inch

Are you blind? It's clearly skinnier and shorter, I don't grow much at all!

Too big.

Better mister expert

You're a porn star in Japan

sorry user, you are small.
Even I , who admit to have a small dick, have it bigger than you. I am not bragging it, I fell bad for both of us.

If it helps you, you can still make a women feel pleasure, if she never had a 8 inch dick inside her before.

Think about it, many women can reach orgasm using their own fingers, so your penis is not a problem, unless shes freaky and has dragon dildos you nigga is fine.

>micropenises tho
yeap they are a real problem. But you can get a penis grown operation same way a chick gets a boob grown operation.

this looks like CP hahahaha

under rated


My penis is yours to play, also Titicus exposius or Getthefuckouticus

How many inches? In the photo it looks below average length and girth wise

For starters woman have horrible depth perception hence why they crash more than men when parking.

Second point only sluts are going to be comparing your dick to other men.
Dump her stupid ass and get a woman that isn't fucking half your city/town.

that's fucking small even by china standards, if op is American he's in deep shit what with all the big nigger cock on the hunt, probably the smallest white cock I've ever seen Sup Forums.


Jesus it's not that bad is it

kinda hard to tell, if you are like 2 meters tall and got the hands of a giant, then sure.
how long is it, OP? measure the thing

Dude, I'm fat but not obese and of what you can see of my dick on the flop is that big.

great it gets smaller. Doesnt change the fact you aren't fully erect in the OP pic

Is it fully erect?

Yes it is, but one person can't accept that lol

I mean I have a penis I know what they look like hard. Everyone in this thread pretending it's hard, so that they think they're penis aren't small. But OP is probably bigger then half the ppl making fun of him.

Mines just 6" and I like to wear Diapers. Still found a good wife who indulges me and a great career.

Thankfully I'm white.

Small but really suckable


Tfw my dicks even smaller than OPs. Gunna kill myself eventually because of it

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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Try taking a picture of it being erected

At least you're not a jew