Is it worth getting one of these if I'm a semi-regular smoker

Is it worth getting one of these if I'm a semi-regular smoker.
(1-3 times per week).

Yes. Non fag stoner essential

No, hit boxes are dumb. Maybe the one hitter is a good idea but the whole box thing isn't

It saves your weed. You don't waste as much. You can get high anywhere.

Be sure to find a bat with teeth on the end. The smooth ones have a difficult time getting the packed weed out.

I own a Onies brand hitter. You can buy bats anywhere for $1-$4

If you travel with your weed, sure.

>It saves your weed. You don't waste as much. You can get high anywhere
Dab pens are better

dugouts are excellent for discrete smoking

if you're like me and only toke at home it's a nonissue but if you smoke at all in public it's a must have IMO

Still not using dab pens
It's the way of the future

Use mine all the time... i have had like 4 over the years. Essential

>milled aluminum

OP melting a nickel coated socket into the plastic of a pop bottle and using it as a bong is much more worth it. 18 yo senior btw


No I agree man, they're just expensive. Was fuckin amazing sitting in the camping spots on a cali beach toking on a pen, you couldn't even smell it more than a few feet away.

But not everybody can afford $70 a week on quality juice

No, your choice of how you smoke weed is faggy

Get a job then or buy lower percent tanks

Fag detected

Is that a dynavap?

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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can't assemble an argument why hit boxes are actually good when in 2017 dab pens exist. user must be gay

how about fuck you narrowmindedfag, not everybody can afford it

dugouts are a good choice still. buy one OP

Dude I live in the Ozarks. Finding wax/oil on the regular is difficult. We gotta go old school until it's completely legal. I'm 33 and have smoked since 1997. A one hitter is the way to go. If you have to ditch it, it's only a few grams of pot and a $20 hitter.

>dabs are better
>edgy 12 year old

you're just a fag who's never actually seen weed before

I'm 31 and also live in an illegal state and can find it. Got to know the right people I guess. Dab pen is even easier. Some says what's that, my vape, why doesn't it smell like candy. It's nicotine only.

what part of the Ozarks?


Kek, you are a poor fag how can't afford dabs

Can't hate ya for having it. I can always get dry herb though. In about two years when it's legal, I'll likely switch to dab pen. Consider yourself lucky

>guise I can't afford it so you are the fag

all that oregano is clearly messing with your cognition

Flowers are great for at home but the pen was a game changer for on the go

I just consider options outside my own


Summer as fuck

>guise only my opinion is right, any one who disagrees is a fag

Faggot if you're gonna troll don't mock yourself

Butthurt much?

>guise if I call him a faggot, he'll get mad and I win

