Step 1: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything

Step 1: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.
Step 2: feel better about your own pathetic life.

Why are you a virgin?

Shit personality.


really? did you actually try to find someone?

i lost mine at 23

Yes. Online dating, bars clubs and shit.


there is someone out there for you,don't stress

why not a whore?

why don't you buy a hooker?

>don't stress
> 34 y/o

don't buy a hooker, just chat up some ugly chick and fuck her or something

That's what I did in the last 15 years.

I was virgin till 30 just because of this fucking picture, got some anxiety issues from teens to mid 20, after 24yo I had few occasions to have sex but passed on it to become a wizard just for shit ang giggles ( I didnt want relationshit anyway). After turning 30 I was like ok Im a wizard now there is no stopping this time. Have regular sex now and right now have a long term girlfriend

what do you think you are doing wrong?



have you got high expectations of what you should be in life?
everyone is average don't worry

Did you try to learn the Feminist? Could explain you why your life is shet...

Not anymore. I was very ambitious and full of myself in my 20s.

What do you mean by "try to learn the Feminist"?

What kinda magic powers you got user? I plan on becoming a wizard too but don't know what kind of powers one gets from ignoring whores for 30+ years

Learn the History and the differents tesis about feminist and then maybe, just maybe can you have a normal relationship with womans

I read Simone de Beauvoirs Second Sex in my teens.

It's a different language.

I have really bad social anxiety, I can't make eye contact with anyone except my mom. Back in highschool I was one of those really awkward presenters. I only had one girl who was a friend, and that was just because we've been friends since kindergarten. also my dick is on the shorter side, so that drags me down farther.

That is not enought, you should to read historical books about feminist and the differents ways is impacting this movimient to the womans. I mean, is not just for womans is for every human and can help you to put out why you have so many problems with them. If not, another solution is pay for a psychologist (better woman one)

passed 17 (now 18) on my way to 20 at least I had my first kiss a week ago so I don't graduate kissless at least

i'm 30, not kissles but virgin
honestly I think my way-of-ife, as I'm living it, is wonderful.

I would say that I am very well educated in feminist philosophy. It's also the reason why I refuse to go to a hooker.

What do you do for a living my dude?

work half days in a supermarket.

>Shit personality

Apparently shitty English, too.

I´m too shy for that

You user's need to learn to tread women like shit. Seriously. Lost my virginity in 8th grade and have had sex at least twice a week with rotating girls since. Just yesterday I fucked a girl and then had to get ready for a romantic dinner date with another. Stop being so fucking nice. Currently 19 y/o


That sucks I wish I could invite you a beer, truth as be told you can get laid with proper guidance

Wise choice.

>Great sexual life
>ipresuming on Sup Forums
fuck off jimmie stop lying

I cant drink beer, Im literally obese and dont want to have heart attack

Had my first sex 1 week ago at age 21, there's still hope for some of you :)

I like this movie

How did it feel to be a powerful magician?

I'm the master. Fucking a 10 under amphetamine influence,dressing her up in heels and lingerie.

Dude. You are young as fuck.

Did you personally dressed her up?

how about no

nah mate.. the average is like 17-18 I think?
Whatever, the sex is honestly less important, having a loving girlfriend is the important thing

>nah mate.. the average is like 17-18 I think?

Doesn't matter. 21 is still young. You were a late bloomer, I am a wizard.

bump fuckers

>cant believe people can have a good sex life because I've never had one

Wow, really good! Underage detected

You could always take a holiday in amsterdam and go to the red light district

As I said, no hookers.

you don't need to be a dick to get chicks, I've been a decent dude to everyone i meet, and i've been around more than most my age (22). chicks dig confidence and that's probably why they'll go for assholes, just because it's better than an insecure guy. You can be nice guy and get loads of pussy, and they are more likely to stick around because you aren't a dick. Chicks will only put up with assholes for so long

I have to disagree with you there. My last two exes are literally addicted to me, and spend every cent they get to spend any time with me. And I don't like relationships, I like casual dating and sex. Being too nice will trap you with someone.

>feel better about your own pathetic life.
>implying I'm not going to end up worse or at least equal
lmao thx 4 the laugh bro

You keep telling yourself that buddy

there's a difference between not being a dick and being too nice. Guys that are too nice usually are because they want something in return, which is unattractive. Girls won't dig you because you're an asshole, they dig you because you're confident and don't need their approval. You can be confident and not need approval from women without being a jerk to people, 'tis all I'm saying

Story time.


dont be a cuck but don't be a cunt

most well adjusted people don't have to be told this anyway

>"can't get laid because of shit personality"
>literally obese

Man, you gotta focus on the problems. Shit personality moslty will get you laid even easier. Go to the fucking gym.

Eh, maybe I'll start if I ever meet someone I wamt to stay with. Doubt it though.

Why am I still a virgin?

I'm going to the gym regularly. While I am not buff, I am quite athletic.

Maybe you don't actually want it?

Socially awkward neckbeard.

I do tho.

Just go to parties and shit. Talk to females. It can't be that hard.

Stop posting naked pictures of yourself.

Are traps gay?

No, but that doesn't mean that you aren't gay.

I did this shit my whole 20s. It is fucking hard when you are a sperglord.

I know you want it.

Yes. Simple as that.



do you consider boring?

I am boring as fuck.

what do you do in your free time

Bouldering /climbing, gym, running, cycling, cooking, reading, video games.

I'm 25.


27 virgin reporting in.

in a world full of humans who have the same issues as you, if you cant find your people you're not trying.

someone will date you, but if you're a weirdo and just looking for sex you haven't had yet you have severe issues mentally and socially...

find a woman/man that has things in common, specifically go out and find people to date, it doesn't matter what you look like, you're going to fail and be rejected no matter how much money you have or don't have, no matter how ugly or good looking you are.

there are too many people to generalize everyone.... someone will find you attractive, someone will get involved with you and if you dont try, fail, learn and grow... just blame yourself.... everyone has failed at dating and relitionships... to validate each other based on looks isnt logical. because in reality its an individual thing

facts about me quick: lost it at 17, didn't want to chance getting anyone pregant, Im an in shape good looking dude, im 33, got two kids, a hot girlfriend now, live at home, still trying to progress, slept with over 70 in my life.

I tried, I failed, they failed, I learned, I grew, I developed systems and got mostly what I wanted.


>in a world full of humans who have the same issues as you, if you cant find your people you're not trying.

I'm trying. But I'm not sure if there are my people anywhere.

>someone will date you, but if you're a weirdo and just looking for sex you haven't had yet you have severe issues mentally and socially...

I am a weirdo. No doubt about that.

>find a woman/man that has things in common, specifically go out and find people to date, it doesn't matter what you look like, you're going to fail and be rejected no matter how much money you have or don't have, no matter how ugly or good looking you are.

Been there, done that.

>I tried, I failed, they failed, I learned, I grew, I developed systems and got mostly what I wanted.

I tried, I failed, I didn't learn, I didn't grew.

>someone will date you, but if you're a weirdo and just looking for sex you haven't had yet you have severe issues mentally and socially...
I don't want to date anyone
I just want to fuck


C'mon fuckers.

Niggas always post the wrong one.

>death risk is high too high
>dosen't need
>or fellow


19yo wizard-to-be, you guys want some OC of me shutting this one chick's sexual advances?

There's a lid for every pot.

Never give up.

How's it like being a wizard?

There is literally nothing wrong with being a lossless virgin.

Be proud!

What class is your main?

Just wanted to say OP:

My step dad was a virgin until he was 35. He met my mom and they were perfect for each other. He was also an awkward guy, works as a drafting engineer. Numbers and formulas are his friend. But like I said he found a woman and they have been married 18 years. Don't listen to anyone who says it's too late. There is a small chance that you will never meet anyone but you have to overcome that because there is an equal possibility that you WILL find her.

Life is shit.


Played a mage in 2005. Haven't played since.

prostitutes when?

what's your income?
Do you live with your parents?
Do you have any skills?
Is there anything physically wrong with you that can't be solved with discipline? (Eg. skin condition, very short, etc.)

whynot full days?

nigga it's completely private and secret
the whole industry is premised on secrecy, whores that make a big fuss don't stay in business for long
think about it, they're like NPCs in skyrim

>what's your income?

Like 15k per year.

>Do you live with your parents?


>Do you have any skills?


>Is there anything physically wrong with you that can't be solved with discipline? (Eg. skin condition, very short, etc.)


eat less
go to gym
I guess you know this already, but you could honestly just do it for fuck's sake

yeah probably 99% of your failure is aesthetic. Your personality is nothing, women go for all kinds of fucks, surly wordless dudes, assholes, wifebeaters, etc.
They don't go for fatties tho.
U can be hardcore aspie and get a girl, I guarantee it. U just can't be a fat fuck