Hey Sup Forums, this is more of a serious one, so skip if you want

Hey Sup Forums, this is more of a serious one, so skip if you want.
>be me, 14
>try weed for the first time
>have fun
>the next day i have a panic attack out of nowhere
>never had one of those before
>think nothing of it
>continue going to parties and smoking weed
>slowly, i almost feel out of touch with myself
>months go by, and this continues
>grades drop
>the littlest things that wouldn't bother me before piss me the fuck off (tapping or breathing)
>start to believe my friends and family are working against me
>constantly paranoid
>suspicious of everyone's actions
>can't sleep at night, to busy being paranoid
>constantly think about suicide
>can barely feel anything anymore, nothing surprises or impresses me or makes me happy
>if people criticize me i want to rip their throats out, even i know they're joking
>constant moodswings
>no motivation anymore
>start hearing things that other people swear they don't hear (clicks or animals scratching in my walls)
>hard for me to speak to people, they say that my sentences make no sense, and have no meaning. like im just stringing words together
>do research on the mental effects of weed
>"Can be linked to mental illness"
I don't know what to do, I'll still smoke (I'm 16 now) and my family has a history of mental illness
What could it be, and is there anyway to stop it?

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OP, since you posted seriously, I'll answer seriously.

Given that you started smoking at a young age and that your primary symptoms seem to be mood swings, depression, and emotional detachment, I think you're suffering from cannabis use disorder. Check out the Wikipedia article for more info.

No easy treatment for this one, OP. You'll need to ease yourself off weed and likely join a rehabilitation program.

I'll look into that, thanks

If you stop smoking weed and start dealing with your issues with a cognitive behavioral therapist, you have a chance of getting better.
Then once you've finished your teens and early adulthood(read after the age of 25) you can try smoking weed again and see if it still does this to you.

I'll try to quit but i dont know about therapy.
I've been forced to go before and I hated it
I know I sound like a faggot for saying that but i really think its a con. Sure it has helped some people, but i hate talking and i dont believe it will help me

Stay calm. You just have to change a habit. 3 Weeks and you are done with this shit.

First of all: Grab this mind-twisting shit and toss it in the trash. Your mind will calm down as soon as the psychoactive effects of this shit are stopping. I really know that feel.

1) Realise that personal development and long term goals are much better than short term satisfaction and a delusional twisted inner peace

2) Drink lots of water or tea

3) Get a gym membership or go outside exercising, start sweating!

4) Gain self-trust and confidence; get out of this situation much bigger than you were before.

My english isn't the best, but i PROMISE you, you can get out of this creepy situation much stronger than before! Always remember this! Feeling a bit gay atm, but remember: Belief creates reality. You can do it.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is different though.
It's based on how our physical brains seem to function and how to deal with that.
It's not about just telling your sob story and then suddenly reaching a breakthrough, it's about looking at what your brain is doing and reacting to it in a beneficial manner.


Oh alright, I've just never heard of a therapy like that

It's all good if you feel a bit gay, thanks for the help

Just stop smoking it, you're young and it can fuck with your mental development. Try again at like 20 and see what it does.

stop smoking weed, its not for everybody and you already know its not for you

Well part of your issues sounds anxiety based, that is why I recommend this sort of therapy.
It was a combination of CBT and mindfulness meditation that got me from an anxious wreck who used 8 hours to get psyched up to go grocery shopping, to functioning basically normally now.

If you're American, nobody can help you. You're already lost in the neverending circle of paranoia which will bring you to a pharmalogical abuse sooner or later in life.

If you're not, simply stop being a wimp and auto-diagnosing shit to yourself. Smoking weed never killed anyone, you'll not be the first.
Stop smoking if it makes you feel bad, it's that easy.

I'm american, but what does that have to do with anything?

Alright, thanks man, I'll see what in my area

No problems man, other people did the same for me, I'm just paying it forward.

WHO's study about cannabis use shows that it's basially harmless for people over the age of 16. Smoking before the age of 16 halts your mental development and can lead to long term damage.


Basically you're suffering from PTSD probably from child abuse or something like that and the weed is bringing it out, you were probably in denial about it and managed some type of coping mechanism but the weed has changed all that and the symptoms have began to surface.

Some even go as far as the age of 25, since that is when our brains are done changing because of puberty hormones.
There is more money in keeping people sick and sedated, than healthy and autonomously thinking.

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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Weed can trigger or worsen schizophrenia.

>persecution complex
>can't sleep over it
>light sounds set you in a rage
You either have latent acute schizophrenia of a psychosis of some sort from a genetic predisposition in your family, or depersonalizations. HPPD is also common in being developed in marijuana users your age so I'd be careful. I'd see a psychiatrist or a actual doctor about these issues because nothing that I or anyone else here says is set in stone.


Different user, There are five main studies of psychology as we know today, and there are other bullshit forms like sociocultural but not so attended to as the others. Stop smoking weed and listen to the user about going to a hybrid therapist/psychologist. If you need medicines for any triggered flux of dopamine/serotonin/neropherorin deficit or increase in your brain, a psychiatrist could prescribe you medicines to try to balance your brain chemistry. Trying to explain this the best I can but a little slow this morning, ironically trying to help a kid with drug use after waking up after a night of Kratom and vodka

Weed can worsen schizophrenia, but not trigger it.

Faggit mods ban this underage retard.

This. My half brother had mild schizo, but ended up in some home for challenged kids after he started smoking weed.
It sounds crazy but the weed literally fucking sent him there.

i have all this shit and i dont smoke weed, i dont even smoke or drink alcohol, i think my brain is fucked

>Asking for help
go back to your trap thread stupid nigger

The legal age to use Sup Forums is 5 years old.

That sucks, have you seen a doctor about it?


No actually, fucking retard

No, when i was 4yo i was playing on the couch then i suddenly fell on my head, i think it was really bad because its still dented really bad, i don't know if it has anything to do with it but i get bothered by any small noise and i get an "anger attack" if thats even a thing

why would you assume that?

You sound like a fag and underage b&

Sounds like you have a serious mental illness, maybe schizophrenia.
You should seek medical help and stay away from any intoxicants that are not prescribed by a doctor, as they can possibly make your situation worse.
Some people can handle mild intoxicants while others cannot.
You are probably in the latter category.

Yeah i know it probably sounds like that, but i just want this to stop and have my life be normal again

>have mental illness record in family
>start doing drugs that multiply every minor phobic into a huge problem that can fuck up my mental health

how about stop smoking weed?
i say this as someone who smokes weed every evening. if you are prone to mental disorders you shouldnt smoke.

in my country we have stuff for shit like that, but for it to work you have to stop smoking that poison

basically dry a shitload of thyme then crush it, mix it with black tea(without water or sugar)

pour hot water and drink everytime you get panic attacks or whatever it is that u get

I have a similiar experience to yours.

Also started doing weed at 14 but for me it took many more years to develop your symptoms. I smoked till 22 and got extreme paranoid. Lost all my friends and lot of people made fun of me. Today I still don't know which of these things were real in which only in my mind, that's the worst part.

I got cancer with 22 and went through chemo. That made me stop smoking and never touched a joint since. I'm 25 now. I got a hot and wonderful gf now, but that was luck I still can not believe. Because I'm still very anxious about anything. Example: Have been invited to a party yesterday and planned on going there. An hour before I planned on going out I bailed and stayed at home with my gf because I'm too afraid to talk to people. The amount of anxiety varies from day to day. Always thinking about my past life and all the mistakes I made.

I'm a mess. But that's maybe because I never went to therapy and maybe still should. Somehow I'm still able to manage my life. Everything is so confusing and mixed up, I don't even know who I am. I'm having a hard time.

Your questions: what could it be? Well of course it has to do with cannabis. If you want to be better, stop fucking smoking it, on all costs. Whatever it takes, fucking do it to stop smoking.

If you'll be ever any real good again, I don't know. I think I am getting better but it'll take a lot of time. Just don't give up and you will do it. At least that's what I'm telling myself. I think it'll work. It has to.

Gtfo you fucking child! MODS

Smoking was the scariest shit of my life man. Everything is fucking terrifying. Like I'm living a really well-made horror movie. When I used to get high. It's so weird. Then it'll switch to everything is fucking perfect and nothing could possibly go wrong, and then it'll switch again. So fucking weird.

>>be me, 14


>I'm 16 now

MODS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

holy shit, same condition bro, everytime i feel brave enough to talk to my friends or people i know i remember past cringe and awkward shit i did and i say fuck it, only i dont have a hot gf

Cannabis use can bring out early stages of schizophrenia if its already a disorder, it can me the effects come out sooner in life.

My advice is go see a psychologist before the symptoms get worse.

Google cannabis use and schizophrenia.

Also I would get a mri also, just to rule out a brain tumor. Sounds like the symptoms of that is possible also.

back to reddi t you fucking 12yo cocksucker

Thanks man, I hope things get better for you

It really just takes self-discipline. Youre now becoming self aware; weed does that to some people and it can be a shock.

Therapy will only make the internal pressure build. It just is something that teaches you how "act" and "feel" normal. No one can help you but yourself.

Find yourself through meditation. Something where you can be alone with your mind for a while. Fishing, or some hobby.

Dont worry be happy. Nothings coming after you. Enjoy life because you only get to do this once.

I drag race, thats my hobby.

Weed does bad things to your brian when you start young and 14 is young. Stop now you retard, your brain is still growing

Fuck off cunt

All great advice and info, op if you're here just read through these.

>go to a shrink

good joke dumbass, shrinks dont give a fuck and dont know shit, they just give you pills and talk about boring shit the whole time, dont waste your money

here is the link to one of the articles I read.



M with the O D S !!!!

Serious answer here, I can't remember the name of it, but people with a certain gene have latent schizophrenia that cannabis can set off. I'd stay far away from cannabis if I were you, especially since you're still growing. Being 16 and all...

and this is why we need to ban weed. He will probably become a homosexual soon aswell.

t. failure and disappointment to family

I'm also in my 30s, and smoke everyday.


Pretty sure it was weed.

Yeah i'm reading all of them, im glad people are trying to help and not just calling me a faggot

You sound like someone who would benefit from seeking psychological help.

okay do nothing and let your mental health get worse. What suggestions do you have if that is what it is. Next we will see op on the news saying his cat told him to commit crimes. Fuck off if you are not bringing advice.

Someone should screencap or save thread.

Proud to see all the serious and helpful replies here.

Get in touch with old friends, even if you fell out cos of past beef ect, that was my therapy and it helped like fuck.

if your family has a history of mental illness then you shouldnt really be doing any drugs
also you shouldnt smoke at 14 your parents should have raised you kek

Yeah for me it's ups and downs just like yours. Some days I look into the mirror and think 'man your not even that ugly, you're not that stupid and you have a good heart. that's more a lot of people have. don't feel so shitty about yourself' and then I remember how I lived in a shared flat and my flat mated had a real big party while I was in my little room hiding, smoking and playing video games with the door locked and hear all these voices again that made fun of me, still not knowing which were real and which were not. And then BOOM, I'm all down again thinking about how shitty I am.

And like I said, my gf is luck I still don't really get. She moved into the flat, is a lot like me mental wise (except for that fucked up part) and saw her soulmate in me. So we came together and moved out together. She's what makes me want to keep fighting it. I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for her. I can only wish for you the luck I got.

Pretty sure it was weed.

fucking dumbass, therapy is the biggest scam of all time, they rip you off and steal your money for sugar pills that do nothing and make your cock flaccid

im speaking from personal experience, im 44 and i used to go to a shrink because i used to hear voices from the attic and ceiling, when i went to the shrink it got worse because i kept thinking about it, when i decided enough and stopped therapy i became better almost immedaitley


Youre just whiney bitch, get out

too bad in my country getting a gf is impossible, anyway im happy for you man, keep fighting its worth it, make something of yourself

Weed doesn't do any harm and isn't addictive though right guys?

you should stop smoking weed. Your brain is not fully developed till your 24.
And I had a lot of kids who permanently destroyed their ability to think straight by smoking weed in such a young age. And that's without an illness.
if you have the tendency for one, weed will intensify it.

sugar pills? I take gabapentin for my anxiety that use to make me a shut in. It changed my life for the better. I am almost anxiety free. So i guess its what you want out of it.

Because that's you're fucked in the head and your crazy brain is getting endorphin releases from relapsing into your psychotic tendencies. You realize the placebo effect is real right, and cause actual euphoria from the endorphin release depending on the measure of it.

That sounds like something you would say.
Go seek medical help before it's too late.

You remember a shit ton more about yourself than other people. They dont care dude , we only care about ourselves

>haha I showed those fags
>kid smoking weed at 14
>has a family history of mental illness
>haha me so smart
Nice cherry picking faggot

you realize how pathetic you are?

>go to some jew so he can help you overcome your mental problems, you're too weak to do it yourself

You should probably stop smoking weed, and you may need to get a check up for Schizophrenia. Weed has the ability to exacerbate symptoms of Schizophrenia, and it sounds like you have many of the symptoms. Get that checked out ASAP.

wow man, you don't know how much that actually helped, never thought about it that way.

Why don't you get out faggot?
Why even come to thread if only to criticize people who try to tell their story?

you don't know what you're talking about, fuck off pls

which country do you live in that getting a gf is impossible?

PLEASE stop feeding this imbecile troll

film tip:
The White Sound

That's what I'm afraid of it being


it begins with j and ends with ordan

whatever dude, i told you my personal experience

Why's it impossible to get a gf there?

Fuck off newfag

We've already had this discussion many times.
Take your medicine and talk to your doctor before the voices tell you to kill again.
You remember what happened last time, don't you?
Please don't make mother cry again.

Because they bomb you alalalalalaala allahu akbar

haram bro

Fuck off dude, the kid is cool and is asking for help.

Mods please ban him. He's only 14

well flee to germany, there are refugees all over the place here, doesn't matter anymore how many, but pls only take refugee gf