Rate us on /10

Rate us on /10

Your momma must have been pissed when you brought a skinny ass white girl to dinner.


he wuzz a gud boi n shiiieeeeeet dindu nuffin

Good looking, happy couple/10

The skin is too dark,this negro is not attractive.

Future single mom/10


Good girl. You worship that big black cock

didn't know blacks got stuck in the friends zone too

make hot half breeds/10

Eat a burger

You honestly call that hot? Christ your standards are low.

0/10 due to niglet in pic.
shouldn't he be bringing you your drink?

not random at all / 10


nice chimp


Lil ass nigga/10

.. She is hot though, sorry you silly racist

yea if you like under weight thots!

8/10 and 8/10

Would bang both of you individually or at the same time.