Sup Sup Forums so I cut off the eyes of a snail I found and I was wondering, are they gonna grow back??

Sup Sup Forums so I cut off the eyes of a snail I found and I was wondering, are they gonna grow back??

You just made it a slug

Uh. Are you going to keep it alive long enough for that to potentially to happen? Because your post just radiates the potential for that not happening.

Kill yourself

Why don't you do it faggot?

Guys I'm being serious. Are the eyes able to grow back?

Why not google the question instead of mutilating a random snail?

Did you consult Google first?

You should do the world a favor and kill yourself.

I just get alot of yes and no answers so that is irrelevant

Soooo do they grow back?

Uh look up correct foods for it. Not only is it wounded you are feeding it grapes which if not the species of snail that does that its flesh is being burned by the acidic grapes. Also store bought grapes have pesticide residue.

the snails fucked.
honestly i'd stick a firecracker under it and end its miserable life

Realy it looks like you know exactly what you are doing, and doing it. Why do you hate snail? It is not complex enough though to appreciate or angst about growing eyes back to have them snipped off again at a later date.

as if you complaining faggots never did anything against animals? i care about animals and yet i killed 5 spiders in a crawspace yesterday, who gives a shit about instects or aracnoids?

but i don't know OP, i guess if you feed it long enough it will either recover and heal or grow back completely. google up what works best for those bastards to eat

Just look at fluffy threads instead of doing stuff like that

No, their eyes don't grow back.

God said all kreatures are equal

drop a grain of salt on the wound to cauterize it.

$100% equal ---|--

no. fire to cauterize.
just enough to do the job. maybe only a two second squirt of lighter fluid should do it

Snail might be a pussy and try to hide so best pin it out with a couple of needles or something.
It's for it's own good at this point.

Also post more pics OP

Give me your evidence of god existing idiot.

Yeah so I had enough of him. I placed him at my garden and threw a rock at him and he was pretty much crushed. After that I found out there were some giant spiders in my garden so I got a lighter and some deoderant and I made a firethrower. Got the job done easily and they all died just like their eggs. Keep this thread going I'll make some pictures give me 10 minutes

find another snail and flamethrower the sucker

I'll record it and post it

why do some people want to flaunt their mental adolescence

Yes they will grow back assuming you don't kill

noice! I'll get my jizzing sock ready.

We live in an inclusive society. We all put up with your faggotry

cause they wield power over a creature unable to fight back

this pretty much sums up all of these types of cases

if anything it atleast serves a red flag for the people you encounter in your life

i think most people like op were themselves abused. they don't want to acknowledge it -- who wants to say their mum didn't love them