How do you go from this

how do you go from this

to this

anavar. physically impossible without steroids.

Either way, shes still hot as fuck.

Hard work and dedication.



would let her rip my cock off

A mix of anabolic steroids and protein loading. How is this a question?


either anavar or test.

most likely both at some point.

It would freak me the fuck out to get her in bed and peel her top off and there's just two rock-hard pecs.

show us the clit. must be bigger than my dick

Why would any women want to look like that? Gross

pectiddies are patrician

I am secure in my masculinity, and thus, these lady beefcakes are just another flavor of sexy AF.

What the fuck. You can keep them all.

ego and mental illness

This guy gets it.



I am secure in my masculinity too, and these ladies look absolutely hideous to me.


AAS and severe mental illness

Natasha Aughey is perfect....