As we all know, dopamine and the release of it, is the core to the problems of addictions

As we all know, dopamine and the release of it, is the core to the problems of addictions.

It used to just play a very big role in the survival of our species. However, since the introduction of unlimited, overly accessible, tube-like internet porn, we have been subject of brainchanges that don't benefit us trying to make the most of ourselves, our lives, develop skills and otherwise hold us back in what we want to or could achieve.

Watch this video:


Imagine how many /r9k/ robots, Sup Forums sexual perverts and depressed people would be helped by recovering their dopamine levels and their brains in general.

Please discuss.

I'll be back in about half an hour, I'm going for a run.

Other urls found in this thread:

To anyone who's DEPRESSED, ADDICTED, or suffering from SOCIAL / MENTAL PROBLEMS / or is trying NOFAP

Did you just get through learning about neurotransmitters in your Psych 101 class? Of fucking course people would be better off losing their addictions/depression/miscellaneous problems, but it ain't that simple; going for a run doesn't work for most folk, fam.

>nice link btw

what you mean by a run? the vid's pretty long

video was lifechanging op
link that works

Nice Story Bro
But humanity is fucked and destinied to go exticnt
Dopamin's not gonna change shit about that
And NoFap is still fucking bullshit going against every exsisting medical and clinical evidence that fapping is good for you even in high amounts.

Mmmm there's also serotonin alonf wirh several other brain chemicals whose production, regulation, release and uptake that can be messed up by drugs. Not just recreational but also prescribed. It can be a real shit fest.

wtf i've been "edging" and it leads to erectile dysfuncion? xD i'm fucked, oh well i'll never fuck a girl anyway

What does this mean about my cocaine addiction?

Is this one of these nofap threads that would have John Harvey Kellogg creaming in his pants from all of the people who will stop masturbating?



I don't think he was Irish, so cracker wouldn't be an accurate pejorative.

Edging. Te nani?

>I just learned this stuff in school

>I must post it on/b/

May wanna get an MRI OP cause I think you have cancer

Nah fam, Graham crackers just have a similar story compared to corn flakes as far as anti-masturbation is concerned; wasn't trying to insult my cereal overlord.

yeah u'd have to be dumb to believe nofap is good. fapping is like sex and isn't it the point of our existence?

Huh, I learned something new that I can use to make fun of degeneracy/abstinence theory.
Thanks user.


I'm starting my noporn life with 100 days of nofap and noporn.

Just learning more about what actually happens with the brain when you become more and more sexually perverted (in sense of what kind of porn arouses you, for example).

I was already on nofap day 9, but this really convinced me to forever rid my life of porn.

I'm not saying you have to give up masturbation forever. I just stated nofap, because I reckoned that people who are doing nofap, might be interested in this video.

I didn't learn this at school. I know it's obvious people ought to sort out their problems and only a percentage of people would actually give the video a try, but I thought I'd share it nonetheless

I tend to be a proponent of everything in moderation.
As long as your actions aren't having a detrimental impact on your work, romance and social life, you ain't sick.

This is exactly what I would advise people to have in their lives.
However, I believe that most young people, especially the kind you find on Sup Forums, have left 'moderation' years ago

I tend not to use a broad brush to describe any demographic, it would be better to make a demographic based on the lack of moderation, since all generations contain people who fit with this definition.
These people are also the ones who wholesale buy into this nofap/degeneracy/abstinence meme.

Our generation (I'm 24) is also the first generation to grow up with super easy internet porn access. Also, porn has become more extreme

True, getting porn is easier now, but I don't agree with the more extreme notion. There has been depictions of taboo sex acts since the dawn of time.

This is true, but there was more trouble involved in achieving it. You had to go out and find people to do it with. Porn was only in magazines. Static images influence the brain differently than hardcore interracial gangrape videos

Hmm I gotta refute myself.
Since the dawn of civilization*
At the dawn of time we didn't even exist.

> dopamine
> reward center
> addict
> porn

Thats a see of buzzwords there pseudo-intellectual. Wouldn't it be easier to just say "stop liking what I don't like" ?

At the end of the day it is a self-comforting ritual, like the autists in fits do. Its a pattern recognition of a perceived order that will most likely get "needs met", like love.

What, you didn't know that the bullshit that your sacred darwinistic merger of natural law and metaphysical predestination rests upon (natural love) manifests in the brain liken OCD? That is all just learned behavior about what will get your needs met? Well fuck, your addicted to your idiosyncrasies m8. So kys and stop being a beta addict.

Personally I think the way people are now equating emotions with reality is a bigger problem.
People used to know that reals over feels was a valid standpoint and that there was a difference between fantasy and reality, not so much anymore.

> sea of buzzwords

but trying to push Nurture over Nature with discussion based talking points, as if it some how can wield and determine human nature is a myopic tool of this salespitch... people scoff at Nurture over Nature because Inductive Reasoning forged Deductive Reasoning, while inductive reasoning is closer to how instinct and unfortunately belief works. While people want to BELIEVE in things about society and shit, it isn't deductive reasoning about an objective subject... ever

The modernist crap-sandwhich pushes belief in a social order over a natural order, that going along to get along being the height of social form. And, modernist cultural format was taught that there is no reality without society.

Structuralism is Consequentialism, ending with a "he said".

If there's no moderation, post cp faggot. You won't.

I will try this nofap until I get a boner from a qt in bikini or nudity. Currently I'm hard from reading erotica.

i think you actually lose labido bro,

ie. the more you fap the more likely you are to pop random boners