Now that consoles have finally caught up to PC perfromance...

Now that consoles have finally caught up to PC perfromance, is it even worth it to spend the effort and money to build a rig, when a console can give you the same graphical and sound fidelity for less money?

Also, no exclusives on PC. So....

Sometimes it's easy.

Try replacing your equipment when something breaks. It's worth it in the long-run, especially if you sell your old equipment as you replace it.

Consoles haven't caught up, you need a proper cpu for 4K 60 fps. One X will only be able to do that in a handful of games.

This is not true. You don't need a CPU for higher resolution. 60fps? maybe. Depends on the game.

and what gpu will run 4k @ 60fps ????


Even if consoles have gotten to the point where they can rival the performance of a pc, it's still a piece of machinery that you have to return to the company or go to a repair store if something in it breaks.
The upside of building your own rig is that it is still cheaper, you get to choose the components in it and if something breaks, you can replace it yourself.

highest settings?
LOL bullshit

There r literally entire genres exclusive to pc. Exclusives mean "not all-encompassing". U r literally praising how u r not allowed to play a game, cuz u got the wrong console
stop trolling

If a game will sell on consoles,it goes to consoles, if not it stays on autistic pride machine.
There is nothing keeping games exclusive on PC. Xbox pays millions to get games you can only play on Xbox, as of recent they've taken PC gaming head on and lucky PC gamers are getting to play Xbox games as well, with Achievements and even crossplay with Xbox One.

I'd recommend ReCore!
Nintendo game! Metroid creator (also mega man creator), making perfect 1990s throw back game exclusive on Xbox/PC. Weapon upgrades and gadgets like Metroid, dungeon and exploration like Zelda, game is truly legendary.

>gaming PC

I can't take the PC guys seriously. You all have your heads up your assets.

Obviously, PCs are objectively better, but consoles are a few hundred bucks. Every six years or so. You can spend that on a single PC component that will end up obsolete in a year or two.

If you spent

They r trying to sell consoles
there r genres exclusive to pc, so pc wins technologocally and by software

In turn the games r more expensive on consoles

the 1X sucks

Like I said, the only reason games stay on PC and don't come to consoles is because consoles don't want them.

They actually go on sale quite frequently these days on consoles.
The only reason they sell them for so cheap on PC is to get retard pirates to support at least a minimal amount to the industry.
Most respectable gamers still buy and support games full price, because that's how the industry stays alive.

>mentions obsolete
>mfw the pro/1x consoles are already obsolete

Yea...... console dude just googled "best graphics card lul

It is the best graphics card.


There are enough reasons to buy yourself a PC. for example:

>Better graphics
Even if Publishers don't make games look nicer on PC very often, there are mods out there that make games like Skyrim, a 6 year old game that even for the time looked ugly, look comparable to current games.

On a PC you can customize almost everything. For example you can tone down the graphics if you need more fps for your game, you can change the input to a controller or whatever you want, you could even play cs:go on a dance dance revolution matt if you wanted. I would honestly buy a PC just to use a mouse and keyboard.

There are more than enough exclusives on PC. Even more than on any console. On PC you have E-Sports (LoL, Dota2, CS:GO, Starcraft 2, etc), strategy games (especially RTSs) and most importantly indie games (those 1700 games on steam consist mostly of indies). And microsoft announced that many xbox games will be portet to PC.

>No fees
Other than xbox gold or Playstation plus PCs have no service like that. Just free servers that aren't complete shit. So no fees for playing online.

>Social aspects
It's weird to say that on Sup Forums but on PC you can chat with friends and other people way more easy than on consoles and some people outside this website like features like that.
Plus LAN-Parties

The only major downsides I can see are:

For a decent gaming PC with peripherals and monitor you are at least going to spend 1000-2000 bucks whereas for a console with a TV and all the bullshit accesories you need you will pay less than 1000 bucks.

It's just faster to press a button on you playsation and sit on the couch than to start your PC, start Steam/Origin/BattleNet and then start the game.

extremely low quality bait