Heavy knocks on your door

>heavy knocks on your door
>you open up
>pic related at door
>"What's up white boi, I'm yo's family new bull, finna bust a nut in yo slutty mom

what do?

Close the door.

Go out for the night.

>are you the pizza guy
>(close the door)

Tell him to get a phone from the last 10 years.

Watching and busting a powerful nut



Tell him to go back to the cotton fields

Close door, get my pistol and wait for the nig nog to break in.

Ya don't got the stones to do it white boi

Hey yo this is my old friend Thompson, he will turn you into a gruyere before you can do that with my mom.

"I didn't know you liked necophilia"

Call the cops this is obviously a robbery


this is stupid

POP POP! Hope no one sees me gettin' freaky!

I'm nerdy in the extreme and whiter than sour cream
I was in AV club and Glee club and even the chess team!
Only question I ever thought was hard
Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?

so yeah I have a lot of guns.

Im not even suprised that first like 20 posters live home with their moms

I'll grab a shovel.the bull is going in the ground.its not his day but it's his last

punch him oin the throat and laugh my ass off this guy is a manlet im not scared of a small fucker like him

1. I don't live with my parents.
2. I wouldn't open the door for a random black dude, or any random dude in general.

Sure, come on in
> grab baseball bat behind door
> up side sambos head
> he sleep now
> drag him downstairs
> tie him up
> do sick things to him
> dispose of once bored

"Please cum in"


>Invite him inside
>Tell him my mother is upstairs
>Jokes on him
>Infected my mother with Hepatitis C and Meningitis and some other shit moments prior
>Nigger catches both diseases
>Race-Mixing mother dies
>Nigger dies

well, since my mom isn't a zoophilic, she won't fuck an ape.

ask him why he's travelled 500 miles away from my parents to my place just to tell me that.

ask him why hes speaking english since we're in the middle of germany

tell him to kindly fuck off

>Wonder why he's here when my mum lives several hours away
>Suck his dick so he's not disappointed
>Swallow like a good girl

Mum's in jail for running over a nigger....soooooo.....

> Dont look now pimpin... but da icecream truck jus passin wit dat new new kfc watermelon flava... shit is fo real
> DAMN.. it even got dem 24s and is that...
> yo thats ya runaway dad runnin it son!!
> Young Mr T, in tears, at this point turns about 540 as i close the door.

Beat the fucking shit outta him smash his fucking nuts and leave him tied to a pole in the middle of a highway.

You're at the wrong apartment. She lives about a hundred miles away and is an irritating overweight southern baptist.
Have fun with that.

Same procedure as every time: Glock 17.
Oh, no. Better take my Mossberg 590 result looks nicer.

>Remove Glock from holster
>Point at his face
>Squeeze trigger and continue until slide locks back
>Go to kitchen
>Begin preparing crudités and hors d'oeuvres for incoming SJW's

>Follow me, sir

Nekophila...? Your mom is a cat?

>invite in
>show way to the basement door
>she's in her nigger boy
>push that nigger down the stairs
>grab knife
>slit achilles tendons
>tie up
and now you got yourself a pet

throat punch. he threatened to rape my mom

to a white man no, but to a black boy...

I raff I roose

You picked wrong house, nigger! The Cajun KKK lives here!

let the poor negro boy in because i anit no racist

Easy let him in shoot him in the head for trespassing problem solved