Why were women so much hotter in the 80's?

Why were women so much hotter in the 80's?

Because they knew their place in society. Demure, and loved taking a dick.

Yourw either a troll, retarded, or have extremely bad taste sir.

Everyone here is a troll, retard

can't say I disagree with you mate. 80's girls are hot as fuck, 70's too actually.

Love that bush

Good example of why the shift from magazines to internet happened like it did.

I love the fact full womanly bushes were completely mainstream and considered normal back then.

Because they were actually women instead of transgender stand-ins like they are today.

the whores of the past were different than the whores of today. It's the attitude. The whores of the past weren't cunts or stuck up bitches. They were nice wholesome people who had the self esteem to be able to be labeled a hot slut. Now it's girls with severe mental illnesses who can't string together a sentence and still think they are the greatest shit in the world. An example would be a Kardashian or a Jenner. Chicks with ZERO talent and a ton of plastic surgery that honestly think people think highly of them. When the exact opposite is true. 2ndposter had it correct. These chicks new they were women and that was OK.



I partially blame mainstream media for handpicking the most disgustingly generic-looking whores, paying them well, and letting them breed.

Hot girls with natural flaws killed themselves bc they felt rejected.

Blame the Jews.

Global warming is a lie

Less availability of seeing a lot of people and in their worser states (lack of mainstream internet).

People were more active back then. Less of a reason to stay at home and lounge around and get fatter. (lack of internet).

The internet can be blamed for a lot of good things, but it's making us lazier too. I love the internet, don't get me wrong. If we lived in an awesome time like the 80s, but had the technology of the now mid/late 2010s, that would be ideal.


I guess it was like evolution of the human race, artificially altered to give us garbage like beyonce and megan fox.


no plastic surgery








They age horribly.

I wouldn't use Tom Cruise as a valid example.
That's fucking stupid.

Am i the only one that thinks people looked "dryer" in the 80s and 90s?



Oiled up bodies probably gained more popularity later on.

How come?

has to do with the cameras mostly

Hairy pussy

me likey classy pics

if you mean their skin that probably has to do with the type of analog cameras that were used back then. I actually prefer the look of these analog pics to most digital camera pics.


Because they're all fat, now.


Gross fucking pubes.



you must be like 12

Because they were beautiful, and they tried to be the object of beauty.

80's girls
>Flowing hair
>Full lips
>Long legs
>Round hips
>Natural breasts

Modern girls
>Fucked up straighten/dyed/short dry hair
>Thin lips
>Wearing short pants at the hip that makes their torso look longer than their legs
>Wearing low riding underwear that cuts into the hips reducing the natural curves and instead makes a retarded dip in their hip bones
>All manner of fucked up ugly titties that people tell them are beautiful
>Piercings and tattoos
>Pounds of makeup that make them look like goddamn cartoons clowns

I could go on.

Isn't she the one who got her head blown off by her boyfriend and then they made a movie about it called Star 80?


Don't forget those beautiful bushes the 80s ladies rocked. I love it so much more than bald pussy or even landing strips.

this so much. I love the bushes these girls had.

Your right, but I left that more to personal opinion.

I think what gets me most is the low riding pants/underwear that cut into girls hips nowadays.


All this brings up another point.
Erectile Dysfunction isn't all men's fault.
Women are just not as hot as before.

they weren't, the soft light blurred out the glaring imperfections.


Professional photography, and the cost of film has a lot to do with it. Nowadays, everyone has a camera in their pockets, and we can take thousands of pictures... but do we? Photographers from the 80s and before would carefully set up lighting and scenery, the models would carefully do makeup and hair... there would be hundreds of photos taken, but most of them discarded in favor of the best.

There's something to be said for professionalism and skill.

holy shit



Also look at that hair, so much hotter.

i wish i was that Pepsi mug

alright guys I'm officially out of pics. someone else has to take over dumping hot 80's girls for now.




All of these pics are of real women. If you wouldn't fuck them because of a bush then ur a fag

Because pubes


Big hair and spandex.
8=====D ~ ~ ~ ~

What pepsi mug?
She's holding a cola bottle.





muh nostalgia



Why are girls scared to go for a bush? Just trim and keep it clean but have a little bush on top.




cause peer pressure, false conditioning that women should be hairless below their heads, and fear guys might reject them or find them gross (which probably still applies to the majority of retards out there)

Because your chance of finding a penis was significantly lower.

50s 60s 80s for me are hot af 90s can't compare

negro culture hadn't ruined everything yet

that's weird, the thumbnail doesn't match the pic at all


this thread is now a celeb aging thread

>Why were women so much hotter in the 80's?

Because they were stupid fucktoys and accepted that role.

What month/year playboy magazines are god tier

Happens sometimes if a pic was uploaded at the same time. Somebody else got a centerfold thumb on their anime post.

They just knew how to be women. They treated men like kings and men treated them like queens. It's ridiculous that women today are against that.





4 reasons:

1. 70's were the start of the fitness fad going mainstream. 80's were a full-on swing of this and bikinibodies were something all women strived for. Bikinibodies are basically the type where you are fit, and you have just enough fat in the right places, not too much and not too little. Refer to the differences between fashion models and bikini models.
2. The metal hair and short hair became things.
Coupled with hot bodies they somehow make women look feisty/amazonian and that's hot as fuck. Appeals to our primitive instincts.
3. More natural aesthetics. Women dropped makeup or rather started substituting with natural shit, and their beauty was showcased as natural. People ate more healthy then too.
Today, there is far more skin disease, malfunction, and misuse of makeup, than in the 80's. I theorize shitty eating habits and shitty food quality are part of it today, but i'm just scratching and don't know.
4. V-STRINGS, HIGH-STRING UNDERWEAR, TANLINES, etc. Women went to solariums far more frequently then and were way naughtier with undergarments.
Feminism started adopting sexual puritanism from Abrahamic religions in present times, so sexual liberation of the 60's-90's stopped and now women turned into goblins.

Yup, this kind of shit.


