Do you still trust the media???

Do you still trust the media???

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Lol if you're getting your news from a single source, you're a fool.

Also, people still read off dead trees?

>Also, people still read off dead trees?
Online news is pretty bad too


same paper, same dates, different editions. you know newspapers have morning and then updated evening editions, right? cause if you don't even know that simple fact you really have no place talking about what you clearly don't understand.

>opinion by two different authors aren't the exact same
wew lad

That's true. But that depends on the source, not the medium.


That is a pretty goodd info graphic. Concise and informative, I like it.

Washington post is owned by cia indirectly so no not a good graph if anything it subtly tricks younger people into believing these shit sources. Be cautious user I warn you cause I care for the future.

>I care for the future

> not putting INFOWARS in complex analytical garbage conspiracy theories

> Huffington Post that high on the list

Isn't this just a proof print or something? Don't know if big papers still/at all do this, but when I "worked" in that small editorial office we had something like this.
Usually for QC and any changes weren't that drastic, but still.




Everything in the middle skews liberal. Bad graphic.


> genuinely believes fox news is fair and balanced
> anything less is skew

They're different editions of the same paper, in the same city.

Not a frigging chance. I will not even let the cable guy into my house and I don't watch movies.

The only media I have is the internet.



when did i say that, of course fox isnt fair



I can't trust the media when they portray loafers so diffierently

More like this?

You have NBC, ABC, NYT, WaPo, and AP in the "best most trustworthy news sources" section? You really are a libtard.

This. None of the media can be trusted now days

I share your sentiments. Any source in that center column still needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis (as should be the case with any information you come across no matter the source). I am not American so I have access to a better more free media which makes things easier. My preferred sources are BBC, CBC, The National Post, The Glove and Mail and sometimes the Toronto Star. Most of all though I would never watch any kind of American TV news



America-liberating-Irak level deception, we know this one (and Melenchon is a dick).

Eugh, I do recognize that vaguely as what I'm supposed to believe but even then it would be pre-election. Personally I think these are professed positions and not real positions and as I said the election changed everything

Let's go from most to least dissapointing

Vox - A few articles that show real and transformative understanding of the issues are buried under a soft but constant snow drift of whiny articles about Donald Trump that prove even Vox's writers don't listen to Ezra Klein.

The Guardian - Taken over by feminazis, now one of the worst offenders in pretentious anti-male bait articles and Donald Trump has a penis whines.

Slate and The Atlantic - Same as Vox but the smart articles with conclusions like "calling conservatives rednecks and being smug all the time isn't helping leftist policy stop it if you claim to be smart" articles are getting axed before anyone sees them because they aren't run by Ezra Klein

CNN - What more needs to be said? Their partisan transformation into a leftwing shill whorehouse has been public, embarrassing and just generally loud as hell. What more beyond threatening a 15 year old and refusing to be told doing it was a bad idea because Trump retweeted his meme gif do you need to hear about them? They've already admitted it was for ratings and that tells me they were already on the way out and it has nothing to do with their politics, just their economic niche.

WSJ - Smeared pewdiepie because he literally has more fans than they do, went through every video pewds ever posted to find the maybe 4 edgy jokes he's ever made and attempted to seriously make the case he's a nazi. This backfired and his largely Gen Z fanbase is now sympathetic to Trump losing the left millions of future voting families...because a newspaper felt threatened by a swede in a beany.

BBC: UK equivalent to CNN

NPR: DID realize TDS is stupid after a few months but still run by increasingly vocal "feminists" who are losing narrative focus

pic related to pic related

well done


also its photoshopped

Of course it is! The format of the text on both is identical.

>the election cant be hacked
Is not opinion, it is stated as fact

plus "election hacked" covers a lot of ground.

Propaganda/"fake news", fiddling with voter rolls, or even adjusting vote counts.

I feel like people are often times talking about completely different subjects when they're busy arguing about whether something happened or not.

>Do you still trust the media???

Not for the past 40 years, no...

Meant to add, it's an opinion piece. It's his opinion that "presidential election can't be hacked" and you'll find a lot of other people with different opinions of that statement.

Convincing someone to vote a certain way, by honest means or via lies and shenanigans, is not "hacking"
If he directly interfered with the vote counts then it was hacked, thats literally it.


eye... actually agree with this. almost entirely.
huffington post should be a notch lower and further to the left. they're really are equal and opposite of foxnews, and therefore garbage.
npr/bbc is always the way to go.

they weren't put into different markets. they changed the headline later in the day after trump delivered a speech.

THis isn't an example of manipulative media. It's an example of the media trying to keep up with a bipolar president.

Wall Street journal is pretty on point. They had to change the headline during the printing run because of circumstances that changed. Papers went to the same markets.

High minded, opinionless "moderate" attempting to parse the world.
Nice try, media is corrupt, its all bullshit.

all i see is goatse

Slate. Vox, ect no far left.
This was made by one of those "moderates" who always vote for a leftist.

It's also wrong.

Slate and Vox as reputable, not horribly on the progressive side, and complex? They are clickbait factories for the extreme left. Your graphic is garbage.

That graphic is wrong of course. This must be what is considered "mainstream" in europe because most of those are far left.

The media has an extreme liberal bias.

HAHAHAHA slate and box are "still reputable.". How old is that graphic?

WAPO and Jew York times "legit news".
Sorry the last 6 months have disproven that.

nobody points out the ‘hail satan‘ symbol
>weakening the media in its role to critically look at the political landscape is part of the satanic cult

The conditioning's working.