Sup Sup Forums. So I've come into possession of two Xanax pills. Any recommendations of how/when to use them?

Sup Sup Forums. So I've come into possession of two Xanax pills. Any recommendations of how/when to use them?

Post a pic of them and how many mg are they? Also you can mix with alcohol to get the most out of them but it's easy to fuck up and blackout if you drink too much

Take them pound a 24oz and you will be straight. Warning I wouldn't drink more then that

timestamp with pic of pills or it didnt happen

plz be careful with xans and alcohol.

mg per pop would be nice to know for people to help ya out .. are they .25 like the pic ?

Beer and xanax cures the gay? Who would of thought.

op get the fuck back in this thread we need answers

OP here. Soz I was fapping. GOing to take pic now.

If you have a whole half milligram, take them both, relax for a nap, and wish you had more.


.5mg isn't gonna do shit.

Crush and snort them and maybe you'll feel something.

Alright here's a top and bottom view

Oh fuck I forgot the timestamp wait why the fuck do I need a timestamp? I'm not like a trap pretending to be a chick or whatever.

Aw fuck I didn't photo the label, fuck, off to take another photo with a timestamp then.

Dont listen to these people they are trying to make you overdose. just rub a half a pill crushed up under your tongue and let it dissolve.

Yeah that's your best bet but make sure you got some Pepsi or Coke because that shit is grosssss lol ahah


dafuq is there utorrent symbol

>Autism the post


Ok that's 1mg of xanax so you could dissolve both under your tongue and be fucked up. Or you could take them with 2-3 beers and be significantly more fucked up. Your call. Either way you'll be off the shits

Use it to take the anxiety off some edibles, the edge off some coke, or to cruise through a hangover. Using Xanax recreationally on it's own requires a baseline tolerance or it will just glue you to a sofa or knock you out.

>not pirating your drugs
step ur game up homie

Smart man right here ^


Hey, yet another Xanax thread... what gives?


I would save them before a job interview or if I cannot get to sleep.

I am not your doctor, nurse practitioner, yoga master, post man, etc.

This, if you take by themselves them at night it's likely that you'll fall asleep. When I drop acid sometimes I'll take kpins to clear my mind and get out of thought loops

Varies so much on the person. The guy I get xanax from sometimes is a daily user and has 20lbs on me, he only needs .5mg a day. I usually take 2mg and just chill till I fall asleep.
Wake up fully rested. Also I like to smoke some weed as well to take the edge off even more.

first time no tolerance just take one. take the other 45-60 min later if you ain't feeling it

the "barz" are all the rage amongst the youngsters nowadays. kinda fucked

it's "mi" which translates into the short for micrograms.
>b is full of autistic faggots